Chapter 6 - Evie

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A/N: 1K views on the first day! Amazeballs! I finally gave in today and became the mommy with the minivan. I hate it already! The joys of motherhood. I haven't ridden my motorcycle since my daughter was born and I'm itching to get back on it. Here's another chapter for you lovelies! Xxx

I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't, I just sat on my bed with all the lights on, music playing and holding my flashlight. I just want to go back to the facility where I feel safe.

Now I'm dreading today, I haven't seen Cordelia since that night. She was a nurse in the ER and helped treat my injuries, she was so kind and caring. But I worry seeing her face will bring it all back, even though it still replays in my head.

"I gotta go, Cordelia will be here soon, here's your keys to lock up, here's my credit card, buy whatever you need. Call me if you need me." Socket says handing me a set of keys and his card

"Will you answer this time?" I ask as I place my hand in my hip

"Kiss my ass." He says before walking out of the door. I lock it behind him and go back into my bedroom.

Sure enough 20 minutes later I hear the rumble of a motorcycle and look out the window to see a truck pull up with a motorcycle behind it. Why is Reaper here? I wonder as I walk out my room and stand by the door. I wait until Cordelia and Reaper are at the door before I open it and let them in, quickly locking it behind them.

"Evie, it's good to see you again, you look great." Cordelia smiles

"Evie? Evie stay with me sweetie." The memory of her voice runs through my head and I let out a loud sob

"Oh sweetie, can I hug you?" She asks and I nod as she wraps her arms around me and holds me close

"You're ok, I've got you." She says as I cry all over her shirt.

"Sorry." I say as I step back and look at the wet patch on her shirt

"Well it's an excuse to buy more." She laughs

"You alright if Reaper comes with us? It was his idea, safety in numbers." She says pointing to him and I nod. When I saw him in my room yesterday, something drew me to him. He terrifies me as he stands over 6ft with his big shoulders and muscles, but at the same time something in my head tells me he's alright. Maybe it's because he's friends with my brother.

"You ready to go?" She asks and I nod as I run into my room and grab my flashlight. I follow Cordelia to her truck and climb in. Reaper climbs on his motorcycle and we head out, Reaper following.

"I'm always here if you want to talk to some one. You know what happened to me and I know what you've been through so if you need me I'm here." Cordelia says as she drives. She's put the radio on so I've taken my earbuds out for now, but they're in my hand ready.

"Thanks." I reply as I look in the side mirror at Reaper riding behind us.

"I'll give you my number and you can call me anytime. My husband is out of town so it's just me and my kids, you can come to my house some time if you like." She smiles as she looks from the road to me and back.

"How did you do it?" I ask and she looks at me confused

"Fall in Love, get married, have babies?" I add

"I was scared at first but once I finally opened up to him about what happened he was really caring and supportive. In the end I learned to fight, I know I can take anything that comes my way. And if that doesn't work I've got a .38 in my purse." She laughs. She seems so confident, I'd love to be like that.

We arrive in the city and she parks up the truck, Reaper pulling up beside us. I put my earbuds back in but keep the music low so I can hear her voice and step out of the truck.

"Stick by us and we'll keep you safe." Cordelia assures me as we walk towards the first store. There are strange men everywhere and I'm terrified something is going to happen, I just want to get this over with so I can go home.

"Ok, what do you need? Socket said about clothes and a computer, but you tell me anything else you want and we'll find it." Cordelia smiles as she begins looking at the rails of clothes.

Reaper hovers by the front of the store and I see the way people are looking at him, they're scared of him. He's very intimidating with his height and broad shoulders and he has a stern look on his face but when he looked at me yesterday he didn't seem like the big scary guy in the leather cut I see now, he seemed caring.

I'm insane and I can't trust him, he's a man. I turn my music up and begin picking out clothes so I can get done and go home.

"Shall we try these on?" Cordelia asks with an arm full of clothes and I nod. We go to the dressing room and I close the curtain. I unzip my jacket and hang it on the hook but then I turn and look at myself in the mirror. I need to take my clothes off to try the new ones on, but I can't. What if some one walks in? There were men in the store, what if they're waiting until I'm undressed before barging in here? I sit down on the small chair in the room and pull my flashlight from my pocket, gripping it tightly. This was a mistake, this whole thing has been a mistake, I should never have left the facility, I just want to live there, I don't want to live outside, I want to stay locked away.

The curtain is pulled open and I flinch as Reaper steps in and kneels in front of me. He's saying something but I can't hear him for my music. He reaches his hand forward and I flinch again when he pulls an earbud out

"You're safe Evie, I'll protect you." He says calmly and quietly. I look up as Cordelia steps up behind him buttoning her shirt

"I was damn naked." She laughs

"Are you ok?" She asks and I shake my head

"Do you know what size you are?" She asks and I shake my head again

"Ok here's what we'll do, try on one outfit while Reaper and I stand in front of the curtain, then you don't need to try anything else on, we'll just get the right size and if it doesn't fit at home, I'll return it for you." She says as she puts her purse down on the floor and turns to block the doorway. Reaper stands up and smiles at me as he pulls the curtain closed and I see the back of his head above the curtain.

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