Chapter 17 - Reaper

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Socket is officially pissing me off, I wanted to tell her something was going on, but I was going to handle it a lot more delicately than that idiot.

She trusts me. Pride swells in my chest at the thought. I don't know what she survived but from the scar I know it was fucking bad and yet she trusts me, she's gone from touching my hand to being wrapped in my arms faster than I expected.

"Open the fucking door." Socket roars from outside my room

"Are you Alright?" I ask as I kneel beside my bed and look into Evie's teary eyes

"You better let my brother in he's pretty pissed." She replies

"He can wait, I need to know you're ok first." I say as I rest my hand on the bed beside her

"Will you stay near me?" She asks as she rests her hand on top of mine

"I'm not going anywhere." I say firmly

"Then I'm ok." She replies. I nod as I stand and open the door. Socket pushes passed me and into my room

"What the fuck is going on. Why did you have your hands on my sister?" Socket growls as he steps up to me

"Socket calm down." Evie says from her seat on my bed.

"Calm down? I asked Reaper to watch you while I worked, not make a move. She's been through shit you can't imagine you need to leave her alone." He says turning from Evie to me

"Do me a favour sweetheart, put those buds in and turn it up." I say pointing to my ears and she looks at me confused but does as she's asked. Once I can hear the music blasting into her ears I turn to Socket

"What the fuck are you doing? She's you're fucking blood and you're treating her like shit. You don't even know where she is anymore. I'm spending time with her, I'm reassuring her, I'm making her feel safe. She's not a club whore or a girl from the bar, I care about Evie and until you pull your head out of your ass Evie will be staying with me." Socket looks from me to Evie and back. There's a swirl of emotions on his face, anger, guilt, confusion and few others I can't read.

"Fine! You take her, but this isn't over." Socket growls as he stomps out of the room.

"Don't be mad at him, he's doing his best." Evie says as I close the door and she removes one of her buds

"He's your brother, he shouldn't be such an ass towards you." I reply as I sit on the bed beside her

"He's not, he just doesn't know how to act around me because every time he sees me he feels guilt. I see it in his eyes, when he's around me the guilt eats him up, that's why he's been avoiding coming home." She says looking to the closed door

"Why would he feel guilty? Surely if he could've stopped you getting hurt he would've?"

"I know that, he knows that, but he still feels guilty. He borrowed my car that night, to take some girl from his class on a date. I wanted to save the little money we had so instead of taking a cab home from work I walked." She says then pauses for a deep breath before adding

"But look at me now, I'm sitting on your bed with you and I'm not freaking out or shaking." She says holding her steady hands out proudly

"Well good because you're sleeping in this bed for a while." I say and I hold in a chuckle at her shocked expression

"Do you think I can sleep with you?" She says looking at the pillows at the top of the bed

"Not yet, but once you're ready you'll be sleeping beside me every night. I'll take the couch." I say pointing to the long leather couch that sits across the wall in front of us

"You can't sleep on there, you're super tall." She says quietly

"I'm happy to, I'll sleep a lot better knowing you're here and safe with me." I say before leaning down and kissing her softly, she freezes at first but then her lips begin to move with mine as I rest my hands on her denim clad thighs, I want to run my hand higher, fuck I want to get her in my bed naked and under me, but I need to go slow for her, she's doing great.

When I pull away her eyes are still closed, I know her body wants more, but her head won't allow it just yet. Hopefully after spending more time together I can get her head to catch up. She opens her eyes and blushes when she sees me looking at her.

"Lets go to your house so you can grab some stuff and then get you settled. I'll fit some extra locks on my door for you if you like." I say as I point to the door with my thumb

"If I'm in here with you I don't need extra locks." She says timidly and I smile proudly, she sure knows what to say to make me feel good. I take her hand in mine as we walk down the stairs, through the bar and out to the truck. I need to think about buying my own truck for taking Evie out, but then I'm hopeful soon she'll be comfortable holding onto me on my bike.

"Why can't you ride a motorcycle?" I ask as I climb into the truck

"Huh?" She asks confused

"Socket said you couldn't ride a motorcycle, is there a reason or is it just because you'd have to hold onto me?" I ask

"It's because I would have to hold you, but I could probably do that now, or I'm at least willing to try." She smiles. I turn on the radio as I drive out of the compound and head for her house

"You always do that." She says looking at the stereo system

"Well I know you need sound, so I figure it's a break from the headphones." I shrug

"How are you so sweet and understanding, yet a huge scary biker?" She laughs

"Because you make me that way, but if anyone asks I'm a huge scary biker." I say sternly and she laughs. Fuck knows I'm not a Boy Scout and I wouldn't win any prizes for my attitude towards women in recent years but with Evie I want to be a better version of myself. The sweet loving guy Lisa fell in love with is cracking the ice around my heart all thanks to the innocent girl sitting next to me.

I pull up at her house and we walk up to the front door together, she opens the door and I step in before she locks it behind me. I follow her into her room and she pulls a bag from under her bed before walking into her closet

"Is there anything else you need to make you comfortable at the clubhouse?" I ask as I sit on her bed

"As long as I have light, sound and you I'll be fine."

MC's Nomad (Broken Demons MC #5)Where stories live. Discover now