Chapter Five

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''Mom! Who is this man? And why does he look like me and felix? My daughter asks this question ever so innocently. Well what do I say! What can I say! I was at lost for words. I wanted to disappear, run away, get swallowed up by the ground. I knew this day was going to come one day but I was no way at all prepared for it.

Inhaling a big breath I turned to my ever perceptive children. ''Kids, I want you to go to the back and stay there until I say so''. Both of them were not to happy with this but my no nonsense voice that they knew to well did not leave room for any argument.

When they were finally out of the room I turned to Tony. He had not uttered a single word but his eyes stayed on our children until they were no longer visible to him. He looked me straight in the eye. ''You Bitch! You cold hearted bitch''! He said in a calm voice but his jaw was clenched so tight I thought it was going to pop out of his face. He clenched his hands into fists and I could practically see him shaking with rage. I knew to an outsider he looked on the verge of ripping my head off, however I had no qualms about Tony ever hurting me. I mean verbally he can cut me to shreds but never physically. But seeing him like this, I was beginning to doubt that,

''How could you do this to me? could you keep this from me? What kind of woman are you? fact let me rephrase that. Who the hell are you?'' He shouted at me. He was no longer bothered about being quite.

I didn't know what to do. I mean I could not deny anything, especially with the blatant evidence he has seen with his own eyes. The exact same eyes that my children had. The fact that the children had seen the resemblance left no doubt whatsoever.

''Tony! I think you should leave..I do not want to discuss this right please leave''.

''What? I am not going anywhere until you have answered my questions!'' He bellowed.

''Well I refuse to answer them Tony. Not now, not here''. I quickly glanced at the back and then back at him. He was fuming but I refuse to cower in front of him. I mean who the fuck does he think he is walking back into my life and demanding answers.

Straightening myself and not breaking eye contact I said the only thing that would maybe get him out of my face. ''Tony. I want you to leave now, if you want answers I will give them to you when i'm ready. Now please leave, if not for my sake then for the sake of our children.''

With that he gave one last look to the back room, and then he looked me straight in the eye and before I knew it he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look into his eyes. His grip was painful but I refuse to show him the pain I was in. My stomach clenched but not out of fear, his mouth was inches away from mine his breath fanning my face.

''Ok! But I want answers. Name the time, the place I will be there. But no playing me around, understand''. He tighten his grip and for a minute I saw desire flare in his eyes but he quickly let go and in a few powerful strides he was gone slamming the door behind him.

I rubbed at my jaw. Still feeling his imprint. I Was shaken to say the least but it was more to do with the treacherous reaction of my body to his touch. After all these years I thought I could put the past behind me. Tony behind me. But one thing was very clear, time was not a healer for my heart was just ripped open once again by Tony bloody Mitchell.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. Half term and all that. I'm hoping I can start to update more quicker as I do hate waiting as a try to comment and leave any feedback and please vote if you like it. what it being my first time writing I really do appreciate any comments and votes.

Thank You

Kind Regards
Shazk80 xxx

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