Chapter Eighteen

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Shit. I was nervous. I'm finally meeting Kara today. My gut clenches at the thought. I can't concentrate on nothing. I decided I didn't need to go to the shop today. Everything is done and dusted there. The decision to sell or not have been put on the back burner. If things go the way I want then to go then It is pretty much straightforward.

My whole life has been lived in limbo. When Kara left me I felt that my life was put on pause. If there's one thing I learned over the years is that falling in love sucks. Yep, called me a cynic but I find that it just fucks you up. Now don't get me wrong here,Kara is and will be the only woman for me. It's my love for that has kept me going. I didn't need to know if she loved me I was more than happy with my feelings for her. But I want and need to know if she still feels the same.

What can I say, I'm a bloody romantic cynic . I have a glutton for punishment when it comes to Kara. That woman has wound herself so around my heart I don't know if its her that helps it keep beating or its just regular old biology. Boy, I have it bad.

Right I have to get ready. I'm never one for dressing and shit ,but I wanted to make an effort for her. So I decided to wear a dark green full sleeved button down shirt. Kara's favourite colour. Yep, I know. Moving on I paired it with a pair of black jeans and boots. I looked in the bathroom mirror and finger combed my hair. I have grown it over the years. I hope Kara will like it.I can imagine her running her fingers through it. Shit, focus Tony.

I decided to head out. I knew If I stayed here I would be sweating buckets and I certainly did not want that to happen. I don't want to scare the poor woman off. Making my way to the car I spotted Mrs Carter tending to her rose bushes. They were her pride and joy.

''Mrs carter. How are you doing on this beautiful day?'' I asked her.

''Oh I'm doing quite well Tony dear.'' She replied cheerfully. She stopped what she was doing and looked me over. She doesn't miss a thing the old biddy, I smiled inwardly.

''You look lovely dear. Very handsome. Going anywhere nice? Meeting someone special are we?

My God, she's so nosy. You can't help liking her though. She tends to grow on you and over the past few months I have become quite fond of her. She sometimes invite me over for supper. I guess she's lonely and I like to indulge her. However her matchmaking has almost stopped me from coming back on numerous occasions. Just last week she wanted me to go on a blind date with Gary the local hairdresser.

I bend over and kiss her on her cheek. Well today is her lucky day. I'm going to give her something worth gossiping about. Straightening up, I looked her straight in the eye.

''Yes Mrs carter. I have a date with my beautiful wife.'' Emphasising the last word.

With that I left her gob smacked and made my way to Kara's cafe. I know that I will be arriving ahead of time and that she closes in a while but I can't wait any longer. My heart is about to explode out of my chest. I have waited so long for this moment. My time has finally come. By the end of today Kara Lily king will be by my side as my wife. She's lucky that I'm not going caveman on her, that's how desperate I am.

Arriving at the cafe I entered and found myself scanning the cafe for Kara. It didn't take me long to find her. As if she sensed me there she turned and looked across at me. I saw her intake of breath and she start to wring her fingers. I smiled, looks like I'm not the only one nervous.

She made her way to me albeit slowly. I couldn't take my eyes of her. I raked my eyes over her body slowly. She had her hair down. It was longer reaching right down to her waist. My fingers itched to feel the silky strands . She had on subtle makeup, the only thing standing out was her eyes. She had underlined them and it grabbed my attention,I left them reluctantly continuing with my appraisal. I deliberately let my eyes linger on her plump lips,I saw her lick them nervously her tongue slightly touching her sexy scar. Damn that was hot. She had no clue what she was doing to me.

The dress she wore clung to her seductively. She had chose a simple maroon coloured, cotton short sleeve summer dress. I love the colour maroon. She knows that, it made me hopeful. Her curves definitely suited her. I wanted nothing more than to grab her and crush her against my body. I hungered for her touch,her mouth, her scent.

She came and stopped two feet away from me. I wanted to close the distance. Clenching my fists I held back, not because I wanted to ,It was mostly to do with the bloody customers. All the women were watching the two of us ever so openly. Some were appraising me and I saw a couple taking in kara's appearance with lustful eyes. Who can blame them.

She walked ahead of me without saying a word. I followed her. I'll follow her to the ends of the earth if she'll allow me. Tony, get a grip for fucksakes. Shaking my head mentally I held the door open for her and continued to follow her.

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