Operation Jealousy

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(Y/n)'s POV

Marth and I had recently got into an argument. We haven't been on talking terms for a few days. I've been trying to apologize to him, but he keeps on avoiding having a conversation with me. I couldn't blame him for doing that since I said something that was totally uncalled for. I was so lost in my thoughts about how to try and get him to talk to me that I didn't hear what Bayonetta was saying. "Helloooooo earth to (Y/n)!" Bayonetta said to me while waving her hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts of Marth and turned my focus back to Bayonetta. "You've been out of it since you guys had that fight with each other," she said with worry in her voice. "I know, it's just I don't even know what to do to get him to talk to me anymore. He just avoids me every single time I try to apologize," I said with sadness, I hated how he was avoiding me, but I know it's my fault that he's doing that in the first place.

I saw Bayonetta thinking for a moment until a smirk crossed over her face. "I have a idea," she said with that same mischievous smirk. "What is it?" I asked suddenly feeling interested in what her plan is. "It's simple really, we'll just make him jealous," she explained to me. "Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked her with doubt, I'm not sure he'll buy it. "Oh I'm sure it will work. It doesn't take too much to see him blow up with jealousy," she explained to me.

She does have a point. "Okay I guess we can try making him jealous," I said maybe he'll talk to me again. "Good, just leave it to me (Y/n)," Bayonetta said with a mischievous grin. I started to feel a bit nervous at how this was going to work out....

Attempt 1

I have really have no idea on how Bayonetta got Shulk in on this. The guy was shamelessly shooting pickup lines at me in front of Marth while he was eating with everyone else. "Pinch me, you're so fine I must be dreaming," Shulk said in a flirtatious manner to me. I shivered a little due to the fact that I felt Marth's glare burning holes into the back of my head. I was pretty sure that Shulk felt his glare too because he started to take the pickup lines further.

"Your lips look so lonely...Would they like to meet mine?" He said while leaning closely to my face, the sudden closeness caused my face to heat up a little. We both heard something get slammed down on to the table causing everyone to jump from the loudness. Everyone had a slightly scared expression on their face due to the murderous aura surrounding Marth. "Dude, are you okay?" Link asked him cautiously.

Marth stood up from where he was sitting and said surprisingly calmly,"Yeah, I'm fine I just have to use the bathroom." He walked right out of the room after he said that. Everyone let out the breath they didn't know that they were holding in. "Damnit I thought that was gonna work," Bayonetta spoke up with a bit of frustration. "His jealousy can be scary sometimes since it doesn't happen often," I said while shivering at the thought of the death glares he gave Shulk and I a second ago.

"Well that didn't go as planned, time for our next attempt," Bayonetta said to everyone. I'm seriously worried right now....

Attempt 1(Failure)

Attempt 2

So this time we were doing this while people were doing battles with each other. This time it was Roy, Ike, and Shulk that was doing this. How Bayonetta got them involved in this is something I'll never know. "These flowers are for you (Y/n), they remind me of your beauty," Roy said with a faint blush and smile as he handed me the bouquet of flowers. Ike and Shulk were shooting pickup line after pickup line to me.

"Would you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?" Ike asked while grabbing my hand. I started to feel Marth's glares burning the back of my head again. Shulk stepped in and said,"Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?" "Hey Shulk, Roy, and Ike do you guys want to do a battle with you three against me," Marth said through gritted teeth, he had a murderous aura around him.

"Uhhhh sure," They said reluctantly to him. After a good hour the battle was over. Marth beaten them up so badly they had to stay in the infirmary for a while. "Um Bayonetta I think we should stop now because this is starting to get out of hand," I said to her with worry. "Don't worry I think one final push should do the trick on him," she said to me. I sighed,"Okay if you say so," I said reluctantly, I really don't have good feeling about this....

Attempt 2(Failure)

Attempt 3

We were still doing this while everyone was doing battles. Since Shulk, Roy, and Ike got sent to the infirmary, Bayonetta recruited someone else. That someone else was Robin. The biggest charmer of everyone else. "Roses are red, violets are blue, it would be a shame if I couldn't date you!" He said to me with smile while putting a flower crown on top of my head. Robin grabbed my hand and kissed it. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Marth tighten his grip on his sword when he saw us.

"When I look into your eyes, it's like a gateway into a world of which I want to be a part of," he said to me while moving closely to my face. And that did it. Marth took his sword and stabbed it into the ground and walked up to Robin and I and punched him really hard. The force of his punch was strong enough to K.O. him for a while. Before I could say anything he grabbed my face and slammed his lips on to mine.

I felt happy because I was able to be close to my boyfriend again. I didn't realize he moved his lips from mine to my neck until I felt him biting my neck. After few seconds he pulled away, my face turned a bright shade of red because I realized he just gave me a hickey in front of everyone. They were in shock because didn't expect him do that in front of them. Right after he did that he dragged me off to a secluded place.

"What the hell was that about with Shulk, Roy, Ike, and Robin?!" He exclaimed with jealousy. "Look, I've been trying so hard these past few days to apologize to you for what I said to you. But no, you decided to ignore me every single time I tried to. So I got help from Bayonetta to get you jealous so you would talk to me!" I said to him angrily because at this point this was just getting ridiculous now. I felt tears well up in my eyes from how frustrated I was.

I turned around to go and walk away when he grabbed on to my hand to stop me. "Wait, I kept on avoiding because I didn't know how to apologize to you for getting upset with you over nothing. I-I'm sorry (Y/n) I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He said with guilt while letting go of my hand. I grabbed both of hands and said,"It's okay you don't have to beat yourself up about it, I just wished you let me apologized to you in the first place."

"I'll make sure I don't do that again," he said to me before embracing me with a warm hug. I returned his hug. I just feel relieved and happy that we cleared things up and that I'm able be with him again.

Attempt 3(Success)

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