Chapter 12

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Collapsing onto the couch onto Angel, trying to catch my breath as we lay naked, sweaty, and now exhausted. I close my eyes feeling complete again, my head resting on his chest, my body curled into his. I begin to trace random patterns on him with my finger nail. The feeling tickling him and make him get instant goosebumps.

"Keep doing that and we are never going to make it back to the party."

"Who said I wanted to go back?"

"As much as I would love to stay in here and fuck the night away, your Dad is outside and I'm not trying to die tonight"

Groaning in exaggeration then slowly raising myself off of him and begin to get my clothes that we scattered across the small space. Turning around again I catch him staring at me. Sly smirk on his face, hair disheveled, hands behind his head, legs crossed at the ankles. Still laying there in all his glory.

Laughing as I begin to pull on my clothes "You know going back to the party requires us getting dressed again right?"

He laughs as he finally gets up and slips his boxers on "I know I know! My brain and my dick are having a internal battle with one another right now. Deciding if I want to go out and mingle or take you home and get you naked again."

Slipping my shirt back on and taking a step towards him I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him. "Let's have fun with everyone for a few hours, then we can go home and have our own fun"

He nods his head "So I take it as your not going back with them?"

"No. I didn't want to be sent up there last month anyway, Angel. I need to be here with you. This is where I need to be. Home is wherever you are."

"I sent you there for a reason. I need you to be safe and I thought it would be the safest place. Galindos shit could come down on us and I don't want."

"Well I'm safe here. I'm not going back. I've made a life down here with you for 3 years now and I intend to keep my life here with you."

His laughs and shakes his head and looks down at me "There's that stubborn attitude I missed. Well if you're staying you need get rid of those digs you got on." He says gesturing to the old sun faded Reaper Crew shirt I had made into a tank top.

Laughing and shoving him away from me before going over to the small mirror fixed on the outside of a door, checking my makeup and fixing my hair.

Turning around I see him slipping his kute back on "So you remember when I told you my brother was getting released from prison? Well he's outside. He's the Prospect, I uh, I haven't exactly told him about you yet"

I just stare at him with a confused look on my face "O..k, why haven't you? I mean I know I haven't been here for like a month, against my own fuckin wishes, but I'm not really sure about your reasoning." Crossing my arms as a get toe to toe with him.

"Because, he knows back when we were young I was never the one who even wanted to ever settle down. It wasn't in my plans, I just never seen myself doin the family shit. You know all this. All that's different now and all but I just didn't want him to know. Me and EZ have always had a..complicated relationship. I know he knows now but try not to eat him alive when he starts asking questions. Ok?" Staring at him for a second before rolling my eyes at him

"Whatever. I guess I understand. Like you said he knows now so that's less work for you. C'mon let's go get me a drink" I say taking his hand and pulling him out the camper to join the party we had abandoned almost 2 hours ago.

A lot had happened in 3 years. I made the move from Northern California to Southern California, Santo Padre was home now. I become den mother almost over night. Having left the only home I had ever known to start a new life with a man I hadn't known very long.

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