Chapter Sixteen

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Well this is awkward. Kara and I sitting opposite each other after God knows how many years. She sure doesn't look too pleased to see me, well I guess I can't blame her. How can I when Tony filled me in on everything yesterday. The poor man is a mess. Physically and mentally. I hardly recognised him what with him being all black and blue from the altercation he had with Matty.

I appraised the woman before me. The extra weight had filled her out, giving her body the curves that she lacked as a teenaager. If she was pretty back then she is a knockout now. She has the kind of beauty that is natural. She doesn't need to doll up like I have to to look or feel good. That was the one thing I envied about her. That and also her, ''I dont give a shit what you think attitude''. I guess that's why I disliked her so much when we were growing up. She didn't have to pretend. She didn't have to act. She was to perfect in my eyes. I was no match especially when Tony was captivated by her. Sighing I gave her a smile.

''Kara. It's so nice to see you after all this time''. I stared at her straight in the eye for I didn't want to back out of what I was about to do or say rather. I owe it to Tony.

''Well I would say the same but I would be lying Gina. So get to the point.Why are you here?''She replied angrily. She cracked her knuckles. An old habit that still resides in her.

Well, what else did I expect.I don't let her words deter me. I know how hurt she must be feeling. God she thinks Tony has betrayed her in the worst way. I need to clear up this misunderstanding once and for all. I want Tony to have a chance with her and especially his children. What a shame his missed out on so much. He would make a great father, I see the way he is with my Children. They adore him.

''I'm here for Tony...'' I started

Kara scoffed. ''Seriously! For Tony. Why? What can you possibly say that makes you think that I would be interested. You both deserve each other''.

''Your not letting me finish Kara. I'm here to clear up the misunderstanding between you and Tony.''

''With all due respect I don't want to hear it Gina. I don't know how you have the gall to come in here and ...''

''Kara! Will you just shut up and listen to me. I'm trying to....''

No! I don't want to Gina. Now how about you shut up and get out of my Cafe. I don't know what your trying to achieve here,but I can assu.....''.

''The baby, It wasn't Tonys''.I spat out at her. That shutted her up so I continued making the most of it.

''You have got it all wrong. Tony and I, we have nothing going on between us. He only saw me as a friend. God at that time I wanted more but Tony had only eyes for you, please....''

''Enough Gina. How do you expect me to believe you when I saw you two with my own eyes. Both of you together in his bed. Is that what friends do ? sleep with each other!" She wiped away tears that stained her face with the back of her hand.

I don't know what she was talking about. Tony and I have never slept together so why is she...then it dawned and me and I put up a shaky hand to my mouth. God, she must be talking about the time after the abortion. The most darkest time of my life when I decided to end it all. When I couldn't take no more. It was Tony that helped me through it all. Tony literally saved me. Never leaving my side day and night. I owe everything to that man. The man who has been through so much heartache and all because of me. I was the catalyst that started the domino effect.

Making my mind up on the spot, I decided that if I Have to relive my past just so I can give Tony the happy ending he deserved then I Was willing to make that sacrifice. To this day I haven't uttered a word about that time but I knew I had to do it. Taking a deep breath I stared at Kara.

''Listen to me Kara. What I'm about to say to you I have not told a single soul apart from Tony and my husband, and when I've finished I hope what I see in your eyes is not pity, but hope.Hope for the only man you have ever loved, for he is very deserving of it''.

And so I did. Every single detail. Leaving nothing out. It hurt. It hurt so bad, but I carried on for I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel. Tony was my light then, he saved me from myself and in doing so he gave me the chance to find a man who loved me for my flaws and everything, a man who I knew will fight my demons with me for they still hover in the background. My children are my rays of endless hope.

Tony deserved it to. I refuse to leave here until I make Kara see sense. It was the least I can do.

I wanted him to have his happy ever after. That man sure deserved it. Their both did.

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