Chapter 25 - Reaper

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A/N: hello Lovelies. So I saw @morrisgirl asking if it's a double update day. It wasn't supposed to be, but I'm currently writing the Epilogue for this story and I'm sad it's ending. So hopefully all your votes and comments will cheer me up, here's your second update today xxx

I thought we were going to make it back to the compound nice and easy, boy was I fucking wrong. Eight of the mother fuckers came up behind us and opened fire.

Knuckles signalled to Socket and Ace who managed to draw four of them away from us. I watched as Scarlett and Evie swapped places so Scarlett could shoot. With three of us shooting we only managed to take out one of them. Those fuckers are swift, I'll give them that. I was so busy dodging bullets and trying to fire my own that I didn't realise me and Knuckles had been separated from the girls.

The three Devils turn off behind us and I know they're looking for the girls.

"Pull over up here." Knuckles shouts as he points to an alley. I follow him and pull up alongside him before turning off my engine

"I gotta call Bullet, where did the girls go?" He asks

"I don't fucking know I didn't see them go, I thought we still had them. Fuck!" I roar, inside I'm burning with rage, rage that the Devils attacked, rage that I lost Evie and rage that she's out here without me somewhere with Devils looking for her.

"I fucking know! Put Circuit on the damn phone." Knuckles roars into the phone after laying everything out to Bullet, who is no doubt furious with me, he didn't want us to leave the compound and he was right.

"Yeah got it. Thanks man." Knuckles says before ending the call

"Circuit tracked Scarlett's car, it's only a few streets over." Knuckles says as he climbs back on his bike.

I follow him on the short trip and we pull up alongside Scarlett's car but it's empty.

"Scarlett!" Knuckles shouts as he climbs off his motorcycle. We give a quick search of the alley and there's no sign of either of them. Knuckles opens the trunk as I check inside the car

"She's taken all the weapons. They're hiding somewhere." Knuckles says as he walks up beside me

"There's blood on the front seat, one of them is hurt." I say as I check for anything else and I find a cellphone dropped on the drivers seat

"That must be Evie's, I'll see if Circuit can track Scarlett's." Knuckles says as he pulls out his cell and makes the call. I hear motorcycles approaching and put my hand on my gun, but then I see Socket and Ace approach

"Where's my sister?" Socket growls as he climbs off his bike and storms towards me

"We lost them, but she's with Scarlett and they've taken all the weapons out the trunk." I say as he gets up in my face

"First you sleep with my sister, now you leave her out here somewhere for the Devils to pick her up? You fucking asshole!" He roars in my face poking my chest

"You're the fucking asshole who treats her like shit and leaves her home alone, I'm the one who's been there for her!" I spit back at him

"Now is not the god damned time, fight it out in the ring when we fix this shit." Knuckles says pushing me and Socket apart

"Circuit can't find Scarlett's cell so we've got nothing on them. Bullet is sending more guys and we need to scan the area to look for the girls, without the cops getting involved in our little gun fight." Knuckles says

"Socket and Ace head east and circle the streets, check any hiding places, Reaper and I will head west, stay on your cells I want constant updates." Knuckles says looking between us

"This isn't over mother fucker." Socket growls as he climbs back on his bike and speeds off, Ace rushing to catch up.

"Let's move." Knuckles says as we mount our motorcycles and ride out of the alley heading west.

We've looked everywhere, parking lots, parks, alleyways and bars. No sign of the girls or the Devils.

"Hey beautiful can I ask you a question?" Knuckles flirts with the teenage girl behind the counter at a coffee place

"Sure." She smiles her face turning bright red, poor thing doesn't stand a chance against Knuckles charms and Scarlett will surely kill them both if she finds out.

"Have you seen either of these girls in the past hour?" Knuckles says showing her a selfie Scarlett took of them during one of their work outs

"No I haven't. I'm sorry I can't help, is one of them your girl?" She asks shyly, the red tint still gracing her cheeks

"I dunno I kinda have a thing for cute little baristas." Knuckles smirks and the tomato red covers her face once again

"Do me a favour? You see either of them, make sure they get a phone so they can call one of us." Knuckles asks

"Yes I will." She smiles

"Thanks darlin'" He smirks before leaning over the counter and kissing her on the cheek. The girl is almost swooning on the floor as we turn and walk out. We get outside and Knuckles lights a cigarette, I shake my head at him as I do the same

"What? I can't help if my charms work." Knuckles laughs.

"Umm excuse me?" I turn back and see another teenage girl swooning over Knuckles, this is ridiculous, just because he's a biker with a beard.

"Can I help you darlin'?" Knuckles asks looking down at her

"Umm, can I see the picture? I saw two girls running not long ago, they looked scared and I wanted to see if they're who you're looking for." She says nervously hugging a binder to her chest and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"These girls? You see them?" Knuckles asks pulling up the picture

"Yeah, that's them. The blonde one had blood on her jacket and I could see a gun in her belt. The dark haired one was smoking a cigarette and she had a knife in her belt. I was going to call the police, but when I heard you asking around I thought I would come to you first." She says stealing glances at Knuckles but mostly looking at the floor as she tries again to tame the unruly strand refusing to stay behind her ear

"You did the right thing darlin'. I owe you one. Where were they heading?" He asks placing his hand on her shoulder and I swear she's going to melt into a puddle on the sidewalk

"They ran through the park and were heading towards the parking lot at the back." The girl says pointing across the park

"Thanks beautiful." Knuckles says before pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead. From the smile on her face she's died and gone to heaven. I can only laugh as Knuckles and I begin jogging across the street to the park

"Scarlett will kick your ass if she finds out you've been touching girls." I smirk and Knuckles laughs

"The fucking bitch stole my car!" A preppy asshole in a button down shirt shouts at a police officer. Knuckles and I duck behind the trees to avoid the cop but listen to the conversation

"You've given me a description, blonde, roughly 5'6, early 20's, leather jacket and pants, bleeding from the shoulder. What exactly happened?" The police officer asks and we both know from the description that's Scarlett

"The bitch hit on me, asked me to give her a ride to her motel and then threw me out of the car, a dark haired girl jumped in the back and they drove off." He explains as Knuckles and I stifle our laughter

"Oh yeah, I'm the one in trouble." Knuckles smirks. Those two really were made for each other.

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