"Just Friends"

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Peach's POV

I saw Marth and (Y/n) wrestling each other over the remote. Marth was hovering over (Y/n) and he managed to get the remote from her, and they were very close to each other. A little too close for the two who are "just friends". Everyone always thought that they were a couple because they would act like one. "Awww they're so cute together," I awed. "Um Peach you know they're not dating right?" Rosalina said to me, I gave her a confused look.

Aren't they a couple because they're acting like one? "I don't believe that," I said to her while getting up from my seat at the kitchen table. "Wait a minute are you gonna ask them?" She asked me, she had a look of surprise on written on her face. "Yes I am," I said determinedly before I started making my way over to them. Rosalina tried to stop me, but she wasn't successful. Once, I walked over to where they were sitting and I saw that Marth was leaning his face more closer to (Y/n)'s face.

I cleared my throat and they (Y/n) quickly separated herself from Marth, who didn't really want to move away from her. "I have a question for you guys," I said to them. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked me curiously. "Are you guys dating?" I asked them, both of them were shocked by question. "W-What, we're not dating we're just friends," she stuttered out, her face was a bright shade of red. I saw Marth looking down,"Just friends," I barely heard him mutter under his breath bitterly. I felt a dark aura around him, it gave me the shivers.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to ask them this.

(Y/n)'s POV

I laughed awkwardly and said,"That was really silly question she asked us." I saw Marth looking down at the ground, did the question make him uncomfortable? "Um Marth are you okay?" I asked him and I gently placed my hand on to his shoulder. He snapped out of his trance and he said,"Yeah I'm fine," and then he got up went somewhere else. Peach and I were silent for a moment."Maybe the question just made him uncomfortable," I said to Peach who looked a bit frightened.

"Yeah, maybe it did," she responded to me while quickly masking her fright. Why is everyone acting so weird?

The next day....

Marth was acting really strange, he would hold my hand and sling his arm around me and keep me close by him. Whenever he did that it made my heart beat fast and I would feel my face turn red. I would even feel butterflies in my stomach too, all of these feelings were just really confusing. "Hey (Y/n)," I heard Marth say while he threw his arm around me and pulled me close to him. "H-Hey M-Marth," I said and I felt my heart pounding in chest again.

"You wanna go practice some sword techniques with me?" He whispered deeply into my ear, I felt my face turn into a tomato at how deep his voice was. I was about to respond to him when Peach came over to me and grabbed my arm. "I need to steal my best friend for a moment," she said before she dragged me all the way outside. "Just friends huh?" She said to me skeptically with a raised eyebrow. "I don't even know what I'm feeling towards him," I exclaimed.

I didn't understand why he was acting this way of why I was getting these strange feelings when I'm near him. "Wait what are you feeling towards him?" Peach asked me seriously,"My heart beats fast whenever I'm close to him and then I get butterflies in my stomach. I even turn into a tomato when I'm around him." I said to her,"Awwww your in love with him (Y/n)," Peach gushed. That's when realization about my feelings for him hit me.

God, I'm such a slow person. "Do you think he has feelings for me too?" I asked her nervously,"I'm sure he feels the same way for you just from his actions towards you," she said to me with a reassuring smile. "I'm gonna tell him," I said determinedly before I started rushing off to find him. "Good luck!" I heard Peach yell out to me. After 20 minutes of searching I finally found him at the stadium where everyone has battles with each other.

I have to thank Zelda later for giving me the tip on where he was. I saw him put the blade of his sword into the ground before he wiped the sweat off of his head. I jogged over to where he was and said,"I have to tell you something." I was about to confess to him when he raised his hand up to stop me. "If it's about all the moves I was making on you today I just want to say sorry. It was probably making you uncomfortable all day, and I know you might not have feelings for me too." He said with his head down in shame.

I lifted his head up with my hands and I said,"You don't have to say sorry for that. I didn't know how to react to you properly so I ended giving mixed signals to you by accident." I took a deep breath in and out, I can't chicken out right now. "The truth is that I love you and I never noticed how I felt about you until today," I said to him. I saw his eyes light up with happiness and he gave a tight hug that I returned to him.

"I love you too (Y/n)," he said to me. "I tried throwing hints at you before about it, but you never noticed," he said sheepishly. "The only reason why I didn't notice is because I wasn't sure so I brushed it off all the time," I said to him while laughing. He laughed too and then he intertwined our hands together and we walked back to the house. "At least we're not gonna be confused anymore because we're dating now," he said with a smile.

We weren't "just friends" anymore we were a legit couple now and that made us both happy.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this. Requests are still open so feel free to give them. Please vote and comment. Bye

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