Chapter 36 - Epilogue

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I groan at my aching muscles as I try to fasten the zipper on my dress. Who knew DIY was such a bitch on the muscles? Reaper and I bought a house last month and while he insisted he could fix it up himself I insisted I wanted him to teach me so we could do it together. Even my brother has been helping out, it's great to watch him and Reaper finally getting along so well

"Are you ready yet?" Scarlett says as she lets herself into my room at the clubhouse. She's wearing a short leather dress and gold platform heels with her blonde locks flowing over her shoulders

"Can you zip me up?" I ask as I grab my heels. I'm wearing a short red lace dress with matching heels, it's more conservative than Scarlett's outfit, but I'm slowly getting more comfortable at showing off my body.

"Ok let's go, our ride is here." She says as I slide on my engagement ring, when Reaper and I got back from San Francisco and told Socket we were engaged he gave me our moms ring, a simple gold band with a square cut diamond.

I follow Scarlett down to the bar and find all the girls waiting for me, Skye is wearing a sash that reads 'Bride to be' and everyone looks so pretty in their dresses for Skye's bachelorette party. I have no idea what's happening tonight but if Indigos was anything to go by, it's going to be one hell of a night.

We get out to the lot to find a party bus parked up, the driver lowers a ramp for Skye and we all get inside, rock music plays and disco lights flicker around the bus, with a stripper pole in the middle and Scarlett hands us all glasses of champagne

"To Skye, your wedding will suck compared to what I have planned tonight!" Scarlett laughs as she toasts

"Don't I know it, Circuit said a firm no to male strippers at the wedding, asshole." Skye pouts as we laugh.

"What the hell?" Skye says as we get off the party bus at Scars

"We party here all the time, what's going on?" Skye asks but Scarlett only smirks as she walks towards the door. Skye and Scarlett head for the service elevator at the back as the rest of us follow instructions and head upstairs to the strip club part. We walk inside and the place is covered in penis shaped balloons and there's a giant inflatable penis on the stage. Daisy, one of the bar girls, greets us with more champagne with, you guessed it, penis straws and I know if I don't pace myself Reaper will be picking up his hammered fiancée later.

"Ok ladies first of all Angel will be giving us pole dancing lessons, the male strippers I hired this time are running late, but should get here soon and then the fun can begin." Scarlett says rubbing her hands together.

For a girl with no control of her legs Skye can really work a pole and Cordelia had us all laughing with her lack of dance skills. I was too embarrassed to dance around the pole, but I did dance with Indigo to the side while Izzy had a spin on the pole.

Our laughter in uncontrollable as we collapse into a booth, Daisy brings us a tray of shots, each one has a dirtier name than the last.

"Oh my god that's disgusting what is that?" I groan as a swirl of far too strong alcohol assaults my throat

"That was a death by sex, here try a circle jerk it's actually quite nice." Indigo says holding out a shot and we all laugh.

"Ladies, I hate to break up your fun but the strippers have arrived!" Daisy announces and Scarlett practically bolts for the stage.

"Hold up, I have instructions to make you sit in specific places." Daisy says as she guides me to a seat

"Whatever, just make sure I get the fireman. I can help him with his hose." Skye smirks as she wiggles her eyebrows. The room suddenly turns black and I gasp. My fear of the dark is getting a little better, I don't carry a flashlight anymore, but total darkness still scares me

"I got you girl." Cordelia says from my right as I feel her hold my hand. Cordelia sits on my right, then Indigo on my left, followed by Scarlett, Skye and Izzy. I'm not sure how I feel about a strange man grinding against me. I mean I touch men all the time now working in the tattoo shop, but that's different. Scarlett said I can just say no and she'll take my stripper so she can be and I quote 'wedged between two hotties in thongs'

"What's the hold up? A naked man better be grinding against me in the next five minutes or I want a discount!" Scarlett calls out in the darkness and we laugh. Pony by Ginuwine begins to play and slowly the lights come up to reveal six men on the stage

"What's this shit?" Scarlett groans

"Oh hell no." Indigo adds

"I want some strange, I touch you all the time." Skye calls to the men on stage. I can only giggle as I look at the men in front of me. Killer, Reaper, Bullet, Knuckles, Circuit and Sonny all stand on stage wearing jeans and their cuts, no shirts.

"We still don't know what went down at Indigos party, no way were we letting that happen again." Circuit says but I can't take my eyes off Reaper. His figure hugging jeans, this strong arms and then the muscles of his chest and abs rippling under his leather cut.

"I'm fine with it, my stripper is hot." The words leave my mouth and I feel my cheeks heat as a smirk spreads across Reapers face.

"Fine I guess I'll just settle for the hot biker." Scarlett says as she climbs onto the stage and presses her body against Knuckles.

"Your bachelorette is next Evie, and we won't tell our men when it's happening so they can't sabotage us." Skye says as Circuit climbs down towards her.

Now this is the kind of party I can enjoy. Drinks are flowing and I grind my body against Reaper to the sultry music.

"You have any idea what you're doing to me?" Reaper whispers in my ear.

"I may have some idea." I smirk as I grind my ass against the hardness in his jeans. Each couple has taken their own corner of the club and when I look to Scarlett and Knuckles I laugh

"It's like being back in San Francisco." I point to them, I'm pretty sure they're doing more than dancing in that not so private booth. Reaper laughs as he trails his hands down my sides to rest on my hips.

I never thought my life would turn out like this. A job I love at the tattoo shop, a group of girlfriends that are crazy and I love them. Then Reaper, I love him more than anything, my future husband, my partner in crime and my best friend.

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