Chapter 9

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Jumping off of Angel, almost falling on my face in the process, I frantically begin to search for my clothing.

Finally finding my clothes and slipping them on, I quickly begin to place my heels back on. Angel starting to get dressed too, he's quiet.

"I'm sorry I have to leave like this, like so suddenly I mean" I say standing up going to grab my purse.

He shakes his head "It's cool, I get it. Pops don't wanna see you with someone like us. But when are you going to finally tell them what you want? They don't want you with someone in a kutte. But it's not what you want, is it?"

His truthfulness makes me stunned.

" What do you want me to do Angel? Hmm?! Move down here and play old lady to you. You said it yourself when we met that you are too young to have one pussy lock you down. I won't be like the other old lady's. I can't do the whole "What stays on the road shit", I know my fuckin worth and whoever I'm with will know it to." I say to him, his previous statement making me feel attacked.

Picking up my purse and storming out the small camper door. SOA members beginning to mount their bikes. Each one still hungover not ready to be awake yet.

Taking a few steps forward I hear fast shuffling behind me.

"Can I call you later?" I hear him say

Stopping in my tracks and slowly turning around to face him. His confidence not wavering at all.

" can" I say with a small smile. He stands there for a moment before he takes a few big steps to me. His long legs making it only two and three normal steps.

He grabs my face with both of his giant hand and leans down, giving me a hard, sweet, passionate yet quick kiss.

"Alright alright! Cut it out. We have got to get back to Samdino before your Dad yanks my balls off with his bare hands. So let's get on the bike and go!" Tig says getting frustrated with me. He has zero patience for females. Claims we all make life harder for him.

Giving Angel a smile I walk to Tigs bike, putting on my sunglasses before putting on the helmet I grabbed from Tigs hands. He gets on first then me, having no other choice but to hold onto his waist tightly because I knew we were going to have to speed back.

Pulling out of the gates I look back at Angel one more time. Wanting nothing more than to stay there with him.


Making it back to Samdino in record time, exhaling when we notice that Chibs bike isn't parked with the others.

Hopping off the bike I go to make for the door before I'm stopped by Tigs voice.

"What the hell was that, know the drill. No patches. It gets messy. What if things were to ever go south with them again. Whose side would you be on?" He says

"First of all, I'm not a fuckin business deal. I'm a person. An adult perfectly capable of making my own love life decisions. And the no patch bullshit..that's what you guys have decided is best for me!" I reply getting angry quickly. I was about 2 feet away from him, getting closer with every word that escaped my lips.

"Yeah well, remember the last time you let a patch get you in bed?! He went and got himself blown the fuck up." He says in a asshole tone that makes me want to strangle him.

"Don't you fuckin dare! Don't! Kozik was different and you know that! And frankly I think you are a little jealous it wasn't you balls deep inside of me every single night back then." I mouth off to him. Knowing I had won this round I walk inside the doors, past everyone without saying a word and go in my room.

Stripping out of the clothes from the night before I put something looser and more comfortable on and throw my hair up into a messy ponytail.

I hear a loud motorcycle approaching the clubhouse. Shutting the door behind me I take off, walking into the lounge just as Dad opens the door and walks inside.

Going to hug and kiss him on the cheek we slowly walk over to the bar with his arm around my shoulder "What made you decide to come down? I thought you had some things to tie up with IRA connections?" I ask intrigued as to why he was here.

"Aye I did till the grimey fucks cancelled on I decided to ride down to get away from Charming. You know this is the first time we have left since Jax died?" He explains to me as he slides himself onto a barstool before signaling for the barter to get him a drink.

"Well I'm glad you could make the trip. Maybe we can stay longer than planned?" I ask trying to mask my true intentions of wanting to stay longer. Taking a cigarette from his pack and lighting it then exhaling slowly.

"Aye, maybe. I think it's be wise if I met with Bishop a few more times before they take over the guns from IRA. If something were to happen it would blow back on us, literally." He says shaking his head. He's clearly thought this through or he wouldn't have care down.

"Sounds like you know what you need to do. I'm going to go lay down for a little. Long night last night here" I say to him, actually tired and wanting to go lay down but also wanting to see if Angel had tried to contact me yet.

Standing up I wrap an arm around his shoulders and squeeze while laying my head on his.

"Aye, go lay down darlin." He says as he places a kiss on my head before I get up walking away.

"Just a tip from an Ol man. Frozen spoons do well to get rid of bite marks" I freeze as the word come out his mouth and turn to look at him.

All I can think is "oh shit"

He taps his neck "pretty large too. A tablespoon should get the job done" he says not even looking at me as he takes swig from his drink.

"Thanks for the tip" I say and turn quickly to run and hide.

I thought for sure I would be busted by one of the guys. Instead I got busted by my own stupidity to look for any markings.



Finishing my drink and smoke quickly after I outed Sophia, I walked outside where Happy and Tig still sat.

"So who wants to tell me why you let my daughter get close to that Mayan again when I clearly told you to do whatever you had to to keep her with you at all times." I ask pulling my gloves off standing in front of them.

"It's my fault Prez, she got out of my sight.." Happy began to admit to me.

"No, No! It was both of us Chibs. I can't let you take the fall for this Hap. It was both of us. We both got sidetracked and she just got away from us. I'm sorry, man." Tig says knowing it was unfair for Happy to take the blame for their fuck up.

"Too fuckin late for apologies! I'm not going to be able to keep her from him now. It's fuckin useless." I say taking a seat next to them putting my heads in my hands then rubbing my face.

"Bishop heard you made the trip down. He wants to meet with us today. Is that going to be a problem?" Tig says slightly concerned at my reaction once there.

"Aye. Business as usual." I say standing up, as well as making another decision in my head as I walk back inside and march towards the room Sophia went in and knocked on the door.

"Sophia? You up?" I say then silently wait for a response. A moment later I hear the clicking of locks and then the door opens.

"Get ready. We're leaving for Santo Padre in 15. Your coming with" I say to her, a look of shock and confusion washes over her face.

"No, I don't think I need to be there" she says shaking her head

"I think you do, love. Your goin." I say patting her cheek then walking away.

15 minutes later I strap my helmet on my head, hearing Sophia storming out the door and stomping down the stairs to my bike. She swings her leg over the back and gets on behind me as reach back and hand her a helmet. Looking in the mirror seeing she's ready I start the bike and head towards Santo Padre with my guys following behind.

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