Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV
Walking out of the clubhouse into the warm California sun, trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden change of light. At the same time, holding a piece of paper in one hand, purse slung on my shoulder, a pen dangling from my mouth, digging for the van keys.

It has been 6 months since Jax died. After his death the club made the decision to rebuild the old clubhouse and reopened the shop now just "Teller Automotive". In true club fashion though everything requires a full blown lot party. This time however, to honor the peace treaty between the Mayans and the Sons, the Oakland and Santo Padre Mayans charters have been invited.

"Hey assholes, I'm going on a liquor run! If anyone wants something cough up the cash and write it down. If you miss out I don't want to hear your bitching later!" I shout.

The shop isn't just quite open for business yet so the guys are all hanging around by their bikes. Waiting to finally let loose after finishing the large task at hand.

"Yeah uh, get me a bottle of Patron, two packs of smokes, and your mouth around my dick later doll face." Tig replies with a cocky smile on his face. His arm and part of his body leaning against a beam. Leaning ever so slightly into me so no one could hear the last part.

"Ha don't you wish that would happen Tigger." I reply laughing as I snatch the cash from his hand and saunter away from him towards everyone else.

A few more requests are taken from a few members from SAMTAC and SAMTAZ who have been in town for the last 6 months helping with the rebuild. "Ok, I'm going to run into town to pick all this up. I'm taking the van too just so y'all know. Call me if there is anything else you need" I tell them all.

"Love, take the prospect with you. No need for you to do it all alone. Put him to work and get him the fuck off my god damn heels for awhile" Chibs tells me in an aggravated tone.

As the prospect and I are making our way to the end of the lot where the van is parked, I hear the loud rumbling of motorcycles rounding the corner and making its way to the front gates. Shielding my hand over my eyes to see, the large group on Mayans ride into the lot. Happy standing off to the side waving them over to where they can park. The majority of them riding bikes with ape hanger handle bars. Each bike a different color than the rest, differing from The Sons usual black bikes.

"Marcus, good to see ya brother" Chibs says moving over to the group and doing a handshake hug with their President, Marcus Alvarez.

"Appreciate the the invite primo. Glad to see you were able to rebuild after all. Jax would be proud of this" Alvarez says resting his hand on Chibs shoulder.

"I'd like you to me by cousin, Obispo, he runs the Santo Padre charter" Marcus says gesturing to a short statures man to his left.

"Bishop. Thanks for the invite, my guys and I appreciate the hospitality" Bishop replies politely shaking Chibs hand with a firm grip.

"No problem , uh Sophia here is about to go on a liquor run if any of your guys would like her to grab something?" Chibs says while gesturing to me and the prospect standing by the van. "As long as there is beer and good tequila my guys are good!" says a smiling Alvarez.

Taking that as my cue to leave but not before quickly looking over the group of Mayans standing in front of me.
The older members standing towards the front of the group while the younger members linger in the back. I scan my eyes over them all.

A group of three guys stand there talking amongst themselves. One more hefty than the rest, wearing a rosary on top of a black and white plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The other guy, skinny and shorter than the other two, his hair hidden underneath a backwards hat, the brim curled upwards.
As my eyes start to skim over the last guy, he's taller than the rest, wearing a red plaid shirt with the sleeves ripped off. His hair slicked back and shaved on the sides, with just the right amount facial hair.

Just as I'm about to walk away our eyes meet. He gives a sweet nod as the other two continue to talk. Me being the cocky bitch that I am, I smirk and walk away to the awaiting van, swaying my hips a little more than normal. Climbing into the passenger side of the van, the prospect already in the drivers seat with the engine running.

As we pull out of the lot slowly I can see the rest of the members of the sons coming out of the clubhouse and into the parking lot. Shaking hand and doing their man hugs. The higher rank members talking to each other and the less seasoned members chatting near the boxing ring.

These guys better hope there isn't any blood spilled by the end of the night. That's brand new carpet in the clubhouse and I'm not cleaning it up!

Angels POV
Standing in the lot of TM, talking with Coco and Gilly while Bishop and Alvarez talked with Samcro President Chibs and their VP Tig. I couldn't help but watch the beautiful blonde bombshell walking away from us to the awaiting van before getting in the passenger seat. Watching the taillights as they pull off the lot I'm brought back to my surroundings by Coco and Gilly laughing

"Wonder whose old lady she is." Coco says. "Maybe she's just a sweet butt? Free game pussy!" Gilly says hopefully.

"Nah, I doubt that. VP over there was eye fuckin her ass the whole way to the van" I say. "So were you Carnal." Coco says laughing then taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"Man, I'm just sayin. Girl that good looking ain't no free range pussy." I respond "Though it won't do no harm trying to find out later. " I smugly continue.

"Padrino and Bishop said we are going to be here till at least tomorrow afternoon." says Gilly. "I've heard they have plenty of sweet pink sunshine for us to choose from." he excitedly exclaims.

Pulling out a cigarette and loosely placing it between my lips before light it. Taking a long drag I still can't help but think about how perfect she looked. The smirk and the way she confidently swayed her hips in front of a lot full of men.

She wasn't like the rest of these aspiring wannabe old ladies. No. She was different.

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