Chapter Four

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Making my way to the shop I looked over to Karas cafe to find it closed. Looking at my watch I saw that it was seven, to early to be open, Not that I would get a cup of coffee there as it was a woman's cafe after all. I found it interesting that she had decided to just have a cafe that catered to women's only but knowing her she probably knew what she was doing for she always was an ambitious and smart thinker.

The irony was that this women had left me almost nine years a go and here fate has slammed us together again.. I was in two minds. I wanted some answers from her but I also didn't want nothing to do with her. I will not give her the satisfaction of breaking me again.

Letting myself into the shop I threw myself into cleaning up. It was an old building so it would need a lot of work done, replastering,rewiring electrics, new windows, new doors but I was up for the challenge. Hard work always pays off and I knew I needed to keep my mind busy.

A couple of hours later I was happy with what I had accomplished. Grabbing my wallet I decided to grab myself something to eat, I looked across to see that Karas cafe was open for business. Before I knew it I had crossed over and was inside the shop

I don't know what possessed me, Its seems my mind was saying one thing and my heart something else. This women always had this hold on me. Like the pathetic man I was ,during the whole nine years there has been no one else.

Sure I did go on a few dates but nothing sexual. That was a relationship that me and my right hand kept to itself. Yep celibacy for nine years was a probably a world record maybe somewhere around the whole globe.

But I believed in vows. The vows that me and kara made all the years ago is something that I still withheld on my end. Yep, folks Kara fucking Lily king is my wife.

The wife who left me all those years ago. The wife who in my own pathetic way had hoped to return to me on day with an explanation. The wife who had spoiled me for other women for the bitch had my heart all those years ago and still held it in her grasp.

I wanted answers today. I wanted to finally move on. So I looked around to find her behind the counter. Her hair was up in a messy bun atop her head, a few strands had come loose and settled either side of her beautiful face. My gut clenched. My eyes travelled over her body. Damn she had become fuller over the years, curves in all the right places.

She wasn't alone. My ogling of her had got me distracted. She had two children that had their back towards me helping her arrange cupcakes. Before I could make my presence known she turned around and her eyes widened in shock then fear. She looked at me and paled, the children sensed it and they to turned around.

Now It was my turn to be totally shocked. I felt that someone had sucker punched me. Starring between their faces, the children who could have being no more than eight or nine, I couldn't speak. Many questions raced through my mind. Questions that just got stuck in my throat. The children looked up at Kara and then me. Both then looked at each other, then back at me.

Without taking their eyes of me, the girl spoke up. ''Mom! Who is this man? And why does he look like me and Felix?''

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