Chapter Fourteen

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Cleaning up at the back of the shop I heard the front door open and then close with a bang.

What the fuck. I quickly made my way to the front and lo and behold I find Matt King staring at me from across the room. If looks could kill, yours truly would be lying in a heap of blood and gore. Damn, I had a feeling blood is going to spilled literally for I see him walking towards me with his fists clenched.

'Alright Matt, Long time no.....''. Bam, his meaty fist connected with my jaw. Fuck! That hurt. Bam, another blow landed on my nose, I just had time to move my face back a bit or it would have been broken. Right, fuck this shit. I put up my hands and as he came in for another deadly blow I faked dodged to the left and quickly landed a blow straight in his gut. He stammered slightly which I used to my advantage and a gave a few quick jabs in succession at the same place.

There was no going back. We continued for God knows how long. The sounds of fist connecting and painful grunts were the only sounds that could be heard. We used to play fight as kids but we knew our limits and never caused serious damage. This was different. This was very real and very raw. We were not holding back at all.

Eventually when we couldn't fight no longer we both eyed each other, blood and sweat blinding our vision slightly and through a silent mutual agreement we crumpled to the ground opposite each other. The tangy smell of blood and sweat was choking the room. We both looked like shit. Adrenaline was fading and the pain of our brutal assault on one another was slowly seeping in to our bruised and battered bodies.

''What a way to greet an old friend.'' I spat out. Shit ,I think I feel a loose tooth. Running my tongue tentatively over it.

''Fuck off! You're no friend of mine. You're fucking lucky that I didn't ripped off your head and shoved it up your ass''. Matt shot back. He was holding his left arm to his chest. Think I may have broken it.Good! The bastard deserved it.

What he thinks that he can come into my shop and start throwing punches around. Well fuck that shit. I let him do it once, I wasn't going to repeat that mistake again. Shit, If you going to beat the crap outta me at least have the common courtesy of enlightening me a little on why the fuck you want to.

''Well I would like to see you try Matty boy. By the way I'm impressed. You sure have come a long way from being a weak mommas boy.'' Dammit I was impressed and proud. I think I've taken one too many punches to the head. I'm thinking nonsense.

''Listen shithead. I don't give a flying fuck. I'm came here to warn you, to stay the fuck away from sister and her kids. If...''.

''Correction Matty boy. Their my kids to. Their mines and Karas. And I don't give two shits about your warning. Kara will be mine and my kids will know their father.'' I was surprised at how calm my voice was, whilst I was raging inside. No one tells me what the fuck to do when it comes to kara.

''She doesn't want to know you, She doesn't need you, She has been doing perfectly fine. You coming in to the picture doesn't register on her radar. So kindly piss off to where you've come from.'' He made to stand up. I did to.

''Now you listen to me Matty boy,and get this through your over sized head.

I'm not going anywhere. I am going to do whatever it takes to make Kara accept me. I want the whole package, her and our children. I missed out to much already, I'm not going to miss out on anymore.''

''Well whos fucking fault was that Tony? You were her world. She loved you more than life itself and you threw it all in her face. You ungrateful fucking bastad. You conniving two timing piece of shit.'' His face turned red with anger....hang on a minute did he just called me a two timing piece of shit. What the fuck.

''Don't come here into my shop and start talking shit about me that is not true. I have never ever being with anyone else apart from Kara. Vows means something to me, you prick. '' I wanted to rip his tongue out for even suggesting that I would do that to kara. I thought he knew me but I guess I was wrong.

''So your going to deny it you coward?'' He scoffed. ''God, what a dickless two timing fucker you are. Not to mention other things''. He was looking at me with disgust. I feel like I'm missing something here.

''Stop calling me that you prick. What do you take me for, You've known me practically my whole life. You know I would never do that to kara. I love her. Even after all this time.'' I hated sounding so desperate but something wasn't making sense. What if...

''You have a funny way of showing it Tony. My sisters deserves much better. These last few years she had to deal with so much. The twins were her salvation. You don't know how much you almost ruined her. So if you say you love her, you will let her be. She's finally in a good place, don't fuck her up again.''

''Er I don't mean to sound like a broken record Matty boy...well fuck it, I don't care if I do. I'm not going anywhere unless I have Kara and the children with me. I want that woman so much that I'm willing to forget the fact that she had kept me being from a father to our children.....''

Matt didn't give me a chance to finish, he came barging at me and grabbed me from the neck with his good arm. He was shaking with rage. His eyes were red and the blood from a gash above his left eye had dried giving him a menacing look.

''You bastard, what kind of sick shit are you eh? You think you can make up for aborting a child you had with someone else with the twins. If it weren't for Kara finding out on time I bet you would have done the same to her.''

My heart just exploded. Did I just heard right. Abortion. Kara finding out. What the hell is he on about. Where is all this rage coming from. I know there's more to this. I know it's more than a big brother watching out for his kid sister. I shoved him off me.

''What the fuck are you on about. I'm sick of you and your accusations. If you got something to say, then say it to my face or I'm going to the only person I know that can give me answers.'' I was fuming and the revelations he was spewing were like a shot through my gut.

Matt lunged at me again but I had expected it and I rammed my knee into his stomach. He reeled over in pain and dropped to the ground. Good, bastard needs to control his anger. We're going around in circles.

''Don't you bloody dare. You so much as go a foot near my sister again, I'll kill you. You don't deserve anything from her. You made your bed all those years ago. Now fucking go back and lay in it with Gina''. With that he staggered up to his feet and stumbled out of the shop.

Well Dammit it all to hell..fucccckkkkkk!!! Now it all made sense. My God, everything was finally falling into place. Matty's hateful words about abortion, me being unfaithful to Kara and the nail on the coffin, him throwing in Gina's name at the end. It was like someone has flipped a switch inside my head.

For now I knew why Kara had fled all those years ago. The only thing that made sense now was that I had to confront Kara. I had to fix this. My God all these years and for what but a terrible misunderstanding. I also know that the only person that could help me win Kara back is the last person she would want to see but dammit I'm desperate. I had my work cut out for me but if it means winning Kara back then nothing can stop me.

Kara Lily king was going to listen to me and to what I have to say. It is finally time to put and end to all this shit. The past is out of reach but I'm definitely intending to be a part of her future. Our future together as a family. The sooner the better.

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