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I just wanted to let you guys know that people are gonna have different names. This is because the identity of everyone has to be concealed because of their masks. I just wanted to let you all know before you start reading so you don't get confused.

(Y/m/n)- Your masquerade name.

(Y/n)'s POV

I wandered around aimlessly in the ball room. Zelda and Peach invited me to masquerade that's for a guy named Prince Marth. It's suppose to be the celebration of his birthday. I ended up loosing Zelda and Peach inside of the crowd. I didn't understand how I lost them, they're the most easiest people to find. I sighed, why do I always get myself lost in large crowds? I was so focused on searching for my friends that I didn't even notice the guy from behind me. I felt someone's hand place itself on to my shoulder.

I jumped from the sudden contact and I spun around, my long black sparkly dress twirling with me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," the man apologized. He was wearing a white mask that had black outlines around the eye holes, and black outlines that went downwards from the eye holes. He had black hair and he was wearing a black and white tuxedo. "My name is Phantom," he said with a bow and he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

I blushed a little at the action, but I knew Phantom was just being polite. "My name is (Y/m/n)," I said before I curtsied at him. "Nice to me you (Y/m/n)," he with a smile. "I was wondering if you would like to dance with me?" He asked me,"No thank you, I'm searching for my friends," I politely declined his offer. I was about to continue searching for my friends when Phantom grabbed on to my hand which stopped me. "Please, I insist," he said to me.

Does this guy not know what the word no means? "I'm sorry but the answers no," I said more firmly. I tried to get my hand out of his grasp, but he kept on tightening his grip on my hand. "Let go of me," I demanded, I tried not to be too loud about it because I didn't want to attract any attention from other people. "The lady said no didn't she?" A guy from behind us asked as if he's trying to clarify the situation. "Yes I did say no to him," I said to the stranger.

I was still struggling to get my hand out his grasp, he was starting to hurt my hand. The guy took notice of this and he pried Phantom's hand off of mine. I gently rubbed my hand to sooth it from the pain, I was probably gonna have bruise on it later. "Let's go," the stranger said and he dragged me away from Phantom. We walked through the crowd of people for a little to put distance between Phantom and I. "We should be far enough from him," he said before we stopped walking.

"Thank you for saving me back there," I said gratefully. "It's no big deal," he said with a smile. We were both went silent for a moment, but it was a comfortable silence. "Do you want to dance?" I asked him, breaking the silence that we had. He was a bit surprised by my sudden question. "Sure," he said before he move towards me and intertwined our right hands together. He moved our right out to our right and he placed his left hand on to my waist.

I wrapped my left arm over the top of his shoulder, and I placed my hand on to his upper back. We started moving to the sound of the music. He released his left hand from my waist, and I unlinked my left arm from around him and he spun me around. After he spun me, he dipped me downwards. I felt him brush his lips up my neck and I shivered from the contact. He brought me back up and we went back to our original dance position.

"I never caught your name," he said while using one of hands to trace the details of my black mask. His touch made me feel safe unlike how it felt before with Phantom. "My name is (Y/m/n), what's yours?" I asked him, I starred at his mask curiously. Even though I was asking for the name that kept his identity a mysterious, I still wanted to know who the person under the mask was. "My name is Silver," he said. I could see why his name was that.

His mask consisted of the colors dark blue and silver. We danced for a little while longer,"Do you want to go outside?" He asked me,"Sure," I responded, it was getting suffocating with being in ballroom of over a thousand people in it. Silver gently grabbed my hand and guided us outside on to a nearby balcony in the castle. The breeze outside was nice and cool. I sighed at how relaxing the breeze felt.

"You relieved to be out here?" He asked me,"Yeah, it was getting pretty stuffy in there," I responded while laughing lightly after. "It really was, I'm not a fan with being in large crowds because it gets suffocating after a while." He said before he looked back and glared at the crowd. I nodded in agreement. We talked for a good while, I ended finding out that we had a lot in common. We both weren't exactly a big fan of balls.

I felt a strange feeling growing in chest, I was confused on what this feeling was until it hit me. I had developed a crush on Silver. It was stupid that I got feelings towards someone in such a short amount of time. This was something that would always happen. "Hey, I want to try something," I said to him,"Okay but wh-," I cut him off with a kiss. I could tell he was surprised the suddenness of the kiss from how still he was.

I had to get this crazy fast crush out of my system so I don't have to worry about developing feelings for a complete stranger. I was about to pull away when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Now it was my turn to be surprised. I wrapped my arms around neck to steady myself. The kiss was slow and sweet, it felt really nice. We remained like this for a good while until we heard the clock chimed at midnight.

We broke the kiss and we stood there listening to the sound of the clock. I was about to move but I noticed his arms weren't gonna budge around my waist. "You thought you could leave after that little stunt you pulled there," he teased me. "S-Shush," I stuttered our, my face was beat red at his words. He laughed when he saw how red my face was. "We have to go back inside," I said while burying my face in the jacket of his tuxedo to hide my blushing face.

"Alright (Y/m/n)," he said while still laughing at my red face. We made our way back inside and we went to the ballroom. I noticed a man in a tuxedo with a crown on his head standing on a platform. I assumed he was the king,"Ladies and gentlemen it is now midnight, you may all remove your masks!" He announced to the whole crowd. Everyone cheered and they all removed their masks. I placed my hands on the rims of the mask and I peeled it off my face.

"Your very beautiful (Y/m/n)," Silver said breathlessly. I blushed at the compliment and I looked up, and saw he was as equally flustered as I was. I mesmerized by how handsome he was. "Thank you, you really handsome," I said to him. "So what's your real name?" He asked me,"(Y/n)," I said with a smile. "Marth," he said with the same smile I had. My eyes widen in surprise, I kissed the birthday boy and the prince. "What's wrong?" He asked me, he looked hurt by my reaction.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just surprised,"I said, I didn't expect myself to quickly fall for the birthday boy. "I didn't expect that the person I had feelings for was the birthday boy," I said while huggging him. Marth sighed in relief and returned my hug. "You had me worried for a second, I thought you were gonna reject me after you found out that I was the prince," he admitted. "Hey I won't reject you, prince or not it doesn't matter to me," I said while cupping his face in my hands.

"Thank you for returning my feelings," he said with a smile before he gave me a quick kiss. My face heated up,"Y-You c-can't do that out of nowhere," I stuttered out while hiding my red face in his jacket again. He laughed at my reaction,"Your so cute (Y/n), it's hard to not want to see your blushing face," he said while laughing. I smiled at his reaction. I really love the birthday boy.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this. Requests are still open so feel free to give them. Please vote and comment. Bye.

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