Chapter 18

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In the days following everyone had fell into a nice routine. I helped either at the scrap yard or the butcher shop, Angel was either pulling his shifts at the yard or on a run.

"Filipe, when was the last time you cleaned the inside of this meat case?!" I shouted from my spot inside the case furiously scrubbing the inside glass and base of the display.

Hearing his hearty laugh from inside of freezer where he was chopping and cutting up a new delivery of meat to fill the case I had taken upon myself to clean today.

We had been working tirelessly since 7am on cleaning and disposing meat that had gone bad from a power outage the day before. Angel and most of the guys had a overnight run to Vegas. Leaving behind EZ to keep an eye on me. No matter how long they were gone on a run, someone is always left behind to keep watch of the old ladies.

Popping in some wireless ear buds and turning on a music playlist to get myself in the groove of things. I begin spraying everything down and start scrubbing, quickly losing track of time and focus of my surroundings.

Bent over into the case trying to reach the furthest corner I suddenly feel hands gripping my hips as the quickly thrust their pelvis into my ass. The force causing me to lurch forward into the case and hitting my head on the glass.

Yanking my ear buds out as I begin to scramble to push myself up and out of the case I hear Angels laughter.

"You are a fuckin jerk you know that!" I say to him as I turn around and shove him. His tall frame now doubled over in laughter at my expense. Taking my dirty yellow rubber gloves off to throw them all his head.

"I'm sorry! The opportunity was there and I had to take it. You know I'm a lustful man, seeing that hermoso culo redondo up in the air, almost like it was speaking to me." He says grabbing my hand and placing it over his heart.

I laugh and shove him "That's cool just wait because next time I see your hermoso culo redondo bent your back beanstalk!" Walking past him to go wash my arms and hands of the stench that had managed to seep through the thick rubber gloves.

Looking in the mirror above the sink I see Angel looking out the front door of the shop. Looking up and down the street over and over. "You good? You look like you're looking for someone out there?" I say as I rub the antibacterial soap up to my elbows then washing it off.

I grab a clean towel and walk over to the door where he's standing and look out the window by him. "Nothin, you know me always on the lookout no matter where it is. Where's EZ? I thought I told him to come here and help you and Pop? He was supposed to stay with you?" He says trying to nonchalantly change the subject.

Brushing it off I answer him "I sent him away much to his disliking and bickering that you would be pissed off. I don't need a babysitter Angel."

"It's not called a babysitter, Soph. It's called my semi peace of mind. My brother would give his life to protect you and Pop. Helps me do my job better when I'm gone." He replies then walks out the front door to sit at the table and chairs on the sidewalk to smoke a cigarette.

Shaking my head not wanting to fight with him. "He does it because he loves you ya know." I hear a voice say from behind me. I whip around and see Felipe watching from the back doorway.

"Mary Mother! You Reyes men are going to give me a damn heart attack one day! Y'all always sneaking up on me!" I say laughing. "I know he loves me. But damn, I've had a babysitter almost my whole life. Ever since I was a child I always had to have someone watching me. I get it, the dangers are always there but there are no dangers right now. He would tell me if I needed to be more alert, Felipe. The last thing EZ wants to do is babysit you and I."

Felipe says nothing. "I'm going clean myself up a little then go get us some lunch ok?" He give a slight smile and nod then goes to walk outside with his son as I go to the bathroom.

Angels POV

Taking a final drag off the cigarette I had between my fingers before putting it out in the ashtray placed on the small patio table. Seeing the door open and Pop walking out and taking a seat across from me.

"She just doesn't get it. Pop..I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to her because I let our guard down for one day." I say shaking my head watching the cars go by.

"That's the thing you don't understand Son. She does get it. She's been watched her entire life. From the moment she was a baby she's always had someone being a babysitter. She wants someone to trust that she can take care of herself. She wants that person to be you."

I look at him. Processing what he's saying to me, licking my lips and sighing. "I can't let myself do that. I can't. I know she can take care of herself. She's told me. Her dad has told me. I've been told. But it doesn't matter." I stop trying to collect my emotions. My voice starting to break and quiver. "Do you ever wonder if Mom would still be here today if someone would have been here at the shop with her that day? If we would have just watched better and paid better attention. Maybe just maybe we could have prevented all that shit from happening." My eyes beginning to tear up. I avoid look at him. If I do I'm going to lose all composure.

"We can't think like that Angel. For years my head was filled with all these what if scenarios. But there is nothing I can do to change what happened. We seen how the what if's drove your brother to making the mistake he did. Your mother would have never allowed me to hover like you do that girl. It's going to end up driving her away. Trust her." He ends the conversation by getting up and returning back in the shop.

L.O. is everywhere, the most unsuspecting person could be involved with the movement. They are dangerous and I know with the last talk I had with Adelita she's not in agreement with the step back that I'm taking. Making her angry could put a potential target on Sophia.

••I updated! So so sorry for the ridiculous wait. Life happens especially with two toddlers.••

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