Chapter Nine

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The following day I decided to open up an hour early. This would give me time to go over the books and also to look over a couple of new ideas for the cafe. I made myself a coffee and settled at the table nearest the window. I looked across to Tony's shop and noticed that it was closed. Good, I don't think I am up for another encounter with him.

Yesterday I did not know what had come over me. God, What was I thinking? That infuriating man was so damn persistent. In more ways than one let me tell you. I was ashamed of myself. The way I had just melted in his embrace, my reaction was way beyond my control. I try to justify my behavior by making the excuse that it has been a very long time since a man has touched me. But deep down I knew it was him. He is the only one that can make me feel this way and I hated myself for it. I hate that I can still be reduced into a mess of hormones when he touches me.

Ahhhh. Stop thinking about him I chided myself. That's it I need to get work done. Shutting the door mentally I lost myself into my work. It wasn't long that I completed my tasks. I stretched my arms and moved my head from side to side. I was just about to get up when I saw that Tony was opening his shop.

I don't know what made him turn around but I quickly ducked down. Yep, I'm a coward. I don't care at this moment how you judge me. That man had reduced me into a silly a teenage girl yesterday and I did not wanted a repeated performance. When I thought enough time has passed I peeked above the window sill and to my relief he had gone inside.

The rest of the day went by in a breeze. The cafe had its regular steady streams of customers, from working moms to doting grandmas. To young students on their breaks and not to mention the odd group of moms with strollers. I loved every single aspect of it.

I had always wanted to own a cafe. The smell of coffee is like an aphrodisiac to me. Childhood memories of mom curled up with a book and a steaming mug of coffee invades my thoughts. Mom would always be working her fingers to the bone non stop around the house. She was always house proud and her work load only doubled when my dad decided to have a midlife crises in his bloody twenties and ran off with his stupid secretary. Yep, typical cliche. Mom not only supported us financially but she always made sure we came home to a clean house and food on the table. Coffee and book time was well deserved.

I supposed that and the fact that I ended up a single mom raising my twins by myself made me want to open up a place like this so bad. I mean I don't have nothing against the opposite sex, but I wanted a place where women like my mother, like myself can come and escape the realities of life for maybe just a while.

Smiling I was more than happy with today. I always let Tina and Jasmine go half hour early as this gives me a chance to myself before I pick up my children from moms. I was looking forward to the weekend. With the last touches done I went to get my bag and coat. Stepping outside I locked up and made my way across the street to my car.

I chanced a quick glance at Tony and realised he to was closing up, but he was not alone. I stopped dead in my tracks. He hadn't noticed me so I forced myself to my car. Once inside I started to shake. My stomach recoiled and I felt like throwing up. No this couldn't be happening. Not again. What was she doing here? What was she doing with Tony?

Looking through the window I saw Tony make his way towards his car with her in tow. She had her arm linked through his. My heart clenched. My palms sweaty. I couldn't look away as she settled herself in the passenger seat and Tony started up the car. Before he pulled away he turned right and as he was driving off his eyes latched on to mines. What I saw there nearly floored me. He looked caught out and guilty as hell.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoying my story so far. The next chapter will be set in the past. It's Kara's point of view of why she decided to leave.
What made her come to that decision. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment and vote please. It gives me motivation to continue.

Kind Regards


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