Wedding Day

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Hey guys I wanted to thank you for the 5.32K reads and 183 votes. It really means a lot to me. So, enjoy your Wedding Day with Marth. Love you all!❤️❤️❤️

Dress and makeup shown above.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was fiddling with my fingers nervously while Bayonetta was adding the finishing touches to my makeup. "(Y/n) relax," Palutena tried to calm me down. Her words didn't make me feel any less nervous than I already was. Today was the big day. I was going to officially tie the knot with Marth. "I'm trying too it's just... I'm worried," I finally confessed. "Worried about what?" Palutena asked me, I nibbled at my bottom lip nervously.

What if my reason sounded stupid? "I'm worried I'm gonna make a fool of myself while walking down the aisle. What if I end up tripping over my dress? What if Marth leaves me at the altar because he doesn't want to be with me? What if-" my ramblings of what ifs were cut off by Bayonetta. "Alright, that's enough from you," Bayonetta said with a sigh. She turned and faced Palutena,"Go get the wedding expert right away," Bayonetta commanded you Palutena.

Palutena nodded and quickly left my dressing room. A few minutes later she returned back into the room with Peach. "Peach you went through this situation yourself when you got married to Mario so you can help her," Bayonetta said to her. Peach nodded and walked over to me, I was taking in sharp breaths of air at a fast pace. "(Y/n) you need to try and calm down, take a few slow deep breaths," Peach said soothingly.

I forced myself to slow down my breathing. I took one breath in and released it, I repeated the same process a couple more times, and my nerves started to finally relax. After a couple more minutes I finally calmed myself down. "You feel better now?" Peach asked me,"Yeah," I responded to her. "I'm just scared," I whispered to her. "I get it, but you don't have to feel scared," Peach said to me. "It's kinda hard not to," I said to her while looking down at my lap.

As ridiculous as I sound about being scared, I can't help it. I'm afraid of Marth regretting being with me. "I don't want him to regret marrying me," I said quietly. Peach gave me a gentle smile,"(Y/n), Marth loves you to the point where he's ready to finally settle down with you," Peach said to me. My mood lightened up at her words, she's right, he loves me enough to marry me. "Your right," I said while jumping up from the plush seat I was in.

Confidence was starting to flow through my veins. "That's the spirit!" All of them cheered for me,"Now let's finish dolling you up for your soon-to-be hubby," Bayonetta said with a smirk which caused my face to flush red. She added the finishing touches to my makeup,"Annnnnddddd done," Bayonetta said, and she pulled away from my face and placed the lipstick tube on the makeup table. She had satisfied smile on her face.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go check out your new look!" Palutena said while giving me a reassuring push to the mirror. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and my jaw dropped. I didn't recognize the girl in front of me, the colors on my eyes were neutral so it gave me a more natural look. The light brown, and a more darker brown were smoked outwards into a soft, but sharp looking wing.  A light champagne color was added on the rest of my eye.

It blended smoothly into the lighter and darker brown, creating a smoky transition between the three colors. Black liquid eyeliner was used to make sharp wing that was fairly small. The same dark brown was smoked out on my lower lash line. White eyeshadow was added in the inner corner of my eye, and it was blended nicely. It made my (e/c) eyes stand out. Bronzer was added to my cheekbones and temples, making them more defined.

A light-pink colored blush was brushed onto my cheeks that made them glow, highlighter was also added to the tip of my nose. Finally, my lips were painted with a pale pink that had a bit of a shine the middle. "Woah," I whispered out in amazement. "Woah indeed," Bayonetta said to me. "Now go put on your dress, it's almost time for the ceremony to start," Peach hurried me into the bathroom and locked the door.

I quickly stripped out of my bathrobe and into the dress. The wedding dress hugged my curves and it had a sweetheart neckline. The sleeves were off shoulder, and it had a lace like design to it. Beautiful floral designs were engraved onto the top half of the dress. The lowers half of the dress was more sheer fabric with intricate designs on it. I walked out of the bathroom and I was seated into the plush chair by Palutena.

"I just need to style your hair now,"Bayonetta said to me before she took out the now heated curling iron. She curled my hair and styled it so my (h/c) hair had beach waves. My veil was then placed on my head. "I can't believe my favorite ship is getting married now," They all said excitedly. I laughed at them, there was only 15 minutes before the ceremony started. "Come on guys it's time for me to get married," I said to them with a grin.

We all excited out of my dressing room and into the area I was to come out from to walk the aisle. My dad gave me a smile as he was ready to walk me down the aisle. The girls excused themselves so they could go take they're seats. "My little girl is growing up now!" My dad said with watery eyes and embraced me in a hug. I returned his hug,"Dad, don't cry I'll always be here," I said to him reassuringly.

It broke my heart seeing my dad sad. "I know you will, it just won't be the same without you at home," my dad said while wiping the tears from his eyes. His eyes looked at the clock on the wall,"It looks it's time now," he said to me while holding out his arm. I linked my arm with my dad's and he began walking down the aisle. The wedding music began playing as soon as I walked out. I saw Marth at the arch where Robin was the priest.

An awestruck expression crosses his face as he sees me walk down the aisle. I finally reached him, and my dad unlinked his arm from mine. My dad gave me a reassuring smile before he went to sit with my mom who has her camera ready. Marth took my hands in his, he gave me a gentle smile. We exchanged our vows,"Do you take (Y/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Robin asked Marth,"I do," Marth responded happily.

"Do you take Marth to your lawfully wedded husband?" Robin asked me,"I do," I responded with confidence. I was ready to start my life with him. "You may now kiss-" Robin got cut off when Marth dove in to kiss on my lips. My eyes fluttered shut and I kissed him back, it was quick but sweet. He nipped at my lower lip before he pulled away. "Sorry but I couldn't wait any longer," Marth said shamelessly with a shrug. My face turned red and a chorus of laughter erupted.

Marth picked me up bridal style and rushed us both out the church doors. I quickly threw my bouquet of flowers my mom handed to me while Marth was carrying me. It landed in between Link and Zelda who blushed at each other before looking away. We laughed at their reactions. This was the start of my new life with Marth.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this. Requests are still open so feel free to give them. You can leave them in the comments. I'm in the process of writing my book Academy Warfare so stay on look out for that. Anyways, please vote and comment. Bye.

Happy Wedding Day!!!!

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