Chapter 3 - Reaper

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"Thanks for helping me out man." Socket says as I take his hand and pat him on the back. I follow him into the living room and see boxes of shit everywhere

"So what's going on?" I ask

"My sisters coming home tomorrow and I need to get all this shit in today or she won't stay when I bring her in." He says as he rubs the back of his neck

"These are some heavy duty locks." I say as I pick up a box of window locks

"Yeah, I thought she'd like these best. I need them on every window in the house." He replies

"Ok man, I'll get on it." I say as I head to his garage, grab some tools and begin installing them. I've always been good at this kind of thing, when I was 18 I bought a house and renovated it from top to bottom single handed, I was so proud of it and Lisa loved it. I push thoughts of her out of my mind and focus on the job in hand. It isn't too difficult and I finish up pretty quickly

"All done." I say as I stand in the hall

"Just in here." Socket says as I walk into a bedroom

"I'm no good at this shit." Socket groans as he tries to fit a bolt on the door

"Fuck. What is all this man?" I ask as I see more locks and bolts on the bed

"My sister went through some shit, only way she feels safe." He shrugs as I take the bolt from him and begin fitting it to the door

"Just give her a gun man." I laugh as I work

"Hell she's so damn jumpy I'd get shot going to the damn bathroom." He replies. I wonder what's up with his sister? She must've gone through some shit to need window locks and four locks on her bedroom door.

"Thanks for the help Reaper." Socket says as he locks up the front door and we walk to our motorcycles

"Anytime man, just give me a shout." I reply as we mount our bikes and head for the clubhouse

"Cordelia." I smile as I enter the bar

"Asshole." She replies as she walks passed me to Socket

"You wanted me?" She asks and he nods as he guides her to Killers office.

I sit on a stool at the bar as Indigo pours me a drink

"Hey man." Ice says as he sits down beside me

"Who'd you take home last night?" He asks as he sips from his drink

"Angel, she's pretty wild." I laugh as I think back to the little blonde wrapped around me last night

"Scarlett really knows how to hire 'em." He smirks. The girls here are awesome, they all want the same thing I do, no strings fun for one night only. When I stayed in the Hundale chapter a few months ago all the girls there just want an old lady patch and are so clingy once you get them in bed, I almost had to run away from there because of one of the girls.

I married my high school sweetheart and never saw me being with anyone else, since she's been gone I still don't see me being with anyone else, I'll stick to one night stands for the rest of my life.

"Asshole." Cordelia says as she walks passed me to the booth full of old ladies

"You know I love your pet name." I reply and all the old ladies turn to me before they go back to their gossiping

"Fuck, don't piss them all off they're deadly man." Ice warns and I laugh. I stand and walk over to their table

"Cordelia, can we talk?" I ask as all eyes stare at me and I gulp, maybe Ice was right.

"Ouch, fuck!" I grab my foot to ease the pain of Skye's wheelchair rolling over my toes and she laughs as she rolls out of the door

"Watch yourself at my club later." Scarlett growls as she drags her nail across my chest and follows Skye. Izzy just gives me the stink eye as she heads out

"What do you want Asshole?" She asks as I sit down beside her

"Well it looks like I'm going to be here a while and it's been years since all that shit, I wondered if we could move passed it?" I ask and she laughs

"Honestly, I got over it a long time ago, it's just fun to keep you on your toes big guy." She laughs as she stands and pats me on the shoulder

"I hope Scar doesn't make you suffer too much tonight." She calls back as she walks out the door.

"Damn they are crazy." I say as I walk back to the bar. I look up and see Indigo giving me the evil eye

"Not you too?" I ask and she smirks

"Us old ladies stick up for each other, piss one off and it ends pretty badly." She laughs before walking off without pouring me a drink and I roll my eyes as I walk around the bar and help myself.

"Oh you fucked up." Ice smirks as he stares at the girl in front of me. I've slept with Daisy, Angel, Violet and a few female customers but tonight I have been cock blocked.

"Sorry, bosses orders." Daisy shrugs as she removes my arm from her shoulder. I stomp over to the bar and find Scarlett cackling like a witch

"What's the matter Reaper? The pussy well dry out?" She smirks

"You really banned all your girls from touching me?" I question angrily

"Just for tonight for your punishment. Go home, take a cold shower, love thyself and come back tomorrow." She winks before walking off. Bitch.

"Sucks for you man." Ice laughs as he wraps his arm around Daisy and walks away. I growl as I slam my fist on the bar and give up on finding a fuck for the night.

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