Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hey guys, I have decided to continue with Karas point of view from the past. Just a last minute decision but it will give more clarity to her decision. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

Kind Regards



Two weeks later


I am at lost. I don't know what to do. All I seem to have been doing lately is crying non stop .My heart is bleeding my body is hurting. My hormones are all over the place and its making me extra sensitive these days. My bedroom has become my sanctuary.

Mom and Matt are worried. I can't even tell them the truth. They would be devastated for they to love Tony. Matt has been trying to get in contact with him but it has been unsuccessful. He has gone down in person to Tony's house but no such luck as there is no one there when he knocks.

Sometimes I wish ignorance would have been bliss. If only I had just drove past and not seen them. If only I could erased that day, but I bitch slap myself mentally and give myself a stern telling off. I need to woman up. I refuse to be a victim and be like those pathetic woman who can’t live a day without their fellow man. Actually at the moment I am that  silly pathetic woman who wants nothing but her mans arms around her. I blame it on the hormones to console myself.

Two weeks.No contact. This is very out of character for Tony. I know there is more to this but I’m afraid if I pursue it, then I will not like what I discover. I don't think I can take it if my assumptions are true. I want to trust him, give him the benefit of the doubt. I want him to explain himself.

After a hour of finally torturing myself I decided that enough was enough and just go and confront him. Just get it over with it. The way I'm going I know it's not good for me and especially my baby. The physical toll not to mention the mental toll it's taking on my body. My baby deserved better, so with that settled I went to get ready.

Making my way downstairs I quickly walked straight out the door. I was on a mission and if I see mom then she would not let me go. She has become suspicious of me lately. The rushing to the bathroom and the nightly toilet runs but she has kept quite so far. She deserved an explanation but I'm waiting for the right moment. I'm dreading the look of disappointment in her eyes to tell you the truth, and boy is she in for a treat.

Getting into my car, I started up. I made my way to Tony's. The drive wasn't long but it was just enough time to strengthen my resolve and to not chicken out. Come on I’m my mother's daughter, if she can handle juggling us two kids and being both mother and father to us both then I'm certainly going to do the same. If it came to that I was more than ready. But I still needed answers to move on.

Pulling up I noticed that his parents car were not in the driveway, slightly relieved that I will be not facing them under these circumstances. I made my way up the path and knocked on his door. I waited and knocked again. Still no answer. I fished my keys out of the bag and found the one Tony has given a few days before we got married. He wanted me to come in without ringing the door like I normally do. His wife would need a key to their temporary marital home he joked.

I blinked away my tears at the memory and turned the key to let myself in. The home is always immaculate. Almost as if no one lives there. Tony parents are always working so it hardly seems that their house is lived in. That's why Tony loves the cosy and loving home that we have.

Looking around I realised that downstairs is empty so I decided to make my way upstairs to Tony's bedroom. I don't know what to expect my my stomach clenches and my palms are sweaty. Call it sixth sense but I’m starting to have a horrible feeling. Swallowing hard I open the door quietly. What I see shatters my heart into a million pieces.

I stifle a gasp and cover my mouth. My vision starts to blur with my tears but I don't think I will ever forget what I’m seeing in front of me. For there is Tony and Gina. They are sound asleep. Tony is lying on his side spooned against Gina. His arms are around her posessively and she is holding both of his arms tightly in her sleep. The bitch finally got what she wanted. They looked so perfect together. So peaceful.

Tony was beginning to stir and I froze. I could hear Gina whimper something which resulted in Tony rocking her gently. What he said next was the last straw. For even in his sleep I couldn't mistake his spoken words.

‘’Its ok. Im here. Im here. I'm going nowhere. Shhh’’

Taking one last look at him, I turned around and closed the door gently. I made my way out of the house on autopilot. Getting in to my car I finally let go. I cried like I've never cried before. My heart was hurting and I just wanted to rip it out and throw it away. I cried until there was no tears left.

Then I looked at myself in the rear view mirror and slapped myself a few times. The stinging of the slaps helped to clear my brain a little.

Right on that spot. Right outside his home I vowed to myself. I vowed that I would never, ever let anyone hurt me like this again. I promised that I would do whatever it takes to get over this , if not for my sake then definitely for the sake of my unborn child. Yes this child was mine and I would not let Tony a baby murderer and a cheater anywhere near it.

For it all made sense. The abortion clinic. Him and Gina after when they got home, her crying about not keeping the baby. Yeah they can fuck each other without protection, but an innocent being had to suffer the consequences. Well I'm going to keep my baby and I'm so glad that Tony bloody Mitchell doesn't know about it. Oh my God what if he persuaded me to abort my baby.

No!No!No! Never. I'm going to make a new life with my baby. Start fresh, away from all this heartbreak. Yes this means that I will have to leave, go someplace else, but I'm more than willing to pay the price for the safety of my growing child.

Mind made up, rubbing my hand possessively over my tummy I started the car. Right from this moment I promised to put the past behind me. Leaving my hometown and my loved ones is the sacrifice I'm willing to make for my baby. It will all be worth it. I knew this for certain.

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