Chapter 32 - Evie

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A/N: Hello lovelies! MC Nomad has reached 29K views! So for that and for the smut I woke you all up to this morning I have gone for another double update! Only four chapters left 🙊 hope you enjoy xxxx

"No fucking way." I say as I fasten my boots

"But it's not like home, Killers club is a lot more family friendly than here." Reaper is trying to get me to stay in our hotel room while he goes to visit his father

"Reaper, you helped me get over so many of my fears. I would probably be back in the facility if it wasn't for you. Why the fuck would I let you go through this alone? Besides if you're going to convince your dad that your staying in NC permanently is a good thing then I need to show him you have a strong woman by your side, not one that hides." I say as I slip on my property cut. We didn't wear them yesterday because apparently wearing them in an airport just screams at TSA to do a cavity search.

"Fine, But I want you to stay by my side at all times, don't speak unless spoken too and if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable you better tell me." He sighs as he runs his hands through his hair

"One thing you need to know about my dad, he's really old fashioned with his views of women. He didn't understand why Lisa was going to college when all a woman needs to do is take care of her man." Wow caveman alert

"So if he says something about you, or if I say something about you being my woman, don't take it personally. It's just how I get through my old mans thick skull."

"Listen." I say as I climb into his lap and wrap my arms around his shoulders

"I love you and I know you love me. I will stay by your side like a good little old lady and then when we get back here maybe I punish you for anything you said I didn't like. I can think of so many ways to punish you." I smirk as I run my fingers down his sides and under his shirt

"Maybe we should just stay here instead." He says gripping my hips but I slap his hands free

"Come on you've held off long enough distracting me last night with your sexiness. Let's go." I say as I stand from his lap and take his hand in mine.

We stand across the street from a bar in a pretty run down looking neighbourhood

"Reaper it's going to be ok." I assure him as I squeeze his hand. He takes a deep breath and then practically drags me across the street, as though if he doesn't do it now he never will.

The bar is dark and the smell of stale sweat and booze assaults my nose. Reaper approaches the bar where a young guy wearing a cut with 'Prospect' on it is wiping down the dark wood bar that still looks sticky, I don't want to touch it and confirm that.

"Jackal here?" Reaper asks and the prospect nods before coming around the bar and heading to two doors in the back right corner. I take a minute to take in my surroundings from the bar. The right wall is all booths and three stripper poles break up the open space between them and the bar, I can only imagine what happens in here at night.

I've been to Scars a few times recently but I felt comfortable there, this place gives off a creepy vibe while it's empty, I don't think I'd spend my Saturday night here.

"Well look who finally decided to show his face." An older man with white hair slicked back and a white beard wearing tatty jeans and a cut walks up to us

"And who do we have here." His eyes, the same shade of green as Reapers, travel my body and I try not to squirm under his gaze

"This is Evie, my old lady." Reaper says and the man looks to Reaper before baring his yellowing teeth in a grin as he takes my hand. He brings it to his lips, I fight the urge to pull my hand back and punch him.

"Pleasure to meet you Evie." He lets my hand go and he looks to Reaper "should've known pussy would have something to do with this bullshit of you patching in to Killers club."

"Prospect, get my son and his girl a drink." He says as he motions to the younger guy that has returned to the bar

"Sebastian? My god it is you!" A woman who surely can't be a day over forty runs across the bar and pulls Reaper into her arms

"I've missed you so much." She says as a tear runs down her cheek

"Hi mom." Reaper says as she pulls back and looks over his face

"You look good honey. And who is this?" She asks turning to me

"This is Evie, my old lady. Evie, this is my mom Barbara." Reaper replies

"Oh you can call me Barb. It's so good to meet you." She pulls me into a hug, thankfully she seems much nicer than her husband

"I think you and I should talk." Reapers father says and Reaper nods. He takes my hand and I begin to follow him when Jackal stops him

"Leave your girl out here, women don't get involved in club business." Jackal says glaring at me

"Oh don't worry honey, I'll take care of her, she can tell me all about how you two met." Barb smiles as she places her hand on my shoulder. Reaper looks to me and I nod, he needs to do this, I'll be ok. He nods and pulls me in for a short kiss before following his dad through the doors.

"So come on, tell me all about you and my boy. Alex honey, you fancy whipping up a batch of margaritas for me and my daughter?" She smiles at the prospect, she's the complete opposite of Jackal.

Two margaritas later I feel the tequila warming my whole body. Leaving out my past and my craziness I told Barb all about how Reaper and I met, about my brother and my job. She seems like such a nice person, god knows how she ended up with a man like Jackal.

"I never thought Sebastian would be happy again after losing Lisa, it tore him apart." I can see the sadness in her eyes, I wonder if she was close with Lisa. Reaper has spoken about her a few times. A few months ago he was acting really weird and he finally admitted it would've been Lisa's birthday, he spent hours telling me stories about her and things they did together, she sounds like I would've liked her.

"But I'm so happy he's found you. You guys will have to start visiting more often, or maybe I could come and see you? I'd love to see what North Carolina is like and meet your brother too." She smiles

"I'm sorry but I have to ask, you don't look old enough to be Reapers mom." I say and she laughs

"Well I definitely love you now. I was only sixteen when I had Sebastian Jackie is ten years older than me, but we've been together since I was fifteen. He's a grumpy old man, but I've always loved him." I can see the love for him in her eyes, I wonder if he's different when they're alone, more loving and caring, like his son.

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