Chapter Eight

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What the fuck. I felt the sting of the slap but I was not fazed, damn I didn't know wether to be angry or turned on, at the moment the latter was winning. Before she could do it again, for this is Kara fucking Lily and she didn't do things by half I grabbed hold of her hands and pushed my body into hers so they was no room for movement.

''Let me go you bastard! Get off me!'' she cried out, struggling with all her might, damn woman was making my situation worse, I could feel her body flush against mine. Dammit, she stilled when she realised my body's reactions to hers and just stopped and looked up at me.

I swallowed hard as our breaths mingled together. I couldn't help staring, all these years and I still felt the same. I should hate her, hurt her, get my own back but I knew I said what I said so I could get this reaction from her. I was desperate to feel her in my arms again and it worked. My eyes travelled over her face until it stopped at her scar. I raised one of my hand and caressed it with my thumb. It had not healed well and it left a slightly raised bump of skin but damn I found it sexy as hell.

Before I knew what I was doing I dipped my head and kissed her on the scar. I heard her intake of breath and her body trembled. I looked back up and couldn't help smiling with satisfaction. It seems that she felt it to, before I could take it further she pushed me away with all her might.

''How dare you! How dare you touch me as if nothing has happened!'' I saw tears forming in beautiful eyes and I cursed myself inwardly for doing what I did. However I had to put up a front so she couldn't see that she was affecting me .

''Honey, a few seconds more and we would have more than just touching.'' I replied cockly raising my eyebrows to proof the point. She came straight for me and was about to slap me again but I caught her hand and then the other.

''Now you don't have to use violence as an excuse to touch me babe. Just say It and I'm all yours. The one thing that we both can't deny Kara is this...''

Before she could react I crushed my lips against hers. Damn I missed her. Her lips was closed but I forced them open with my tongue. She struggled for a few seconds then her arms were around me ,leaning her body into mine. That's all I needed, I devoured her mouth. I put all those missed years into that kiss. Her reaction was my undoing . This was never an issue between us. This was always something we had. She could deny me many things but this she never could. It was to overwhelming, to intense. The want was like a drug.

The knocking of the door brought us back to reality and before I knew it she ripped herself away from me. Her eyes was shining and her lips was red from our kissing but damn I wanted to pull her back in my arms. I took a step towards her but she put up a shaky hand.

''Stop. Please. That wasn't supposed to happen''. She Adjusted her dress and pat her hair into place. Avoiding eye contact with me she went to open the door to see her employee Jasmine outside. Without a backward glance she walked out.

Damn. I ran my hands threw my hair. Shit. I was supposed to be seeking answers, getting her to tell me everything. But like always when it came to Kara fucking Lily King my brain wanted one thing and my heart another. Pussy whipped came into mind. Suppose I was, only when it came to her.

I wasn't going to go through with my threats. I would never do that to her, to our children. But I do want her to tell me everything thing. I have always been a patient man when it comes to her. Damn if she didn't showed me how she felt all those years ago I would still be waiting for her like a love sick puppy. Sometimes I think she has more balls than me. Yep, definetly pussy whipped, for what normal, sane man would admit that.

I walked out of the room and made my way towards the exit, scanning the room one more time I saw Kara attending to a group of moms with their babies, sensing me staring she looked up and quickly looked back away. The woman in the group just kept staring. Tilting my head towards them I gave them my best killer smile and walked out.

Kara Lily King had just made things interesting. Her reaction was all I needed. That means the feelings are still there. That means that I definitely needed to get to the bottom of her leaving me . I wanted answers but I knew the only way I would get them is to take things slow, very slow. Like I said when it comes to her I can be patient and I'm hoping that it pays off.

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