Chapter 22 - Evie

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A\N: hello Lovelies. Finally here is the sexy scene! I got a little carried away, so I hope you enjoy xxx

"You aren't even listening." Scarlett laughs as I finally look away from Reaper

"Sorry." I blush.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" She asks

"I just, I don't want to be nervous and shy, I want to be sexy for him." I shrug

"He already thinks you're hot, you could wear a trash bag and he'd be turned on." Scarlett laughs

"I like him touching me but he's only kissed me or hugged me, how do I tell him I want more?" I ask. I was going to wait until I saw Dr Ashton tomorrow and ask her but I don't think I can wait. I want Reaper so badly, with his arms around me I feel safe, his scent calms me and I want him surrounding me. It's been five years and although I never thought I would want to feel a mans touch ever again I want to be consumed by Reaper

"I have an idea." She smirks before adding "just walk out of the bathroom naked. Bam check out my goods, you know you want 'em."

She strikes a few poses and I laugh

"What about for a girl who's a little less confident than you?" I ask

"Oh I got you, here's what you do."

As I stand in Reapers bathroom I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing one of his shirts, Scarlett said Knuckles loves it when she wears his clothes and Reaper would too, plus it covers my scars.

I knew it worked when his eyes travelled my body and he looked like a tiger ready to pounce. The feel of his hands on my bare thigh sent sparks through my body as he picks me up, our lips moving together in sync. I gasp as he backs me up against the wall and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I moan at his taste as hints of whiskey warm my senses. I feel his hardness grind against me, only the thin materials of my panties and his boxer briefs between us and I feel the dampness of my core, something I haven't felt for the longest time. My nails claw at the muscles of his back as his lips travel down my neck and he nips at the skin gently. With one hand around my waist his other hand hits the wall beside me as he pulls back to look into my eyes

"I need to stop before I can't control myself." He pleads and I see how desperate he is for me, his eyes burn with lust but I know he'd stop right now and go sleep on the couch if I asked him to.

"Don't." Is all I say before tugging at his hair and pulling his lips back to mine. I tighten my legs around his waist as he grinds against my core and I moan into his mouth. Through the material of his shirt I feel my nipples graze against his solid chest as he traps me between the wall and his body.

"You're sure you want this?" He asks

"I need to feel you." I moan as I grind my pelvis against him. He lets out a strangled groan as he walks us backwards and sits on the bed. His hands glide up my rib cage as he lifts his shirt and pulls it over my head. He takes a moment to look at my body but I need something, anything to relieve this ache

"Reaper." I whisper as I grind against his length

"Fuck Evie, you're so beautiful." He says as he cups both of my breasts in his large hands. I gasp as he lightly pinches one nipple between his thumb and finger, his tongue gliding over the other before encasing it between his lips. My fingers tangle in his hair as I hold him against me, I've never felt such raw need for anyone in my life even before...

"Stay with me Evie." Reaper says as he takes my chin in his fingers

"Concentrate on what I'm doing to your body, don't think of anything else other than what you want me to do to you." He ends on a whisper against my ear before taking the lobe between his teeth. I close my eyes and concentrate on what I feel, his lips behind my ear, travelling down my neck, I gasp as he bites the skin, that will surely leave a mark. He kisses and nips his way down my neck and across my collarbone but it just isn't enough

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