Chapter 16 - Evie

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I knew it was too good to be true. I finally find the strength to push through my fear and actually like holding his hand and he's going to leave. Maybe it's a good thing, because I would probably never be able to give him what he needs from a woman.

"It's not like that, being a nomad gives me the freedom to choose where I am. If I want to stay I can and if I want to leave I can, I'm not held to a specific place." He explains but it makes no difference, when he gets fed up waiting for me he'll go.

"It's ok, I understand." I sigh as I turn back to looking at the water

"No you don't. Look I left my fathers club ten years ago and I've never found a reason to stay anywhere since, but now I've met you I'm not sure I want to leave." He says as he takes my hand back and runs his thumb over my knuckles

"You shouldn't say things you don't mean. I can't give you what you want Reaper, you'll get fed up of waiting and leave and that's fine, I understand." I assure him

"You don't know what I want. Maybe I just want to sit by a lake holding your hand." He says as he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it softly, his lips are so soft and warm against my skin, I wonder how it would feel to actually kiss him, what would he taste like? Could I do it?

"I just like being around you, the days I didn't see you sucked." He adds.

"Would you really want me if this is all I could ever give you?" I ask. He might want me now, wait until he sees the rest of me, he definitely won't want me then.

"Yes. I will sit here with you holding your hand every day." He smiles, but I let go of his hand and stand up

"You won't want me when you see all of me." I whisper as I take the zipper for my jacket between my thumb and finger

"Evie?" He questions as he looks up at me, then to my hand, from his seat on the bench. I pull the zip down and remove my jacket.

"What are you doing?" He asks as I lift my shirt over my head. I stand before him in only my bra as his eyes travel the length of my scar

"Fuck" he curses "What the fuck happened?"

"I was walking home from work, this car pulled up beside me and the guy in the passenger seat offered me a ride, I said no thanks, but he didn't like that answer, they rolled alongside me for a while, eventually they gave up trying to get me in the car and dragged me in, they took me to the woods and well." I say pointing to my scars

"But I'm ruined. Even if I got a miracle that cured all my fears no one would ever want this body, no one could ever look at me with anything but disgust and pity." I say as a tear slides down my cheek

"You're wrong." He says as he places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer. I gasp when I feel his lips against my scar on my stomach, his arms wrap around me, but I don't feel trapped like I should, I feel safe in his arms. He rests his hands on my back as he kisses up along the skin until he reaches my bra.

"No disgust." He says as he kisses the scar between my breasts

"No pity." He says as he kisses my cheek

"Only desire." He says before his lips press against mine softly. I freeze as his lips continue to move against mine, waiting for my fear to kick in and send me running but it never comes. I'm not scared of him. I begin to move my lips with his and it's the best feeling in the world, his touch is so gentle as he wraps his arms around me and stands, my feet lifting off the ground and I wrap my arms around his shoulders

"Are you crying?" He asks removing his lips from mine and I already want them back

"I'm not scared of you." I smile

"You're not?" He asks as his face lights up with that handsome smile of his. I shake my head and he kisses me again. I close my eyes as our lips move together, taking in the soft feel of his face against the prickle of his stubble, his taste, a combination of smoke and a hint of mint. He puts me down and pulls away

"Now put your shirt back on before guys start lusting over my girl." Reaper says picking it up off the ground, did he just call me his girl? I kinda liked the way it sounded.

"Shit." I curse as I pull my cell phone from my pocket

"Socket has called me eight times, what's going on?" I wonder, he's been around less and less everyday, yesterday he didn't even come back after work before leaving again, but I was with Reaper anyway.

"We should get back." Reaper says as he packs up the cute hamper he brought and puts it in the back of the truck.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Socket growls as I climb out of the truck

"I just went for lunch with Reaper, what's the problem?" I ask

"The problem is how am I going to take care of you if I don't know where you are?" He snaps

"You're never around anyway why do you suddenly care?" I snort, unladylike but I don't care

"Because shit could go down and I need to keep you safe."

"What? But I..." something is going to happen?

"No Elijah, no, they can't do it again no, I need to.... no!" I sob as I grab my flashlight from my pocket and hold it tightly, as I look up I see Reaper has moved from the drivers side of the truck and is standing beside me

"That's why I need you here, I need you to stay here for a few days 'til I find out what's going on. You'll be fine here Evie." My brother says but I don't believe him

"You trust me?" Reaper whispers in my ear as he leans down beside me and I nod. I do, I never thought I would feel safe in the same room as a man again but I trust Reaper.

I gasp as he picks me up and wrap my arms around his shoulders as I bury my face in his neck

"Where the fuck are you taking my sister?" I hear Socket shout from behind me as Reaper carries me inside, he walks up a staircase and I hear a door open and close before I pull my face from his neck and look around

"This is my room, I want you to stay with me, I will keep you safe." Reaper says as he lowers me onto his bed.

MC's Nomad (Broken Demons MC #5)Where stories live. Discover now