Chapter 13

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Waking up the next morning with the bright sun shining through the blinds. My face buried into the pillow as the familiar smell of cologne brings me back to reality that I'm home in my own bed, feeling the warmth on my backside I know that Angel is right next to me still.

Rolling over to my side to face him, his face smashed into pillow, his mouth slightly open. He is naked, a sheet covering his lower half. I reach to bring his hand into mine. Kissing his scarred ringed fingers to trying a wake him up. He lets out a painful groan and without moving, he peaks his eyes open to look at me.

Giggling at the look he gives me for waking him up, "Your breath smells like pussy and beer."

He laughs and positions himself on his side to look at me "You are too fuckin kind with your stank ass dick and whiskey breath" he jokes

I pretend to look offended and kick his thigh almost making him fall off the bed. "Asshole! I was going to make you breakfast and everything but you can starve." I say as I begin to get up from the bed. He grabs my arm and pulls my on top of him.

"I missed you so fuckin much, you know that." He says as he brushes a few loose strands of hair away from my face.

"You missed me but you were the one who sent me up there. For some unknown threat that I have yet to hear about. And by the way you still owe me an explanation as to why you didn't tell your brother till last night that you have had a girlfriend, no scratch that, an old lady for 3 years?!"

He groans and rolls his eyes at me "Are we really going to do this now. No morning sex first?"

"No Angel. No morning sex until I get at least one of my answers"

"I told you why I didn't tell EZ, it was just easier that way and I was going to tell him before you came home but I didn't know you were going to be back last night till you showed up."

"You would have known had you answered my calls. Back to why you sent me away then?"

"You seriously aren't going to stop till you get an answer are you?" He gives me a look of bewilderment.

"No, I let you have your secret for long enough and now I think I deserve to know why you thought I would be safer in Charming rather than here with you.."

He moves out from underneath me and sits on the edge of the bed and runs his hands over his face then through his hair "Galindos wife was ambushed, their son kidnapped in the process. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of me so I sent you to Charming with the hopes that it would be resolved soon, we still haven't found their son yet."

I just stare at him in silence and shock "That why? Angel, do you have any clue how many kidnappings and shit that have happened in the last 10 years in Charming? So many I can't remember. And you know what the club does with that happens? We become closer so things become safer, we don't send each other away. Please don't ever do that again, Angel. Don't ever send me away again." I move in front of him and hug him as he still sits at the edge of the bed. His head buried in my chest and his arm around my thighs.

I begin to kiss him and push his back to lay flat on the bed before I move to straddle his hips and take control, things moving faster than normal because we are already naked.

His hands tangle themselves in my hair, gripping it tightly as he moves himself inside of me. Both of us groaning into the kiss. Our faces are just centimeters from each other. His fingers gripping my hips as I begin to move myself on his lap in a steady rhythm.

"Hey Angel, your phone was going to OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY I'LL WAIT OUTSIDE!"

We both scramble to grab the sheet as we hear EZ's voice enter the bedroom and leave as quickly as he came in.

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