Chapter Thirteen

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The week away was just what I needed. Mr and Mrs Blundells cottage in the quaint french countryside was something out of a fairytale. The children fell in love with the place at first sight. Mom and the elderly couple became inseparable. The lovely memories that we created will forever be cherished not to mention the gazillion photos that the twins took. Leaving was the most hardest thing ever. Mr Blundell was impossible to console. I had to promise him a thousand times that we would come again and soon.

Now back to reality. I woke up on a sunday morning to my kids jumping all over my bed. The little monsters did this on purpose so I could let them snooze with me for an hour or so. I settled with them on either side and in no time at all they dozed off. Lazy Sunday was the best day ever.

Just me and my beautiful children. God, I wanted them to stay like this forever. I hated the thought of them growing up fast. Soon it will be their ninth birthday. Where did the time go. I kissed them both equally and enjoyed the moment. Thanking God for being blessed.

A few hours later and we were ready to head out to moms. Today Matt and his family would be coming down for our usual get together. Mom loved these family gatherings. She would go all out. She spoilt her grandkids rotten and in return she would be rewarded with hugs and kisses from each and everyone. The kids loved their granny and mom loved them all back equally if not more than Matt and I we sometime joke.

Matt had already arrived, running around after his kids whilst Milly was waddling around helping Mom in the kitchen. I could hear Mom giving her a stern warning to back off and sit down for she was tiring herself out. This time Milly was as huge as a house. The poor woman was only a tiny thing to begin with but this fourth child of hers has practically taken over her whole body.

Greeting her and mom I went to help Matt with the other tiny terrors. He looked up at me and beckoned me to sit next to him. Once settled he put his arm around me. God, I loved my brother. We have a year difference between us and we're ever so close. Well we had to be. Dad leaving and Mom working we practically had to look out for each other from day one. I wouldn't have it any other way.

''How you doing sis? How's business at the cafe? He asked whilst getting his little one of the table.

''Not bad. The cafe is doing very well. We have being busy non stop''. I smiled at my nephew who decided to climb up the table again.

Matt was giving me a look I knew to well. He wanted to ask something but he was thinking it over first. Shit. I know where this is going. His going to ask about Tony. I guess he must know his here. It's a small community and news travel fast about anything and everything. People have nothing better than to gossip.

''Talk to me Kara!'' He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

''About what dear brother. The cafe, the children or the weather''.I joked.

''Seriously. I just want the truth or else I'm going to give Tony another hiding.''

''What?''. I sprang off the sofa. Did I just hear him right.

''Another hiding and Tony. Why? Why would you do that?'' I did not like where this was going at all.

''Kara. I saw him the other day. I heard he had moved but what I didn't realised that the shithead just lives a few blocks away from me.'' Matt face changed and he was clenching his fists. My brother wasn't a violent man. But never underestimate him. He can turn from a gentle giant to any angry beast within seconds. Another one of daddy dearest blessed traits. But why would he react this way unless.....

''Yes. I know. His bought the shop opposite the cafe. Mr blundells old shoe shop.

We've spoken a few times.'' Not mentioning our heated kiss.

Matt seem surprised at this revelation. He looked at me questioningly. I did not expect what he wanted me to say but the look he was giving me is the old look from when we were growing up. The young lady explain yourself or else I'm telling mom look.

Rolling my eyes I scoffed at him. ''Really! I think that look has lost its power about a decade ago''.

Smirking he opened his mouth and still staring at me was about to form the word Mom when I quickly shushed him. Wacking his head in the process. Yep, It still worked. Stupid idiot, he knew it would.

''Well! Would do you want me to stay. I was more shocked than you believe me.'' I sat opposite him.

''I want you to finally tell me the truth. This going away to france for a week. Why? Why now?''

''Matt I needed to go. I deserved a break , Mom and the kids loved it there.'' I knew my answer would not deter him.

Shaking his head he was not satisfied with my answer. ''Listen Kara. I love you. I don't want you thinking that you can't talk to me. It hurts when you do. I'll 'always be here sis. So please, talk to me. It's time don't you think?''

Sighing I cracked my knuckles, a nervous habit of mine. I looked at him. Yes, my brother has always had my back. He never judged or questioned just always loyal and supportive. So taking a deep breath I told him everything. I left nothing out.

When I was finished he just got up and crouched down in front me, holding my hands. He saw the tears in my eyes and wiped a few that had escaped. For some reason he was taking this very well. I thought he would be out for Tony's blood. But he was calm as can be. That didn't sit well with me though. I knew it was the calm before the storm. But maybe I'm wrong.

''Thank You. I know it was your story to tell. I waited all this time for you to tell it. I love you sis.

I'm here for you no matter what'. With that he hugged me close and somehow in that moment the hurt of the past disappeared and my brother's arm provided me with the comfort and support I needed.

The rest of the day went beautifully. Mom had outdone herself again. She was happy and it showed in everything that she prepared. I was happy that I had finally shared my burden with Matt. It had lighten the load and I knew he wanted to hear it from me. Milly at the moment was having a foot massage by her ever doting husband. To think this giant of a man was practically wrapped around her little finger. Sighing I enjoyed every single aspect of it, happy in the moment.

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