Chapter Seven

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It has been a week since my encounter with Tony. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. I am waiting for something but I don't know what. The last time I saw him he was seething with anger. I mean yes I do understand that me keeping the children from him is a massive thing for him to accept but like I said I have my own reasons. My reasons alone were more than enough to justify why I did what I did. In fact I don't think he deserved to know at all. But now the cat was out of the bag I have to deal with what is coming, and knowing Tony I know he is just biding his time.

Ahhhh, what a mess. The children had practically heard everything, what with Tony practically screaming at me. I finally had to sit them down and tell them the truth. That yes the man with the same eyes as them was their father. They had a million and one questions and I don't blame them, their whole lives it was just me and Mom. Now all of sudden this man comes barging into their lives out of nowhere. They were finally satisfied with me answering as much questions as I could. But they wanted to meet Tony. I told them that when the time's right , I would arrange something.

It was mother and baby day again at the cafe. The busy atmosphere kept my mind of Tony for a while. My employees Tina and Jasmine were dealing with the orders whilst I was chatting to a couple of mothers when I heard the door go. Looking up I see Tony entering, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on me.

The chatter of the babies was on going but all the women in close vicinity stopped what they were doing to stare or drool at the sight of Tony. I mean unless your batting for the other side or don't have a living pulse no woman is ever immune to Tony. There is just something so alluring and electric about him. To think this man that I have known practically all my life excluding the years that we have been apart still has the power to make my pulse haywire.

He was wearing a button down white shirt that complimented his olive skin and dark jeans that emphasised his long legs. His hair was wet at the tips and his eyes. Damn that man had the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen. My beautiful children had those eyes. My stomach fluttered when he started to make his way to me. Him totally oblivious of all the eyes staring at him.

Shit, I Knew that look. He came to make good on his threat a week ago. Well I refuse to let him intimidate me. Straightening my back I waited until he was facing me.

He looked me over quickly. I always felt flustered when he did that, I still do but I will not let him see it. To late the bastard knew me to well for he did it again, this time much slowly, lingering on all my curves. When he came to meet my eyes he continued smirking. It was like there was no cafe full of moms and babies. I had to clear my throat a few times. Smug bastard.

''Kara. If I can have a word with you in private?'' Emphasising the private.

Tony, I'm kind of busy at the moment.. Maybe some other time..'' I barely had a chance to finish when my ever so loyal and nosy employee Tina butted in.

''Oh no Worries Kara. You go and talk to this'' fineeee'' gentlemen, Jasmine and I have got it covered'' She looked at me ever so innocently and then batting her lashes at the fine gentlemen in question.

Shit. Can't get out of that know can I. Throwing daggers at Tina I excused myself from the two mothers and started to make my way to the back room Tony following me. I could feel his eyes on my back, which made me awkward as fuck. Chiding myself to grow the fuck up, I turned around to face him once inside. He closed the door behind him. Shit.

Me and Tony in a closed room brought back so many memories. The stolen moments , the secret meetings, the whispered promises . God, I had to swipe my sweaty palms on my dress my whole body was sweating. I hate my treacherous body. The attraction is still there and I know it's not one sided. His eyes turns a shader greener when they are staring at me. One thing time has not changed is the chemistry that our bodies have towards each other.

Mentally shaking myself I stare at him head on. ''So, What can I do for you Tony?'' .I pat myself mentally that there was no quiver in my voice.

''Seriously! You gonna act like that. You woman ,need to explain yourself to me. Start from the beginning ,cos honey I have all the time in the world.'' To emphasise that he did ,he sat on the couch making himself perfectly at home.

''Tony! The last time I checked I don't owe you shit.'' I spat back, infuriating man was already pushing my buttons and he had just asked one question.

''Kara! Listen to me and listen carefully. I have just found out that I'm a father to two children. Children that in my estimate are about eight or nine, now unless you gonna state that they not mine then 'babe' I think you owe me a very good explanation.''

''No!. I'm not going to deny they are yours. I can't anyway as much as I want to. But I am also their mother and if I say I'm not ready then I'm not ready. Now please leave.''

Before I knew it he had sprung from the couch and grabbed me from my upper arms pushing me against the nearest wall. My breathing hitched. His eyes turned a shade darker and he pushed his mouth right against my ear.

''Now listen hear honey. You have had more than enough time. I am not waiting any longer. If you don't enlighten me anytime soon I will make your life a living hell. I will take you to court. I will fight to see my children. Don't underestimate me. Do you understand?''

He forced me to look at him once he finished. I just stood there at lost for words. This side of Tony was new to me. I was almost scared. Would he really go through with what he was saying. Is he willing to disrupt my life more. The lives of my children to. Before I could help myself I fought out of his hold and slapped him hard.

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