(Zombie) Marth x Reader

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This is a request for @novahedgehog, I hope you enjoy.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walked into the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers in hand. The whole place was nearly deserted, with very few people here. I made my way down the brick patterned pathway that led me to my destination, the grave of Marth, my beloved boyfriend. I stood in front of his tombstone, and a sense of sadness washed over me. I missed him so much. The day I found out he died shattered the world around me. I felt like a part of me died that day.

A lone tear slid down my cheek before multiple tears followed suit. I dropped to my knees and I cried, my feelings of pain and sadness flooded out. Why did this have to happen to him?! After a long time crying my tears finally came to a stop. I couldn't live without Marth beside me, I needed to bring him back. I rushed back to my house, and I searched through all the books on my shelf. I've used magic a few times before so I still had some of my spell books.

After an eternity of searching, I finally found the book I was looking for. It was the resurrection spell, it's a little risky but I'm willing to try it. I grabbed a duffle bag from my room, and I started filling it with the necessary items for the spell. I waited until it was dark out to go back to the cemetery. I made my way down the same path that led me to his grave. Thankfully tonight was a full moon so the spell would be safer to use.

But I didn't want to take any chances of getting hurt by the spell backfiring on me. I casted a protection spell around me. I opened up my duffle bag and took out chalk, and I drew normal Pentagram over Marth's grave. When I finished drawing the Pentagram, I went back into the duffle bag, and I took out a box of matches and a candle. I took out one of the matches, and strike it along the side of the box.

I light the candle with the now flaming match, and I placed the candle by the Headstone of the grave. I began the chant for the spell,"For thou who sleeps in stone and clay, heed this call, rise up and obey, treck on through the Mortal door, assemble flesh and walk once more." A strong gust of wind flowed through, blowing out the candle light. I smiled, the spell had worked. I turned around, and I saw Marth standing a meter away from me.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Marth said, I could hear how lost and confused he was. "You're alive!" I said and I charged up to him, embracing him with a hug. Marth hesitantly hugged me back,"What are we doing in the cemetery, and what do you mean that I'm alive? I've always been alive." Marth said to me. Right, one of the side effects of the spell. If someone's brought back to life they won't recall ever dying in the first place.

"We're in the cemetery because I wanted to visit someone, and then you suddenly disappeared for the whole day and didn't come back. I got worried that something happened to you," I half-lied right through my teeth. "So you didn't move from this spot all day?" Marth said to me, narrowing his eyes in suspicion of my words. "Well no, I looked around for you, and then I came back here because I forgot to say something else to the grave. That's how I found you here." I lied to him.

The suspicious look left his face and it looked like he bought my story. "Alright then I guess we should go home now," Marth said to me. "Yeah," I responded with a smile. I'm so happy that he's back.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this. Requests are still open so feel free to give them. You can leave them in the comments. I'm in the process of writing my book Academy Warfare so stay on look out for that. Anyways, please vote and comment. Bye.

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