Chapter Two

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What the Fuck! Crazy bitch nearly ran me over. My shock at seeing her was still not over. God how many years has it been...too many and I still felt a pull towards her. The fact that she was angry at me didn't deter from her beauty. Her black hair which I have always admired and her beautiful hazel eyes were still the same. She was always a waif of a thing but now her body was fuller more womanly. Ahhh I inwardly groan. The infuriating woman had left me heart broken and I am still at lost for words at what I am feeling now.

Turning around I went to lock up my newly bought shop. I crossed over to the building that kara had ran into and tried to peek through the blinds but they were drawn. Reading the sign above the doorway I gave an inward smile. She was always a dreamer as a Kid and she had finally pursued it. Good for her. Stop,I was doing it again. Turning around I cross the street to my parked car.

Arriving home I got out and closed the door with a loud bang. Walking up my driveway I mentally start counting. Bingo, Mrs carter's curtains started to twitch. I gave her a wave even though I could not see her, the curtains instantly stopped twitching. Smiling inwardly I made my way inside.

The busy body lived on gossip,I knew first hand as she had made her own assumptions about me either being gay or mentally unstable. Why else would a man my age be still single. Every once in a while I throw loud parties just to annoy her. What? Gotta keep the old biddy entertained.

I made my way to the bathroom, stripping down I stepped into the shower letting the warm water wash away the stress and worries of today. My mind drifted to my earlier encounter with Kara. My stomach tightened when I thought about her. She always had that effect on me. I thought time was a healer but that was bullshit. Even after all these years the sight of her unexpectedly had me in turmoil.

Even her scar beneath her bottom lip was still the same. She was riding on her bike when she was twelve and I was playing basketball with my friends when I saw her go off the path and collide into a tree, a jagged branch had scraped her chin. I had tried to help her but I thought she was more embarrassed than hurt. Her friend janine had turned to me and said. ''Thank you Tony I think you have done enough!'' glaring at me , Kara had elbowed her viciously turning a shade of red. I had thought nothing of it at that time,.

We gradually became friends for she was the kid sister of Matt my best friend. I would be down their house most of the time and she would spend saturdays watching movies with us. Over a period of time as she grew older I started to distance myself from her. The more older she got the harder it got for me. She was no longer Matt's kid sister, she was becoming a stunning girl that had more than her fair share of admirers. Shit I was doing it again.

Angrily I turned of the shower abruptly for I did not like where my thoughts were leading me. Quickly drying myself I slipped on a pair of loose shorts and made my way straight to bed. I was so tired from today and couldn't be bothered to eat. Sleep came quickly but images of a hazel eyed , black haired beauty with a sexy scar invaded my dreams throughout the night.

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