Chapter Ten

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The past..almost nine years ago.


School was over and summer was our to take. I woke up feeling giddy with excitement. I had made arrangements with Tony for the day. Oh sorry let me rephrase that, My husband Tony. Yep we had eloped a couple of months ago. We had a beautiful intimate ceremony, just the two of us and of course Janine and her brother as witnesses. Call us crazy but it was spur of the moment and we didn't think we would actually go through with it . But we did and It was one of the best days of my life.

After freshening up I made my way downstairs and almost gagged at the smell that was emanating from the kitchen. Mom was making her all out breakfast for Matt, Tony and I. Normally I would be the first one at the table scoffing everything down but today I felt nauseous. In fact lately I have being feeling quite off. I think I'm maybe coming down with something.

I made my way to the kitchen regardless and hugged mom from behind, breathing her scent in. she has a unique smell than I can only describe as comfort and home. God I love this woman. I so wanted her to be at the ceremony but we decided that in a couple of years we would renew our vows. Two birds one stone and Mom will get to see her little girl get married.

Morning darling! How's my beautiful baby today?'' Mom continued with flipping the pancakes.

''Well , last I checked your baby turned Eighteen a few months back and she is doing great''. I kissed her cheek and turned around to sit at the table. Matt was finally stirring and Tony had yet to make an appearance. The butterflies in my stomach are practically having a party. Acting like a normal couple or keeping up appearances is really hard for all we seem to be doing is jumping each other at every opportunity. However I will never forget our first night together as a married couple. He had made it perfect. Memorable and I still turn crimson when I think about it. Shit getting horny in front of mom is a no,no.

I was relieved when Matt finally joined us. He to went and hugged Mom the same way I did. Mom looked like a little dwarf as he towered over her. She saw a lot of our father in him. Its bittersweet for dad was her first love. But she thanked God that the similarities only ended at their likeness for Matt had a totally different personality than dad. He wasn't a selfish dickehead for one, but I kept that opinion to myself.

''Matt! Have you heard from Tony''. I asked him, whilst playing with the food on my plate. What the hell is wrong with me. Even mom is giving me looks as if to say go on eat something. For her sake I nibble on some toast minus the coffee. Uhh I feel like gagging at the smell which is so strange as I normally drink the stuff by the gallons no exaggerating.

''Uh no.I haven't, Why?'' Matt replied whilst scoffing down as much food as he can. I don't know how we do it but both of us are foodies and God had blessed us with a good metabolism or else we both would be fucking huge. Thank You daddy. I said sarcastically mentally.

''Kara! the matter? Why are you not eating''? Mom questions me worriedly.

Mom thinks that if we don't ask for third or fourth servings then she starts to worries about her kids dying of starvation. God did I say that I love that woman. Well I do. She is the best and I would be lost without her. My useless father may he rot with his stupid bimbo for he is not worthy of the dirt on her shoes.

''Im ok mom. I just feel rubbish so I going to the doc for a quick check up''.It maybe just a bug or something''. I squeezed her hand to reassure her. She always worries about me and Matt.

Tony still was a no show. So I helped mom clear away. Matt was on going to spend the day with his girlfriend. Ahh young love. I smiled to myself and fingered the ring I kept around a chain on my neck. It was a simple small solitaire that Tony had purchased from the pawn shop but to me it was a token of our love. Something that I will always cherish. He promised to get me a better and bigger one day. But I wore it with pride when we were united as man and wife.

Two hours later.

Oh my God. Oh my god. Pregnant. I was in shock. When the doc told me I just sat there staring at her as if she had grown an extra head. Ok I mean I'm not stupid. Me and Tony have being intimate a lot and I mean a lot. The honeymoon phase is not over even though we have not had an actual honeymoon if you know what I mean, but we have always been careful.

How? Well they say no protection is a hundred percent but what are the chances eh? I mean yes children with Tony is a dream come true but that was to be in another few years. We still had college and university to go to. This was going to be hard but I have already made my mind up about keeping the baby and I think Tony would be happy to. He is an only child and practically grew up with me and Matt. Preferring our house more than his own what with both of his parents working non stop.

Once I have accepted this I find myself happy with excitement. I rub my tummy and I'm already thinking about the little life that is growing there. I'm seven weeks. Our baby is growing day by day and I can't wait to tell Tony. I get into my car and turn right to tony's. I haven't seen him all morning which is strange as he always come round for breakfast but he must have decided to spend it with his parents.

I go past the library and the family restaurant on the main road and I'm just about to go past the clinic for young women when I stop the car in shock. For there across the street is Tony who has got his arms around Gina Stone and they're are coming out of the clinic and walking towards his car.

The family clinic for young mom is no ordinary clinic. It's a place where young woman go to be checked for stds and it gives advice about health and care. It's also a place where woman go to have an abortion. What Tony was doing there with Gina was making my head spin.

I felt like throwing up. Why? Why? Why?

Why is was he there with Gina of all people. Gina who have made it clear to me from day one that she wants Tony. She has always been in competition with me for Tonys affections . The slut practically throws herself at him at any given occasion. He knows this. He knows I hate her, that I feel threatened by her. I mean who wouldn't if you were a five foot eight amazonian queen. With blond hair up to her ass and legs for miles. Her come hither eyes have many boys wetting themselves by just looking at her. Tony finds it amusing. He says that she's a friend, but she is like a snake waiting to strike.

I see them drive off and I follow him. I am not ashamed in doing this for I need to know what he's doing with her of all people and why they have just come out of that clinic together. My stomach is in turmoil and I feel like retching but I continue following them. It's not long that I see Tony taking a right into his street. He parks his car outside his home and helps Gina out the car. She is clutching her Stomach and he helps her up the drive. They enter his home together. I feel like I can't breath. What the hell is Gina Stone doing in Tony's house.

Without waiting to think I stepped out of the house and I march to Tony's house. I am about to bang on the door when I think better of it and decide to go around the back. However I stop midway for I see that Tony and Gina are sitting by the pool. She is wrapped in his arms and is crying. She is mumbling something and Tony is rubbing her arms as if to keep her warm.

I decide to tiptoe closer so I can hear what they are saying. I stop and wait and what I hear has my world crashing down around me. I cant breath , I can't move. I just stand there still as a statue and keep hearing the words gina is crying again and again like a broken record.

''I couldn't keep the baby. I couldn't keep the baby.I couldn't keep the baby.''....



Woah That was a long one. I hope you now get to understand the story a bit more and why the love hate between Tony and Kara. Please don't forget to vote or comment.

Kind Regards


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