Chapter 21 - Reaper

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A/N: hey lovelies. This story has just reached 15K views!!! So as a thank you for all your support I decided another double update was needed, hope you're enjoying xxx

"Bullet, got a minute?" I ask as I find him in Killers office

"Sure what's up?" He asks as I sit down on the leather couch

"Evie has to see her doctor tomorrow and I wondered if there was a way we could get her there and back safely?"

"We're on lockdown there's no leaving the compound." Bullet reminds me

"I know, but it's real important she sees this doctor, I don't want her to start freaking out inside the clubhouse. She only just got out of the facility."

"Sorry, but we shouldn't be in lockdown much longer, it's for her safety too." He shrugs

"I get it." I reply as I head out to the bar

"What's up?" Indigo asks as she sets up a tray of drinks I'm guessing are for the girls, I hope Evie is having fun with them, I'm not looking forward to telling her she can't go to her appointment, but I'm only a nomad, so I couldn't really push Bullet

"Nothing. Just Evie has an appointment with her therapist and I know she needs to go but we're on lockdown." I groan as I run my hand down my face

"Give me five minutes." She smirks as she heads to Killers office.

Twenty minutes later Indigo steps out of the office and runs her fingers through her now messy hair with a big smile on her face

"Bullet wants to see you." She smirks as she picks up the tray of drinks and heads back towards Circuits room. The girls really do run this place, I laugh to myself as I head back to the office

"Indigo explained things from Evie's side. I'll let her go, but she'll need an escort and only to her appointment and straight back here." Bullet says leaning back in his chair.

"I appreciate it man." I nod

"You and Evie, does this mean you'll finally accept Killers offer to patch in?" Bullet smirks. I laugh but don't give him an answer as I head back out to the bar.

"I don't like it but I have to agree." Knuckles shrugs as we devise a plan for tomorrow.

"I'll make it up to you big guy." Scarlett smirks as she runs her hand up his thigh

"When did you even get in on this?" Bullet asks

"When Indigo told me what was going on. After what Evie went through I want to help, I probably wouldn't be as strong as she is if it happened to me." Scarlett shrugs

"Besides I'm the best fighter out of the girls and Evie wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone else but those two." Scarlett says pointing to me and Socket. Bullet doesn't want to lose people from protecting the clubhouse so it has been decided Scarlett will drive Evie in her car while Socket, me, Knuckles and Ace ride escort.

"Are we good?" Scarlett asks looking around the table

"Fine." Socket says before getting up and heading for the bar

"It's been too long since I had a good fight." Scarlett grins rubbing her hands together

"You need to avoid trouble not drive towards it." Knuckles groans

"Sorry daddy." She smirks and he growls as he picks her up over his shoulder and marches for his room.

"Those two are like damn teenagers." Bullet laughs

"And you and Indigo aren't?" I smirk and he laughs

"You and Evie will be joining in the fun before long." He replies as he hits me on the shoulder and heads around the bar to his woman.

I look towards the hall and see Skye wheel out with Izzy and Cordelia behind her and then I see her. Her hair has been cut and styled into loose curls, I glad she kept it to her waist, she looks so beautiful with it. She smiles when she sees me and walks over to me, but before she can sit down I pull her into my lap.

"You look beautiful." I smile as I kiss her cheek and she blushes

"Thank you." She whispers as I wrap my arms around her waist

"I talked to Bullet and with a little help from Indigo you can go to your appointment tomorrow. Scarlett is going to drive you while me, your brother, Knuckles and Ace ride with you."

"Which one is Ace?" She asks looking around the bar

"He's the one playing cards with Cordelias son Diesel." I say pointing to him

"I can trust him." She says to herself and I nod. We spent the rest of the day in the bar, the girls laughed with Evie as I hung out with the guys. Maybe I could settle here one day. I've always enjoyed my time here, now Cordelia isn't threatening me I get along with everyone, not that I blame her, I was an asshole.

"Bullet put $100 on you patching in." Knuckles says pulling me from my thoughts

"At least you aren't betting on Cordelia killing me anymore." I smirk

"You know I could do with some help at the warehouse, there's a place for you when you decide." Knuckles says and I nod

"Appreciate it man, but I don't know." I shrug as I watch Evie turn bright red and Scarlett laugh. I wonder what those girls are up to? She looks over to me and when she catches my eyes she immediately looks down at the floor. She's fucking adorable, I love her little blushes and smiles.

"You ready for bed sweetheart?" I ask a while later standing at the table full of girls. She nods and takes the hand I offer as she stands

"Goodnight Evie." Scarlett says with a knowing smirk as I raise my eyebrow

"Shut up." Evie groans as she pulls me towards my room.

"What was that about?" I ask as I close the door to my room

"Nothing." Evie shrugs as she goes into the closet and then walks off into the bathroom. I chuckle as I strip out of my clothes, looking forward to her drooling at my body when she comes out. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for her to come out.

I hear the door open and look up to see Evie standing in the doorway

"Fuck." I curse as my eyes travel her body. Instead of the baggy body covering pyjamas I was expecting she's only wearing one of my tshirts. It hangs off one shoulder and the bottom sits mid thigh on her sexy long legs. Her hair is gathered over her covered shoulder as she bites her bottom lip. My eyes travel back up to her face and she blushes. I quickly close the distance between us and place my hands on her hips

"You look fucking sexy in my shirt." I say looking down at her and she smiles

"It was Scarlett's idea, I said I wanted to be sexier for you than wearing those huge pyjamas."

"You couldn't be any sexier." I reply before leaning down until our lips meet. I run my hands down to her bare thighs and I groan at the touch of her hot, smooth skin. I pick her up and she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist as her hands grasp at my hair.

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