Chapter 32

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Vegeta flew back to the battle ground. Everyone had paused and looked at him in amazement. His power level was so high. His golden aura shining brightly around him. Vegeta was a sight to see. The prince standing tall, his pride high. This was it. Vegeta was going to kill Bronx. After all these years. This was the end for him.

"What's this? A shiny fucking bastard." The prince only smirked as he saw Bronx look at him with envy, hatred. Bronx wouldn't show it but he was angry that the prince achieved this.

"Now it is time to witness the power of the PRINCE OF ALL SAYIANS!" He roars as he charges up his power even more. Cracking the ground in the process of his power reaching new heights. Dust became to quickly cover the ground. All of the sayians, namekians, everyone that surrounded the prince, even Bronx himself had to shield there eyes. Digging there feet into the ground to ensure they wouldn't fall back.

Vegeta finished powering up. His aura stronger than ever. Giving Bronx a minute to compose himself, then teleporting right in front of him. Sending a punch straight to his jaw. Bronx went flying through the air, smashing into a further mountain breaking it before he fell from the sky, falling into the ground.

Vegeta flew after him. Landing a little away from Bronx approaching slowly. "I warned you." Vegeta growled out. His steps closing in on Bronx slowly as he laid there. Barely moving. "Never to return. Never to go against your prince. Yet you still challenged me." Forming fist by his sides. "Yet those are not the worse. You touched my mate..."clenching his jaw and fist even more if possibly. "You took her! This is the end for you!" He yelled at Bronx finally stopping at the feet of Bronx who was now fighting to sit up.

Bronx took a couple deep breathes. "Not for me." He barely managed to say. Just as Vegeta extended his arm out readying an attack, Bronx jumped up at the moment pushing his arm aside so he blew up the ground instead of the traitor. Bronx then punched him as hard as he could in Vegeta face, but it barely even moved. It shocked Bronx. Bronx just stood there for a moment. Not understanding how he was this strong. He has worked years for revenge and then all of a sudden the prince was able to achieve this form in less than an hour.

Vegeta had an emotionless face. Just glaring at Bronx. "Such a panic weakling." Vegeta spat as he punched Bronx stomach, make him bend over in pain. Then falling over onto his knees holding his stomach.

"How did you achieve this!" Bronx demanded to know if he was going to try, he was going to achieve this.

The prince chuckled and kicked him, sending him to the ground skimming around it. Then stopping a couple feet away.

"That's a secret I plan to keep."

Bronx opened his eyes. Glaring at Vegeta. Standing up slowly. Taking deep breathe. "I didn't come all the way here just to let you kill me." He growled out as Vegeta watched his every move.

"Well that is what is going to happen." He extended his arm out once more charging an attack. Then blasting it at him. The attack went straight through his chest. Making Bronx go wide eye.  Gasping for air but he finally let out a breathe of air and callopsed onto the floor.

Vegeta looked at his long time rival. He was finally done. For good. Vegeta turned around and flew back to the castle.

Once he landed it seemed the fight was coming to an end. With Vegeta's return and no more Bronx most of the enemy's army gave up. Retreating and leaving the planet. Once everything outside the castle was undercontrol Vegeta headed inside the castle. Heading to the infirmary. Once he entered he saw ChiChi stiching up your leg. You were in complete shock as Kakarot was behind you holding you up.

"What happened." Vegeta demanded to know seeing you completely shocked.

You looked at him unable to speak.

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