Chapter 18 - Evie

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"Ok you have to give us details." Scarlett says wiggling her eyebrows as I sit with the old ladies in the bar. Reaper helped me pack a bag of my stuff but when we got back he got called into church, luckily I can sit with the girls while he's gone.

"There's nothing to tell." I shrug

"Bullshit, he's moved you into his room already, I smell a property cut." Skye smirks

"I just, instead of freaking out when I touch him, I feel safer. Touching him makes me feel better." I shrug

"I wouldn't mind touching him if you know what I mean." Scarlett smirks and the girls laugh

"You got yourself a hottie there." Izzy adds

"Oh fuck, did I tell you guys about the strippers?" Scarlett says as all eyes land on her

"I tried to book the same strippers for Skye's bachelorette that I got for Indigos and they said no. Something about a handsy blonde and a crazy pregnant lady." Scarlett scoffs, her voice full of disappointment

"I was not crazy. I couldn't drink so I just wanted to have a little fun! I don't see a problem with trying to remove a g-string with my teeth. He gave me an awesome lap dance first." Skye pouts as everyone laughs

"You had male strippers at your bachelorette?" I ask Indigo and she nods

"They were super hot too. Sounds like we traumatised the poor things though." She laughs

"Don't you worry, I will find some new way hotter ones for your party Skye." Scarlett says

"I sure hope so. None of us are pregnant I want us all hammered and the strippers scarred for life!" Skye says adamantly and everyone laughs. These girls are crazy, but I'm really growing to love them, they're so strong, they all have these big scary bikers at their side and they seem almost invincible.

"Are we really in danger?" I ask

"I don't know the full details but we're safe here. The guys will protect us with their lives and you know we're all packing." Cordelia says

"What if something happens?" I ask unsure

"There's too many of us, if I didn't think it was safe I wouldn't have my kids here." Cordelia replies as the girls agree

"You're safe Evie, I promise." Cordelia says as she gives my hand a squeeze.

"You get unsure you can bunk up with me, but I'm not much for cuddles." Scarlett winks as she shows me the gun in her jacket

"I might take you up on that." I say trying to lighten the mood, I don't want to upset anyone because of my stupid fear.

The men start coming out of the room they hold church in and I see Reaper walk straight to me.

"You Alright sweetheart?" He asks as he leans down beside me and I nod

"I'm gonna keep you safe ok." He says as he takes my hand in his and links our fingers

"I'm calling lockdown. No one in no one out and I want everyone locked, loaded and ready." Bullet announces from the bar

"I'm going to see if I can help Circuit track these fuckers." Skye says as she wheels off

"I'll help Bullet in the armoury." Indigo says as she stands up

"I better get the infirmary prepped just in case." Cordelia says

"I've got the kids with Stacey." Izzy says

"Well fuck you all I'm just gonna go get laid." Scarlett shrugs as she finds Knuckles. It only takes a short whisper in his ear and he's carrying her off up the stairs.

"It sounds like a war is coming." I say as I turn back to Reaper

"We just like to be prepared, it's going to be ok. It's late, let's get you to bed." He says as he pulls me to my feet and guides me to his room never letting go of my hand.

I grab my pyjamas from my bag and go into the bathroom. I know I'm not going to sleep, but I'll just pretend I am until Reaper is asleep so he doesn't worry. I look at myself in the mirror wearing my baggy pyjamas that cover most of my body. I wish I had the confidence to wear something sexy for Reaper. I used to sleep in the tiniest shorts and tanks, but now I need to stay covered.

I wish Reaper had met the old me, the me who would've worn sexy little outfits to go out on normal dates with him, who would've jumped on his bike excited and then dragged him to my room and stripped him of his clothes. I wasn't a slut, I had a high school boyfriend but we just drifted apart because I was always working to help Socket finish high school and have as normal life as possible after our dad died. After that, I hooked up with a cute guy or two, but nothing else.

I step out into the bedroom and my eyes are immediately drawn to Reaper who stands by the bed wearing only his boxer briefs. The muscles of his back ripple as he does something on the nightstand. I take a minute to appreciate the god in front of me, his large shoulders and rippling back, his firm ass, that I kinda want to squeeze and then his strong muscular thighs

"If you don't close those lips I'll put them to use." I'm pulled from my naughty fantasy to see he's turned and is stalking across the bedroom towards me. I bite my lip as my eyes travel from the cut V above his underwear to his abs and then his chiselled chest. His skin has several tattoos that only seem to make him look sexier.

He pulls my lip from between my teeth with his thumb and I feel the heat spreading across my cheeks. I can feel heat spreading to other parts of my body, but I push those thoughts away, I'm not ready for that yet. Although the dirty things I want to do to Reaper running through my mind say otherwise.

"I set up your speaker, so you can play music while you sleep." He says as he takes my hand and brings me to the bed

"Are you sure? You won't be able to sleep through the music and the bright lights." I ask as I point at the ceiling light

"I'll be fine, if I can sleep through a biker party I can sleep through this, I'm happy as long as you feel safe. The door is locked and I'll be right there." He says pointing to the couch.

He leans down and kisses me softly before pulling back the sheets. He covers me over and then moves to the couch, pulling a red comforter over him as he lies down

"Goodnight Evie."

"Goodnight Reaper."

MC's Nomad (Broken Demons MC #5)Where stories live. Discover now