Chapter Six

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My blood was boiling as I quickly made my way to the shop. Many thoughts were running through my head at the moment and I felt that I was going to burst a blood vessel if I didn't calm down soon. I never in my life have been surprised or shocked at anything but this just took the fucking trophy.

How could she keep something like this from me. Hate was a very strong word but right at this moment I only felt intense hatred towards Kara fucking Lily King. The years I yearned for her..all those years of blaming myself and torturing myself whilst she had kept such a secret from me.

My God I was a father. The moment I saw the boy and girl I knew without a shadow of a doubt that they were mine. The eyes. The skin complexion and those damn dimples that the bitch Kara was fascinated with were living proof that those kids are mine.

I don't know how to take it all in. I always wanted to be a father to a bunch of children. Mines and karas children that is, always. I was feeling ecstatic on one hand but so angry on the other. My anger was more in favour at the moment. I mean come on I have been a father all this time and had been denied this for almost Nine years.

Goddammit, that woman somehow never ceases to amaze or surprise me. Why? Why?Why? Would she keep something this big from me. I mean the way she left has always been a mystery to me but this, surely she could have informed during the period of time she was a way that I had become a father. To think i have missed out on so much. Well that selfish bitch is going to answer every single question that I throw at her and this time i will make damn sure that she doesn't run off until she has answered every single one of them.

To say that my life has been turned upside down is the biggest understatement of the year, but somehow I don't see myself fazed by this new development. In fact I can't stop thinking about the children across the street. My children. Damn, my hearts flutter at the thought. I am going to do whatever it takes to make up for lost time. For Tony Mitchell maybe a lot of things but I am never one to shy away from my responsibilities.

Looking out my window I see that the cafe is opening up for business. I decide to just sit there and look to see if I can catch a glimpse of my children. Damn, My children, Still need to process that fully but I can't help smiling when I see that they have come out to set the tables and chairs outside. You can tell that they have a close bond, They look so insync with one another. They are perfect. Beautiful. Apart from their hair colour they definitely have all my traits. Smirking to myself I can't help but be pleased at that for I remember that Kara always stated the children would take after her for she thought her genes were going to be dominant.

I wanted them in my life. I deserved it and as their father I have a right. I have been denied enough. With my mind made up I got up and with one final look I threw myself into my work.

This will keep me sane until the time comes when I start the ball rolling.

Kara Lily here I come.Ready or not.

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