29. School Dayz

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"I really gotta go, Steven. You know how Janelle gets about her parking spot."

"We probably won't see each other until school's out, though..." He sighed and sat up in his bed, with his hair messy yet still managing to look good. "Our schedule is so messed up this semester. I won't get to see you at all the whole day."

She rolled her eyes. He was being dramatic. "We'll see each other after school." She couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over her. Of course, now that they were finally together, their schedule had to work against them.

Steven sighed dramatically, finally standing up from his bed. "Fuck, I'm gonna miss you, baby."

Tasha smiled and shook her head at how melodramatic he was being, as she hurriedly applied mascara to her eyelashes.

From her phone she on the dresser she heard Steven's cracked voice as he attempted to sing Keyshia Cole's Love, "🎶 Loo-oh-oh-oh-ve never kneeew what I was missiiing but I knew once we start kissing, I fou-ah-ah-ah-und..loveee 🎶"

She burst out laughing, wheezing at how he was legitimately acting as though he was singing in front of a crowd. "You're stupid! Steven, I'm done with you!!!"

"Tashaaa, you better get out of your room before I leave your slow ass!" Janelle yelled through the house, which caused Tasha to drop her phone and finish getting ready.

She stopped running around her room when she heard the sound of pee hitting the toilet, prompting her to look at Steven on her phone. She was not ready for what she saw.

"Ahhh!" She almost threw her phone out her window. "Make your camera face the ceiling, bruh!"

He removed the prop behind his phone then flushed, a small smirk on his lips. "First of all, I'm not your bruh. I'm bae. Also, you gonna see Steven Jr. soon enough, might as well get used to it." He shrugged innocently.

"You know what? We're not having this discussion right now." She opted on ignoring all he had said. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, Steven."

He still had the smug smile plastered on his face. "Alright, beautiful. We'll talk later."

After hanging up, she quickly grabbed her backpack and wallet, then ran to the front door where her sister stood with a knowing look on her face.

"You know I'm the biggest supporter of your new relationship with Steve. But girl, we got a parking spot to snatch!"

Tasha laughed as they both hopped in Janelle's car. "Well, soon you won't have to worry about always coming close to losing your beloved parking spot."

Janelle kept her eyes on the road, driving just a tinge above the speed limit. "Wait, what do you mean?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you-Steven's gonna be teaching me how to drive!" She danced excitedly in her seat.

Janelle glanced at her. "Girl, you know it's supposed to be someone above twenty-five teaching you, right?"

She waved her sister off. "I'll just have mom sign off that she taught me. Neither mom nor dad has the time to teach me, so they can't say anything about Steven teaching me."

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