Chapter Three

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Last night I told my mother about my encounter with Tony. My mother is my rock, my best friend and my hero. I thought she would be shocked on hearing it all but she just let me finished talking and helped get the kids ready to take home. Just I was about to leave she held me back,

‘’Kara Lily, you know I’m a firm believer in fate. Maybe Tony coming back into your life means something. They say the lord works in mysterious ways, maybe it's a sign. You know I have always supported you aside from the one occasion..’’ .

I didn't get her to finish, my hands shaking ,I tried to fight back my tears. ‘’Mom, No! We are not going through that again..I can't do it right now’’. With that I hugged her hurriedly and rushed out to my car.

The drive home was only ten minutes. The constant chatter between the twins  kept my mind of the bigger issue that my mom had raised up. I knew I had to think things differently now with the sudden appearance of Tony, however I refused to let it dampen my mood for the kids sake.

On arrival the twins rushed inside, up to their shared bedroom. I smiled to myself, the first thing they will do is put their pyjamas on. They sure are the chip of the old block. I can't wait to get into my very ugly but very comfortable oversized t-shirt and loose bottoms.

The three of us finally settle down to our friday night T.V dinner. As it was Felix's turn to choose a movie , he finally settled on Big Mommas house. It was one of his favourite. We had made a rule of respecting each other choices. Settling down with my twins at each side it was only a matter of time that they start to drift of to sleep,the long day had finally worn them out. Sleep came quite easily to them on a school day an in no time both of them were sleeping on either side of me. I smiled and let my eyes wonder in turn over my beautiful childrens features.

Felix and flora are non identical but the share very similar features.Both of them have dark black hair that has taken after me but that's where it ends. Their eyes are dark green with full thick lashes. They have a full pouty mouth and dimples in both of their cheeks. It doesn't take a rocket science to know who their father is, if he was close in their vicinity for they were spitting image of him, Yep guys, you guessed it. Tony bloody Mitchell is the father of my beautiful twins.

All this time I have kept them safe to myself. My mother is the only one who knows. Even Matt ,till this day has been kept in the dark although he did have his suspicions as they twins got older. Matt knew the topic of their father was a sensitive issue for me so he never pushed,just supporting me like the good big brother he has always been. However his friendship with Tony had ended for some reason that he kept to himself. However I had made my own assumption and knew it was because of me. I know he would respect my wishes and just supported me throughout the years. Speaking of which, Sunday was family day at moms and I Will be seeing him and his wife milly and their four beautiful children. Family was key to us all. No matter what happens in life we always make time for family day and I was looking forward to it as always.

Tony Mitchell had entered my life but I will not let him cause chaos to the balance I have created. I knew I had to finally face reality and my mother's word were still ringing in my mind. I guess the time had finally come where I need to stop running from the past and face it head on. That was easier said than done but maybe fate was trying to tell me something but for the life of me I didn't know what. I guess the lord indeed had a plan for me but I hope that Tony Mitchell didn't had to be included in it.

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