Chapter 35 - Reaper

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A/N: so I have a feeling people aren't a fan of where I've taken this story and it's killed my mojo. So I'm gonna rip off the bandaid and just post the rest of the book. If you don't like it I'm sorry I ruined the end.

These few days have been shitty, but just what I needed. Even though it took me ten years, I finally feel ready to move on and make a life with Evie. Who knew talking to a headstone would take so much weight from my shoulders.

Now we just need to survive my dads party tonight and we can go home tomorrow and start that life.

"It can't be that bad? I've been to Scars with the club and seen them party with girls all over them." Evie asks as she puts on her boots. She was going to wear a cute little dress, but no fucking way was I letting her in my dads bar looking showing off those sexy legs. Thankfully she caved and is wearing black skinny jeans, with a red shirt that covers her enough but still shows her property tattoo.

"Trust me, the guys in this chapter have always partied hard and they definitely don't respect women like Killers club." I reply

"But I'm going to hold on to you all night and make every fucker jealous of the sexy woman on my arm." I growl in her ear as I help her into her property cut.

"Woah." Is all Evie says as we stand just inside the doorway

"I warned you." I reply as we take in the scene in front of us. Strippers hang from the poles completely naked as men throw money at them and if that isn't enough of a show two girls kneel on the pool table in skimpy lingerie making out. The air smells of weed, booze and sex and the place is packed.

Evie tightens her grasp on my hand, she's come a long way since I first met her and there have been a few nights at Scars where she's gone off dancing with the girls while I sat with the guys, but I knew she would be uncomfortable here. We've just got to kiss my dads ass for a few hours and then tomorrow I can take her home.

"Holy shit Reaper it is you." I look to my right and see Jamie, he and I prospected together

"Jamie, good to see you brother." I reply as he slaps my back

"It's Axe now." He says pointing to his cut

"Holy shit when did you make enforcer?" I ask looking at the patches

"Last year. Batter had to give it up, arthritis in his hands man." Batter, named for his favourite toy, a baseball bat, had been enforcer as long as I can remember, but he was older than my dad.

"Well congrats man. This is my old lady Evie." I say turning to Evie, I can see she's nervous of Axe, he's a big guy at 6'3 and he's stacked on the muscles since I last saw him

"Pleasure to meet you darling, if this asshole isn't take care of you, you come find me." He winks at her and she takes a step back

"Watch your mouth asshole." I warn and he holds his hands up in surrender

"Just messing with ya, Shannon is here somewhere, hey check out my kids man." He says pulling out his cell phone and showing me a picture of two little girls

"You're a dad, man I never thought I'd see the day." I laugh. He was sleeping with Shannon a few months before I left, but he was also fucking everything with two sets of lips.

"What can I say, Shannons had me whipped for nearly eleven years now, but I got it good man." He shrugs

"I gotta go find my brother, I'll catch up with you later." He says slapping my shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

"How you doing?" I ask leaning down to Evie

"I can do this, you're with me, I'll be ok." She says with a slight smile and I'm not sure which of us she's trying to convince. We make it through the crowd to the bar and I pull Evie in front of me, trapping her between me and the bar, hopefully making her feel safer.

Over an hour later and we've done a lap of the bar, kissing ass and talking up how great my dad is for letting me be a nomad for so long, not that he had much choice. But now I've managed to find an empty chair and Evie is sat in my lap with my arms around her, I'm surprised how well she's handling this party, I'm so proud of my woman.

"Are they having sex?" Evie asks looking at the couple in the booth next to us

"Oh wow, they are actually having sex in the middle of the bar." She adds turning her head to the side as she watches them

"That could be us, all I would have to do is..." I tease as I slide my hand up her thigh and she shivers

"Ok stop, as soon as we get back to our room I'll be jumping you." She laughs as she turns her head and kisses me.

"Alright listen up!" The music cuts out and my dad's voice booms across the bar

"Where's my boy? Get him up here." I groan as we stand and I guide Evie to the small stage at the back of the bar. Luckily my mom is there and I leave Evie with her as I climb up next to my dad

"As you all know my son has been a nomad for over ten years now, after the tragic loss of his wife Lisa, those mother fucking Shadows. Well I'm not proud to announce my son is pussy whipped, but I am proud to announce my son has met a girl and I have given him my blessing to patch into the North Carolina mother chapter of the Broken Demons." Shadow announces with a few whistles and calls from the crowd.

"So let's get fucked up and celebrate my boy before he ditches us tomorrow!" He calls as a naked woman hands out shots to everyone. I take a shot from my father as he leans in

"What's your bitches name again?" He asks and I frown

"Evie, pop, her name is Evie." I growl

"Alright get her up here." He says as he steps back. I take her hand and pull her up before wrapping my arm around her

"To Reaper and Evie." He toasts as every throws back their shots. Finally we've kissed enough ass I can get Evie out of here. With a quick goodbye to my mom I finally get to the fresh air of the parking lot

"Wow, they do just have sex everywhere here." Evie says as she looks at a couple fucking up against the wall and I laugh as I pull her out of the parking lot onto the street

"Well, it was worse than I expected but we made it, at least your dad is happy now." Evie smiles as she lights two cigarettes and hands one to me

"Finally. Now let's get back to the hotel so I can ravage this hot body and then tomorrow we can go home." I say as I pull her against me.

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