3. Weekend Plans

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"I'm tryna see what's happening at them parties, though!"

"Well, I happen not to give two flying fucks about what Steven and his goons do on weekends!"

Kennedy sighed for the hundredth time that day. She loved Tasha dearly, yet she had to say that her friend was so clueless when it came to certain things, Steven was one of them.

"He literally wants your ass there!" Ken could not help but scream at her Tasha.

"Does it look like I wanna be there? No, Ken. I do not. He annoys the living hell out of me."

Kennedy knew there was no point in trying to tell her friend what everyone else knew, it had been a conversation they'd had already in the past and it had always ended in the both of them getting pissed at the other.

In a way, Kennedy understood why Tasha could not even fathom the idea of Steven liking her. The years spent in an environment where her beauty or worth was diminished by others due to the color of her skin had marred her.

Since elementary school, she'd experienced many little things that had convinced her, somewhere in the back of her mind, that a guy, especially a white one, could not possibly have any interest in her.

On the flip side, Kennedy's childhood had been full of black men that reinforced her beauty, making sure that she realized that she was worth it all.

"Ok girl, whatever. We don't have to go, but you know, I heard Malik was gonna be there and..."

Tasha sighed, clearly seeing what angle her friend was playing it from. Malik had been Kennedy's crush since freshman year. He was tall, with skin a few shades darker than Tasha's, and neat dreads that he had just gotten that year.

Kennedy loved the look the new dreads gave him, he seemed even more mysterious and brooding than he looked before. He had this aura about him that said he'd fuck everybody and they mamas to sleep without getting tired.

As captain of the basketball team, he was one of the most liked people at school, yet he still was so silent. He really didn't talk much, unless he was talking to one of his close friends. Steven happened to be one of them.

"So, you think because you're tryna see Malik I'll go with you?" Tasha asked Kennedy, actually contemplating going to the stupid party.

The two girls were currently at Kennedy's house, just chilling in her room watching re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It was finally Friday, they had the weekend to look up to.

"Could you please?" Ken begged Tasha.

She really wanted to go to that party. Not only had Steven invited her, but he had also, in a subtle yet evident way, hinted to bring Tasha along. Kennedy didn't know why, but she wanted Tasha and Steven to be together.

Perhaps her imagination was running a little wild?

"I really do not wanna go, but you're my best friend so I have to. I do have a few conditions though."

Kennedy nodded away, extremely happy that Tasha had agreed to go. It's not as if Tasha and she never went to parties, the fact is that they'd only ever gone to parties not hosted by Steven when they knew that he was playing at a basketball game.

"Number one, I'm avoiding Steven at all costs. You have to help with that. Number two, no getting drunk tonight. You and I do not need a hangover. And number three, refer back to number one."

Kennedy laughed and said, "You dumb bruh, I'm fine with all that though. I'm just tryna spy on my man."

"Your man? Wow, females are delusional," Tasha said, using her fuckboy voice.

"Jeez, you're getting better at making that voice!"

Both of the girls erupted in loud laughter, it wasn't that what Kennedy had said was funny, it was just how she had said it.

"What's so funny, huh? I wanna laugh too."

"Yeah, me too."

"Same goes for me, lil sis."

The girls were still laughing as Kennedy's three older brothers filled the doorway, being nosy as always. They had a tendency to put their nose in their sister's affairs, and all had a degree in being extra protective of her.

Kennedy stopped laughing and gave her brothers Kevin, Trevor, and Jacob a disapproving look. "What y'all want from us?"

Jacob, only one year older than Kennedy was the first to respond, "I was passing by your room going to use the bathroom when I couldn't help hearing something about Malik..."

Kennedy's eyes were already rolling before he had even finished his sentence.

Kevin, her oldest brother added, "Jacob tells us Malik's some guy on the basketball team at your school. What's he got to do with you, Kenny?"

Kennedy was a senior, Jacob a freshman in college, yet her whole family acted as if she wasn't just one year younger than Jacob. At her age, he was allowed to not have a curfew and do all sorts of shit, while for her, she couldn't do anything.

Tasha saw that Kennedy was getting pissed, so decided to intervene. She knew that Kennedy's brothers, especially Jacob, had a soft spot for her too.

"Look, guys. We're going to a party later today. But y'all know me, I already set up straight rules. Kennedy's not gonna be doing the most, trust me."

The three looked at Tasha for a second, Jacob's stare lingering a bit, before nodding away.

"Alright, we hear you." Trevor's eyes moved sternly to Kennedy. "But if anything funky goes on, y'all know what's gonna happen. Watch yourself, Kennedy."

Jacob couldn't help but point at Tasha too. "This goes for you too. Don't let me hurt some funky boy, Natasha Simmons. Feel me?"

Tasha smiled sweetly at Jacob. "Got it, boys!" She got up and closed the door in their faces, not before winking at Jacob though.

"At this point, you just playing with my poor brother's feelings, sis." Kennedy couldn't help but laugh. Jacob had always had a crush on Tasha, a crush that had sadly never been reciprocated. Tasha literally saw Jacob as the older brother she'd never had.

"Oh, please. He still has those prissy white girls from his university on his bed every day of the week. He more than fine."

"Nah, he's not good. I can see it in his eyes, he needs some sweet chocolate. All that vanilla's killing him."

Tasha sucked her teeth and pushed her friend a little before laying back on the king-sized bed. "You're so dumb."

"What?" Kennedy questioned innocently. "Not my fault, everyone needs some chocolate. It's good for the soul."

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