Chapter 2 - Evie

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"Evie, you have a visitor

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"Evie, you have a visitor." Becky says standing in my bedroom doorway, I don't remove my headphones, just nod as I stand up from my bed and follow her to the visiting room. I look up and see my brother sitting at a table. As I enter he looks up and smiles when he sees me

"Hey sis how's it going?" He asks as I sit down, I remove one earbud, leaving the other in so I have constant sound.

"I'm fine." I reply

"So you're coming home next week, I figure you could write me a list of stuff I need to get. You're gonna live with me, I have your room ready, just let me know what you want and I'll get it before next week." He says as he hands me a pad of paper and a pen

"I don't want to go home." I whisper as I look down at the paper

"You can't stay here forever Evie and I miss us living together." He says as he reaches out to touch me but changes his mind. Even my brother won't touch me anymore, not that I want him to, but that just shows the trash I am now.

"I like it here." I reply and he sighs

"Please Evie, I just want you to come home, you don't have to do anything else, just come home. I promise you're safe with me." He assures me

"Just write the list, so I can get it all." He says as he taps the paper

"I want to stay here, I want to stay locked up." I say quietly, still looking down

"I can put locks on your bedroom door. I already have locks on the front door, I'll put locks on your bedroom door and the windows. Anything you want, just write it down." He taps the paper again and I give up and pick it up to begin writing.


I hand the paper back to him and he looks at it confused

"That's it?" He questions with furrowed brows

"I know you talked to Dr. Ashton, I know you know what I need. Don't bullshit me Elijah." I say as I feel my nails dig into my palms

"Evie you know I fucking hate that name, it's Socket." He replies

"Oh yeah I forgot you're a big ass biker now, at least one of us got something out of it." I shout and I see the staff approaching

"It's fine this is over anyway." I say as I stand up holding my hands up

"I'll be back to take you home next week Evie." He says as he points at me with his notepad. I don't reply as I let Becky guide me back to my room.

"Remember you have therapy in an hour, I'll come get you." She smiles as she leaves me alone, I put the earbud back in my ear and let the music drown out my mind. I lie back on my bed and close my eyes, I check for the flashlight under my pillow, as I do a thousand times a day and then relax my arms back by my sides. I check the flashlight one more time, before I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to some one calling my name and I jump up when I see some one beside my bed

"Sorry sweetie." Becky says as she holds an earbud in her hand

"I always try to wake you gently but it never works." She smiles sadly as I take it from her and put it back in my ear. I stand up and stretch before following her to my therapy session.

"Well I think you have learned some very good coping mechanisms Evie, but I will still have you come back for sessions four or five times a week, we'll see how it goes. I'll give you my number and you or your brother can call me if you need me." Dr Ashton says and I nod

"You can do this Evie, I know it's scary and I know you haven't been outside since the traumatic event, but your brother is very supportive and I'll be on the other end of the phone." She assures me. Becky and her have pitied me since they read my file, I know they have. It sickens me, I'm labelled. I may as well get 'Victim' tattooed on my forehead the way they look at me, they do nothing to help me forget. Nothing makes me forget, the video is on replay in my mind and always will be, I just drown it out with music.

Becky guides me to the main room where all the crazies spend their days and I walk over to the big armchair in the window and curl up in it. My headphones play anything and everything as long as there's noise I don't care what it is. I look out the big window to the gardens, I watch the flowers sway in the breeze and the clouds moving above me.

I haven't been outside for over 5 years. I know I should want to but I don't. I want to stay behind the locked doors, they're designed to stop the crazies getting out but for me they stop people getting in. When I hear my bedroom door lock at night I feel safe, I won't get that once I leave.

I just want to go back before it happened and be the old me, the college drop out trying to keep things afloat to support her little brother, she wore short skirts in the summer and little tank tops that showed her flat stomach and belly button piercing. Yes times were hard but I'd rather go back to that life than live this one.

I look back in the room and see a man walking up to me, I quickly get up from my chair and run for the door

"Female only." I hear Becky say as I run and I don't stop until I'm back in my room, maybe I should get that tattooed on my head too.

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