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I awake to the sound of my children jumping and squealing all over me. I smiled at them groggily and sigh tiredly. Kids will be kids I say to myself happily. I give them both a hug and kiss each and settle them on either side of me. We're just about to dose of for it is lazy sunday when we are interrupted by baby babble and excited clapping of small hands. I could hear a deep voice gently shushing the baby but the little clapping grows louder.

I open my eyes and my heart clenches at the sight. Tony is holding our beautiful eight month old daughter Fifi ,with his hair disheveled, topless and in only his sweatpants. God that man is beautiful even if he looked like shit. He was awake to tend to our baby through out the night. In fact he insisted that he takes over all nights feeds and lets me sleep. He says he missed out on a everything with the twins and wants to be hands on with Fifi.

He looks at me in return. Smiling at the kids who are wide and awake and pounce on him and their sister.

''Woah,Woah. Watch the baby kids!'' he cries dramatically. A twinkle in his eyes as he looks at me.

''Oh dad. Can I please hold her?''Flora shouts with her arms outstretched.

''No Dad. Give her to me. I want to hold her.''Felix pushes Flora to the side.

Tony looks at both of his children in turn. Then he looks at me and I know he will find a solution that will work out in both of the twins favour.

''Well. How about I put her in your room and you both can look after her for a while.'' He turns around and makes his way to the twins room. They follow him without argument. Well that's settled. I feel a sense of happiness over wash me. I never thought I would be this happy. When I think about what me and Tony had been through to reach this moment ,I just know it has all been worth it.

Nothing beats this. The children, Their father. Felix and Flora fell in love with Tony within a week. Tony was more nervous than anything else. However the moment they got to know each other it was like he had always been a part of their lives. Seeing them all together I cannot help the overwhelming sense of love I feel. They are so alike. Fifi to has got her father's eyes. I'm surrounded by the intense colour when I look at each and everyone of them

I see Tony enter our bedroom and shut the door, keeping it slightly ajar so we can hear the children. They seem utterly happy what with the noises emanating from the room. Fifi has got everyone wrapped around her pudgy little fingers.

Tony comes over to me and I can tell by just looking at him that he is up to something. My stomach flutters and I bite back a moan. I know that look very well. No matter how exhausted I'll be my body reaction to that man is always instant. He knows it. Smug bastard.

''Well good morning beautiful''. He slips into bed and wraps his arms around me snuggling his face into the crook of my neck. I turn to give him better access and hug him back instinctively. We stay that way for a while, content in the moment. However soon enough he starts to nibble my neck and bites my ear playfully.

''Tony! The children can walk'.....I gasp as he bites down on my exposed shoulder.

''The children are fine, I bribed them to stay in their room for at least half and hour''.He replies gruffly, clearly aroused.

I chuckled. Tony the negotiator. Bribing the children mostly consisted off going to the cinemas and then to the ice cream shop after. What the children didn't realised that Tony enjoyed spending every minute with them and he always got the better end of the deal. He even goes as far as taking Fifi to moms house so I can get a few hours to myself. I really appreciate those hours and I love more for being so considerate and caring.

''Well then Mister. I guess we should make the most of it ,shouldn't we?. ...''

I didn't get to finish as he practically pounced on me and kissed me. My response was instant as usual. His touch alone makes me wild but his mouth. That man can do things with his mouth that's makes me blush just by thinking about. My responses are heightened by my sensitive body. Every touch of his hand and the hotness of his kisses has me already there.

When our love making is over I turn and look at Tony, he to is laying on his side and returns the look. His face is flushed and his eyes are shining. Those beautiful eyes that I can never get enough off. He trails a finger down my cheek until he reaches my scar. He rubs his thumb back and forth over it again and again. He loves doing that.

''Tony. I'm pregnant. I blurt out.'' Waiting for his reaction nervously.

''I know Kara.

''How could you know wh...''

''Your body Kara. It responds differently. Your more aware, more sensitive and damn I find that very sexy woman, even the way you moan....''

I put my hand across his mouth,blushing a crimson red. The butterflies in my stomach are having a wild party. This man never seizes to amaze me. I thought With Fifi barely a year old he would be a bit wary of having another child so soon.

''Stop. Your so bad''. I laugh as he kisses my palm licking it even.

He pulls me on to him. I look at him and trace my finger over his eyebrow, down his nose, his lips.

I tear up and he bend my face to kiss him gently. He returns the kiss just as gentle. He pulls away and grips my chin in his hand.

''Kara. You have made me the happiest man alive. The children make us complete. I've always wanted a house full of them. You know how alone I was growing up. If it weren't for your mother taking pity on me....''

''Tony you silly man. My mother loved you. She still does. Why else do you think she didn't encourage me to get married again. She knew deep down that we were meant for each other. Cutting you out to support me was the hardest thing she had ever had to do. I love you Tony Mitchum''

''I love you to Kara lilly Mitchum. I want to have a dozen kids with you if you let me and grow old and wrinkly as a prune with you.''He replied, smothering me with kisses.

''Mhmmm like a prune you say. Well you know I do love me some wrinkly prune....''

I didn't get to finish as in typical Tony Mitchum style he shutted me up with a kiss and in true typical Kara Lily Mitchum style I responded. Just the way it should and would be for the rest of our lives.

A/N: This is my first story on wattpad and I hope you all enjoyed reading. I'm a sucker for a good happy ending and happily ever afters. I believe we live in a world of misery and reading a book or writing even gives you the chance to choose get away from it a while albiet shortly. Please don't forget to comment and vote if you have enjoyed this story. It boosts my confidence and encourages me to continue writing

So, until next time...

Kind Regards



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