(Assassin) Marth x Reader 1

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Marth's POV

I was looking at my target through the scope on my sniper. I was hired by someone to kill a girl named (Y/n), the guy promised me a handsome reward for her death. I thought it was odd that he wanted her dead because she seemed pretty harmless from what I observed. The guy didn't really give me information on why he wanted her dead. I forced myself out of my thoughts about my target, and I continued looking through the scope in my sniper.

She finally stopped pacing around in the room and she was now standing still. Now was the perfect opportunity to kill her. I made sure I carefully aimed for a head shot on her. I pulled the trigger. The bullet went through the window and it barely missed her head. I cursed when I saw that she was in a different position than where I aimed at.  Now she was alarmed by bullet, she turned in the direction of where I tried to shoot her from, and she made direct eye contact with me.

I froze when I saw her (e/c) eyes staring at me, her eyes widen in fear when she saw me. In that short moment we made eye contact, I felt my heart jump. I was confused by the strange feeling, I've never felt any emotions towards my targets or anyone else. Emotions were something that I couldn't afford to feel. She broke eye contact and she took off running,"Shit," I cursed under my breath while I quickly slinging my sniper on to my shoulder.

I'm gonna have to kill her up close now. I grabbed my rope with the hook on it, and I placed it firmly on the side of the building. I grabbed on to the rope and I made my way down the building. When my feet touched the ground, I took off running in the direction my target ran off to. There's no way I'm gonna let her escape.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was running as fast as I possibly could. I can't believe I'm in this life and death situation. I guess this is what I get for witnessing something I shouldn't have seen. I didn't think they were gonna try and shut me up about it, but then again those are dangerous people...

It was late into the night, I just finished working overtime for my job at the local Stewart's shop. I decided to take the back road to cut my walk home a bit more shorter. They're was a few passing cars driving down the road so it wasn't completely deserted. I was half way through walking down the street when I heard shouting and screams of pain. My head snapped in the direction the voices were coming from.

I didn't want to go over there because I didn't want to put myself in harms way. This wasn't the first time I heard about something like this happening before. I didn't exactly live in the best neighborhood. There's always been problems that were gang related around here. I could still hear the sounds of someone screaming, the next thing I knew was that my legs forced me to turn around, and walk in the direction I heard the screams from.

I came to an abrupt stop when I stood at the side of an entrance of an alley way. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY MONEY YOU BASTARD?!" I heard an angry man yell, I winced at how loud he sounded. My curiosity got the best of me, and I peeked over the edge of the wall. My eyes widen in horror when I saw a man on the ground beaten up very badly. There were to other men standing in front of him,"You heard the boss so answer the damn question," one of the men said bluntly.

"I- I don't have it," the bloody man on the ground said weakly. Oh. My. God. He said boss, which means that those two guys are a part of gang. I need to get out of here right now. I tried to move my legs but they wouldn't cooperate. I was consumed by fear for what's happening in front of me. The guy I'm assuming that was their boss laughed darkly. "Do you know what happens when people don't give me my money on time?" He asked the man.

I noticed a glint in his hand, and when the thing that was in his hand was exposed to the light coming from the street lamp, the color from my face drained. In his hand was a freaking gun. It looks like the guy on the ground noticed, and a fearful expression was written on his face. "I promise I'll give you the money next week! Please don't kill me, I'm begging you!" The man pleaded,"Too bad," the boss said before he raised the gun up and pulled the trigger.

A loud gunshot rang throughout the street, my hand instantly went to cover my mouth to silence my scream. I guess I didn't cover my mouth in time because I ended catching the attention of the two men. "Did you hear that?" The boss asked the guy next to him,"Yes," he responded to the boss. They're heads snapped in my direction, and I quickly ducked out of their sight. "Shit, some girl saw us," one of them said.

"We'll get rid of her, can't have any witnesses," One the said. After I heard those words I took off running in the direction of my apartment. "She's getting away!" I heard one of them shout from behind, and then the sound of hurrying footsteps. The sound of their footsteps faded while I was running for my life. I should've minded my own business...

My legs were burning but I knew I couldn't stop running until I got out of this place. I didn't even know where I was going at this point. I ended up tripping over my own feet from how fast I was running and I fell on to the ground. I winced in pain while I was trying to get up, I noticed a few minor scratches on my arms, but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from escaping. I stood up and I got ready to start running again.

Click. "Don't move," I heard a deep voice say. I felt something cold against the back of my head. "If you move even a little I won't hesitate to blown your freaking brains out," The guy said coolly. I was paralyzed with fear, he was going to kill me.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this. Requests are still open so feel free to give them. I'm going to be rewriting my book Academy Warfare soon so stay on the look out for that. I'll be making a second part for this one shot. Anyways, please vote and comment. Bye.

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