Chapter 12

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He left his room knowing you were asleep. Heading towards the training room. He knew that whenever Vegeta was annoyed, angry, stressed, anything pretty much. Vegeta needed to punch something to make him feel a bit more relaxed.

When Kakarot entered the room, he saw Vegeta punching Raditz. While another sayian was behind him. The other sayian attempted to kick Vegeta from behind. But all that happened was Vegeta grabbing his leg and breaking it. Throwing him to the door. "Pathetic." The prince spat.

Punching and kicking Raditz until he flew into the wall from one punch. Raditz grunted. He was annoyed that he was getting the shit end of the stick, but was use to this.

"Leave." The Prince demanded. Raditz left as well as the other sayian.

"I'm here to talk Vegeta." Kakarot said. Looking at Vegeta.

But all he did was get into a stance. "No." Then charged Kakarot wanting nothing more than to get his anger out.

Kakarot did nothing but block. "No Vegeta. You need to talk to Y/N."

Vegeta paused for a second closing his eyes for a moment focusing on you. When he opened them he growled and continued his assault towards Kakarot. "She is too weak!" He yelled.

Kakarot took a moment to an opening. "You need to talk to her. If she is to be queen then she needs to know."

Vegeta started to get even more angrier. He tried to punch Kakarot in the face but he ducked and finally punched Vegeta in the stomach hard enough to send him to the wall. Leaving the prince to take deep breathes and wince in pain slightly.

"Now stop being stupid and fix this. She's in my room sleeping because she did not want to be in yours." Then he left. Leaving Vegeta in his thoughts. He refused to see how worried you were for him. But Vegeta knew Kakarot was right.

Standing up then leaving the training room after getting dressed. He was determind to make you understand how dangerous this was. Vegeta would take care of the Frieza situation after he made you safe. Determind to kill whoever wanted you. To make sure you belonged to him.

Once he reached Kakarot' s room, Nappa stepped aside to let the mighty prince enter.

Once he stepped into the room he saw you asleep on the bed. Growling slightly of how another sayians scent would be on you. He did not say anything, just picked you up bridal style and carried you carefully back to his chamber to let you continue to rest. Once he placed you on the bed again, he put the covers over you and went to the bathroom. He needed to shower to get clean.

Once he showered himself he came back out into the room. Put on new armor and spandex then sat right by the edge of the bed (the side you were laying on). Gently shaking you. "Wake up " demanding softly.

Making a grunted noise and smacking his hand away. "No." Mumbling under your breathe. You were too exhausted to deal with him right now.

"Yes." He demanded a little more firmly and soon you again slapped it away.

"Vegeta. No." Then rolling over so your facing away from him. "Stupid." You mumble before falling back asleep.

Vegeta growled, finally fed up with you. "Wake up now Onna or I will-"

"Blast me away?" Opening your eyes slightly. Barely turning your head to look at him. "Not happening. Now let me rest. I had an exhausting day. We can talk tomorrow." Closing your eyes again.

"No." He said, now uncovering you.

"Noooo!" You whined. The warmth of the blanket leaving you.

"Get up." He demanded.

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