Chapter 3

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Sophia's POV

Waking up the next morning with the slightest hangover. Naked, arm and leg draped over the lightly snoring body next to you. Light scratch marks littering Angels back from the night before. His hair unruly from you threading your fingers through it countless times during the immense pleasure he was giving you in several ways.

Lifting your leg off his body your muscles sore and tired. Slowly unraveling yourself from his body, quietly slipping out of bed and padding across the soft carpet into the bathroom. Throwing your hair up into a messy bun then quickly using the bathroom.

Walking back to bed you see Angel has woke up and is now sitting against the headboard smoking a cigarette. He smirks when he sees your still naked from the night before. Seeing the love bites he left on you. Every time he did that it heightened your senses even more. You were always one to enjoy mixing slight pain with pleasure.

"That's a good look for you." He says to you. He too is also still naked, with the blanket covering his lower, impressive, half.

I glance around the floor trying to find a shirt to throw on to sneak out of the room to get coffee from the kitchen. Instead finding the empty tequila bottle, condom wrappers, and Angels clothes.

"Fuck it" you thought, "you mind if I slip this on real fast?" Asking as you hold up the button up plaid shirt he wore the night before.

"Nah go ahead, probably look better on you anyway" he says as he stands up in all his glory trying to locate his boxer briefs that had been tossed across the room with his jeans.

Slipping the shirt and a pair of underwear on I slowly open the door and peak in the hallway. Not hearing any movement or voices yet, I tiptoe down the hall to the kitchen.

"Thank god for an automatic coffee pot" I thought as you seen a still hot pot of coffee just brewed about 30 minutes before. Grabbing two cups from the shelf you pour yourself and Angel some coffee with sugar and creamer.

Accidentally making a bit more noise than you anticipated, hearing someone smokers cough coming from the main room. I silently speed walk as carefully as possible back to my room.

Handing Angel his cup " So last night was fun" I say breaking the silence.

"Hell yeah it was. I gotta admit when Alvarez first told us about this party I was trying to get out of coming. But now I wish we didn't have to leave already." He says with a smile on his face.

I slowly slide back into the bed next to him, setting my coffee down on the side table next to his cup. I maneuver myself into his lap, his back still resting against the headboard. I place my palm against his cheek and tenderly kiss him on the lips. He instantly kisses back, resting his hand on my hips and pushing down ever so slightly so I can feel him hardening beneath me.

Breaking the kiss and looking at each other like we were about to devour one another, I stand up and walk over the the dresser pushing my phone into the iHome speakers, pressing shuffle turning the volume up just loud enough.

Slowly unbuttoning his shirt that I was still wearing, letting it slowly drop to the floor. Putting on a small show for him as he watches from the bed.

I walk over and grab his hand pulling him out of bed and lead him into the bathroom. Removing my underwear and starting the shower. We both step in to the large shower. Standing under the overly large shower head together. Trying to memorize each other's body's with our hand.

Pushing my back against the cool shower wall as we deeply kiss one another. Touch all over. Stroking. Caressing. Grabbing one of my legs and hooking it on his arm and slowly enters me. Both of us letting out moans of complete contentment. Letting the pleasure overwhelm us completely. Loosing ourselves in the moment.

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