Chapter 17

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Walking out of the bathroom after our quickie, a few members had made their way inside. Angel quickly gets pulled into a conversation with someone at the bar and I excuse myself outside to get some fresh air and to mingle.

I make my way over to a cooler close by seeing it filled with beer I had requested from EZ. Cracking the top open and taking a drink and scanning the area for EZ. In the time I had returned home I hadn't been able to really talk to him and get to know him at all.

I spot him over by a line of bikes chatting with Gilly and Coco and decide to go over there till I hear a deep voice from behind me "Ya know when I was told a month back that I was going to be doing shipments for the Mayans and actually have to stay here for quite some time, I didn't think I was going to be setting my eyes on you while I'm here"

Turning around seeing Jamie just feet from me with a smile that would make any female drop to her knees. "Well you won't be seeing me much so it doesn't matter much."

He smirks at me walking closer "Didn't think we had left off on a bad foot all those years back."

"Well when someone makes you think they really care about you and they walk away so easily, yeah it might cause some bitter fuckin feelings."

"Ya know, I gotta say, I never expected to see you settle for someone so...bonn a 'bharaille."

"Oh go fuck yourself you fèin-fhìreanach! Go hop on a fuckin boat and go back to where you belong!" I yell and stomp away from him not giving him a chance to reply.

Bounding up the stairs in search for Angel deciding if I wanted to go home or spend the rest of the night just ignoring Jamie.

Seeing him sitting at the bar where I had left him after our tryst in the bathroom, going up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist and place a kiss on the back of his neck.

Startled he turns quickly, he smiles and laughs a bit when he sees that it's me. "Done mingling? Figured I would have to drag you away from everyone."

He spins around on the barstool and pulls me to stand between his long legs, his hands resting on my hips, his thumb brushing back and forth on a patch of skin showing.

"Eh I like your company better. I feel like we have barely got to spend time together like this since I got back from Charming." I begin to play with the buttons on his shirt. Feeling a bit embarrassed. We have spent more time bickering and fighting lately than having fun and laughing together.

"Look, I'm sorry..I know things have been a bit tense between us lately. I know it's both of our faults but I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about the picture that was sent to me."

He shakes his head and grabs my hands bringing them up to his mouth and kissing them.

"Soph, I fuckin love you. A few spats between us is not going to change how I feel about you. Don't ever thing that I don't love you ok."

Tears begin to form in my eyes as I crack a smile. "You know, when you told me you thought it would be best is I go to Charming with my Dad I thought it was your way of forcing space between us to soften the blow that you didn't want to be with me. I spent the whole time up there trying to figure out what I had did wrong or what I didn't do."

He shakes his head a few times before pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me "Never! Never in a million years would I think of hurting you like that. Your Dad scares me way to much to ever do that to you." He jokingly says but in all seriousness too.

I laugh and shove him away "Your such a dick. Always got to ruin a good heart to heart."

"I know I know. C'mon let's get some air outside." He stands up grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. Draping his long arm over my shoulders and pulling me in closer to him.

Hearing Coco yell Angels name from a distance, we walk over to them standing around a fire. Laughing, drinking, and having fun for the first time since I came back. Angel looks down at me, seeing me happy makes him happy.

He grabs my chin and leans down to give me the most passionate kiss we have had in days. Pulling away he takes a long drink from his beer. Out of the corner of my eye I see him nod his head and lift his beer in air towards someone in the distance. Looking in that direction I see a pair of eyes burning into my soul. The same pair of eyes Angel had seen staring at us. Jamie.

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