Chapter 4

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Angels POV

Sitting in the corner chair completely frozen. Still in shock at what I had just learned. I had just fucked SAMCROs Presidents daughter. He had basically walked in on our shower quickie.

Afraid that if I walked out of the room I would be met with a gun to my head. Not just from her Father, but from multiple members of SAMCRO.

"Fuck!" I groaned running my hands over my face, leaning forward resting my elbows on my thighs.

Sighing and standing up, grabbing my kutte that was still hanging on a small hook by door. Checking my pockets to make sure I had everything before walking out the door, still wide open from Sophia storming out moments earlier.

Slowly walking down the small hallway with my head down, not prepared for the shit show I was probably about to walk into for sticking my dick in a patched Presidents daughter.

Walking out into the main living area I see Coco and Gilly sitting at a table smoking cigarettes and talking between themselves quietly. Looking around quickly to see if anyone has noticed me walk in the room, I take a seat with them.

"Surprised to see you up already, figured we'd have to pry you from between ol' girls legs later" Gilly jokes.

"Yeah man, usually I would give you some shit for ditching us for some party pussy but I feel like I should be buying you a drink" Coco continues giving me ten miles of shit. Seeing that I'm not laughing they stop.

"Yeah surprised I still have my fuckin head right now...both of them!" I exclaimed quietly.

"Ah shit what'd you do, carnal?" Coco asks, taking a quick glance toward Gilly with a concerned look on his face, but laced with a hint of humor too.

"So everything was good right. The sex was mind blowing, literally, we tried squeezing in a quickie in the shower this morning till old dude with the scars on his face interrupted..." I start to tell them.

The sound of the the front door slamming open against the wall, causing Gilly and Coco to glance over my shoulder. Putting my head down and sighing knowing the men coming inside aren't Bishop and Alvarez.

"Aye, think we need to have a quick chat don't you?" I hear the accented voice say. Feeling his presence over my right shoulder.

Getting up from the chair, coming face to face with Chibs, the President of SAMCRO, the man whose daughter I had mind blowing sex with last night into the early hours of today. Who caught his daughter and I together in the shower just an hour before.

"Lead the way" I say, hoping the way he was taking me was not going to end with me getting a a gun to my head.

Giving me an unamused look before turning around and walking back out the way he came in

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Giving me an unamused look before turning around and walking back out the way he came in. Silently following behind him, walking out into the already blazing California heat. Noticing most of the bikes that had been there last night were already gone, headed back to their respective chapters.

He walks past the picnic tables, Happy sitting on top of one while Tig sat on the bench to his left. I take the glares they are shooting at me that they already know what happened.

He rounds the corner of the building, walking towards the front gates of the lot. Stopping as he reaches where the lot and the main road meet. Standing, waiting for me to walk up beside him.

"Ya know, a year ago if I would have caught a Mayan balls deep in my daughter I wouldn't have blinked twice before putting a bullet in the back of your skull.."He begins to say, still looking out onto the street as he reaches into his kutte for his cigarettes, quickly but silently offering me one.

"Look...I had no clue.."I start to say till he finally looks at me and holds his hand up to silence me

"I know you didn't fuckin know. I know how my daughter is. She's never liked to be treated like she's untouchable because of who I am. Who she is to this club." He says before taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"Listen..I didn't want this kinda life for her. I was barely ever here to be a Father to her when she was growing up. Her Mom left her with me when she was just a babe. Gemma took it upon herself to raise her along with Ope. This life is all she knows. The MC life is all she knows"

"Would it be fucked up of me to tell you I accused her of being in a swinger type relationship with you?" I say trying to lighten the tense mood of this conversation.

He laughs, "wouldn't be the first time someone thought we had some sort of fucked up Tig type relationship

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He laughs, "wouldn't be the first time someone thought we had some sort of fucked up Tig type relationship."

Sophias POV

Sitting against the tree I take in the scene before me.

Looking at the final resting place of my best friend. My fuckin brother. Tara on one side of him, Gemma on the other side. Opie the row behind him.

Realizing that I could have prevented the situation that happened this morning by having been honest with Angel. Instead of letting him find out the way he did and leaving him to fight off the crows.

"What the fuck did I do, Jax?" Saying as if he was standing right in front of me.

Club life is all I have ever known. Growing up with no friends besides club members kids. No one wanted their little girl friends with the outlaws daughter. No friends meaning no birthday party invitations. No slumber parties. Guys from high school wouldn't even look my way. One reason because I always had Jax and Opie trailing behind. The other because of my Dad.

By the time I turned 16 I had begun taking mental notes from Gemma. How to take care of your man. "Treat him like a King, but know your god damn worth baby girl."

Those notes were going to get me nowhere. Knowing my Dad would never let another member make a move on me. Always claiming he wanted a normal "non club related" life for me.

I should have told him. I should have gave Angel the choice. Let him know who I was. The potential shit that could follow.

My anger and embarrassment had subsided by now. Replacing those feelings with guilt and stupidity. Knowing I had to show my face at the clubhouse sooner or later, I gather myself and my thoughts and slowly stand up. Brushing the grass and dirt from my pants.

Taking a few strides forward, kissing my hand and placing it on Jaxsons headstone "I miss you so much Farrah." Laughing at the nickname I drunkenly gave him as a teenager. Sworn to never say it in front of other members.

Spinning on my heel I begin to walk back to my car. Ready to go make things right with my Dad. And more importantly with Angel.

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