Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Hey guys this chapter will be dealing with darker issues such as abortion and rape. I’m an amateur writer so please forgive any mistakes. I do not mean to offend anyone.

Kind Regards




It has been a week and there is still no sign of Kara. Sure her business is open like usual and I have gone several times to enquire about her whereabouts but I'm just getting the same lame ass reply from her employee Tina. That she has left no forwarding details and that she would be back when she was ready.

What the fuck did that mean. That woman never seizes to amaze me. Leaving without notice is her thing after all but maybe I have an inkling of why she has ran this time. This time her disappearing act makes sense. She is avoiding me. The look in her eyes when she saw me with Gina a week ago still haunts me. Betrayal and hurt.

Dammit. I know I have a lot of explaining to do and I was going to come see her the day after Gina left. But then I find out she has pissed of and to God knows where. I supposed if I'm really desperate and I guess I am, I can contact Matt. Shit I must be suicidal as well for I know that I'm the last person he would want to see these days.

Obviously he must have known that I was the father to Kara’s children. That would explain the beating he gave me without explanation and the cutting me out of his life those few years back. Shit. Now it does make sense and very clearly so. The bitch has kept me in the dark all these years and Matt and Mrs King would have been so disappointed in me. My gut clenches at the thought, for these people meant so much to me. They still do. Dammit what a mess.

The shop is nearly done and I'm in two minds what to do with it. Normally the for sale sign would be up, but I'm reluctant to do that at the moment. Maybe it's to do with the fact that it has become a lucky charm of some sort. It has brought Kara and the kids into  my life. Call it coincidence or fate but I’m betting on the latter. For once it has worked in my favour.

Kara, the kids. God I’m so frustrated. I just want to see her so bad. I want to explain myself. Gina was always a threat to our relationship. I use to reassure Kara on numerous occasions not to worry but she never stopped.. Gina had feelings for me, the whole l gang knew back then but Gina also knew it was one sided, however that didn't stop her from blatantly flirting with me when she saw Kara, she did it on purpose just to rile her up. It was her immature way of getting back at her.

Gina could have had any boy in the school, it was just her unfortunate luck that she couldn't have the one she really wanted for Kara Lily King was it for me. Gina had two sides that I only got to see. The drop dead gorgeous Queen bitch at school and then the vulnerable sweet girl outside of school.

When her father died things went downhill. Her Kid sister and Gina both adored their father and when the main man went out of their lives they life became a living hell.

Her mother remarried a few months later, lets face it, women like Gina's mom thrived on men. They had to have a man around or they wouldn't feel pretty enough, important enough, useful enough. She didn't give a flying fuck what her daughters thought. God ,that bitch was a cold hearted cow and she married an equally sadistic bastard. He showed his true colors a few weeks after the marriage.

It started with Gina coming to school with more makeup than usual. Or wearing long sleeved shirts when it was boiling hot. Come on this is sexy Gina we’re talking about. The girl barely covered her ass with her revealing  attire,but when her mother  remarried that changed. I was the only one that noticed the subtle changes. She swapped her skirts for jeans, tight ass jeans but she covered her legs. Her skimpy tops were on show at school but at the end of the day she would wear her jacket zipped up.

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