Thank You

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Author's Note

Hey, y'all! I'm done!!

It took me a total of 2 years to complete this story. Yes, I know that is a looong time, LOL. And, despite wanting to have finished this book a while ago, I'm very grateful to be finally finished two years after starting.

When I began writing this story in 2019, I had committed to completely having NO expectations on how many reads, comments, and notoriety the story would receive. Two years later, I'm still on that wave.

Letting go of any form of expectations truly gave me the freedom to simply write a story that I always wanted to read, regardless of how many people were going to read my story. It made it possible for my creativity to flourish outside of the reads I amassed to.

Ultimately, I'm very proud of what I've written. It isn't perfect (of course), it is filled with grammatical errors and at times very cliché, but I'm happy that I could finish it. I actually committed to finishing it, y'all!!

Sooo, after a long time, I'm grateful to God that I did it. I'm not sure about a lot of things in my future and I don't always stick to my promises, but He surely saw me through this story. Cause Lord knows I have wanted to give up many times...

Also, I'm thankful to YOU. Yes, you. Especially if you're actually reading this, THANK YOU. For reading, commenting, voting, sharing, and adding this little story to your reading list. You're amazing, and I hope you took something from "Eternal Sunshine."

This may sound weird, but Tasha and Steven (and the rest of the gang) will always be a part of me. This is the very first creative writing project that I have completed since I jumped into writing when I was 13-14 years old. So it is very very dear to my heart.

Alright, I think I've written enough now LOL. I still have the last five chapters to edit and publish so I'll get out of here.

As for future stories, with my freshman year of college approaching (😰) and other creative paths I've been wanting to explore, I'm not really sure when that'll happen. But please, stay tuned if you care.

Until then, make sure to always speak the truth with love, mind your business, and drink more water.

- @blackgirlstoryteller 🤍

Check out my new story Eternal Obsession! (There might be a little cameo from Tasha and Steven somewhere in there 👀)

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