Chapter Fifteen

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‘’What the hell were you thinking? You big ape.’’ I was fuming at Matt. The stupid idiot has his arm in a sling and stitches above his left eye. He looked as if had been ran over by a train. I sighed and sat next to him.

I knew my confession a few days back was not a good idea. I was a fool to think he would let it go. Come on this is typical Matt. My big brother, my rock,my hero. I also couldn't help thinking about the other opponent in this fight. If this was Matt's injuries I dreaded to think how Tony had fared. Matt had a good few inches on Tony not to mention a few pounds.

Chiding myself inwardly, I knew I shouldn't care but I can't help it. Tony bloody Mitchell may not be my favourite person but no one deserved the wrath of Matt King. What a bloody mess. Well I guess the cat was definitely  out of the bag. I did not want it to go down this way but what else did I expect.

Matts intentions were good. However his  way of going about it is not something I approve of. Violence never solves anything. Men will be men, I guess.

‘’I just couldn't Kara. The bastard deserved it. His lucky I'll let him live’’. He winced when I slapped him on his head. Milly was ready to strangle him to. He was avoiding eye contact with her. I stifled back a laugh. This huge mountain of a man was feeling very small indeed in front of his little petite,hugely pregnant wife. She was giving him the silent treatment. Poor Matt hated that,it hurt more than the bruises from Tony. His exact words.

‘’Well Thank God you did. He is the father of my children Matt. Right now I’m not ready but one day I would like the children to know him. It's more for their sake. I don’t give a damn what he wants.’’ I replied angrily.

Milly got up after a lot of effort and waddled over to me. She took my hand in her tiny little one and squeezed it reassuringly.

‘’Kara, you are one of the strongest woman I know, the other being your mother obviously. Just know that we will always be here for you. I don't know the full story but I agree with you letting Tony to get to know the children. My Father has just entered my life a couple of years ago. I wanted to give him a chance and I’m glad I did. He's the best dad in the world.’’ She smiled and hugged me sideways, her belly protruding out.

Then she turned to Matt and without a word settled in his lap. He winced with pain, Milly just smiled sarcastically at him, in return he pulled her towards him and kissed her. Yes. It looks like the silent treatment is over. Getting up I left them to their private moment. I’m so happy that Matt has brought her into our lives. Milly is a woman of very few words, however she  is wise beyond her years and she comforts your soul. We’re sure are lucky to have her.

I had to nip back to the cafe. Tina had asked to have a day off so she could visit her sister who has become a new mom. Jasmine was holding the fort. Parking up, I quickly crossed the busy street. Refusing took spare one glance at Tony’s shop. Entering I made my way to jasmine who was behind the counter serving a customer.

‘’Hey Kara. Just to let you know that you have someone waiting at the corner table. She’s been here for almost an hour’’. She pointed to said table. Thanking her I made my way. Curious to see who it was. When I got there I stopped and I felt the past rush up to me in full force. How?...What?..Why? So much questions swirling in my head.

She looked away from the window and our eyes met. The years melted and I saw the one girl that has always made me feel uncomfortable. The girl who made me feel inadequate, the girl who so blatantly tried to take Tony away from me with no shame whatsoever. My insecurities regarding her made their appearance again. Gina Stone was a pretty girl then, however she was a stunning woman now. From her beautiful styled blonde hair right to the heels of her expensive looking shoes ,she looked flawless.

I wasn't prepared but hell If I was going to give her the satisfaction of letting her see her true effect on me, so I decided to put on a show. Walking up to her I sat in the chair opposite and crossing my arms over my chest as I so badly wanted to crack them I waited. Waited to hear what the hell she was doing in my cafe.


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