36. Mine To Protect

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A/N: For the last five chapters, I'll be writing from Steven and Tasha's point of view. I hope you enjoy!



It still feels surreal. To know that I've now become this man. Yeah, man. 'Boy' doesn't seem to define who I am any longer. These last few days, I for sure have grown in my mentality and perspective. I'm even sure people are very confused by how much more positive I sounded and how maturity my words possessed. My grandma Kathy was certainly surprised as she questioned my unusually cheerful mood.

It's not as though I was very pessimistic before, but the truth is that having Tasha in my life has definitely improved my outlook on a lot of things. Most importantly, she's taught me that trying to see the good in everything is key to achieving peace of mind.

That is all I can think about as I make my way to her locker, excited to finally see her after two days of only texts and FaceTimes. I can only hope she missed me just as much as I did her.

If I had to be completely honest, sometimes even I am scared of how much I find myself constantly needing her.

As I ease my car into the parking lot, I'm surprised to see a crowd gathered near the front of the school. Even more than that, I'm confused when I can spot Tasha exactly at the center of the crowd facing three students. Stretching my neck, I confirm that it is her by the long braids she'd recently gotten.

"She's never this early," I think at loud, quickly putting my car on 'Park' and getting out of the vehicle.

Even though my school schedule changed this semester, I've often come to school early just so I can see Tasha in the mornings. Then, I head to the library where I wallow away the time until is time for my second period.

Today, I've come to school extra early to surprise Tasha. This is why I'm a bit shocked that she's already here, my girl loves getting as much sleep time as she can-which means arriving to school just on time.

Once I reach where the crowd is gathered, I start noticing that the people who are standing in the crowd surrounding Tasha are mostly members of Crest Bay's Black Student Union or BSU. Malik is even standing right next to Tasha as he talks to the three boys who stand opposite the crowd.

"Nah, y'all messed the fuck up! In what world is the shit y'all did okay?!" Malik is visibly and audibly angered by something, heightening my concern.

Once I'm finally feet away from the crowd, I can clearly see who Malik is calling out so angrily--Thomas and Henry. They're two of the best players on the team who I view as key members in our group. What the hell happened?

Before making my way to Tasha, I stand at the back of the crowd, trying to get some information on what is happening before jumping right in. If it's something having to do with Black Student Union, I don't want to just intrude. Minding my business would be crucial in such a situation.

"Hey Malik, let's just let it go. I'm over it, seriously. A whole crowd has formed, let's just drop it," Tasha tries to speak in a hushed voice, but she's still heard clearly.

"No, Tasha! Malik's right, we gotta confront them!" One guy in front of me yells out in response to her plea.

Another student agrees, "Yeah, girl! They done messed up, we can't let this shit just go. They're gonna keep doing racist shit unless they face actual consequences."

Several voices from the crowd exclaim agreements and, by looking at Thomas and Henry's red faces, the two are scared shitless already.

Having heard enough, I decide that I need to reach Tasha to find out more about what is happening. I don't like what I'm hearing, but even worse, Tasha sounds... dejected yet anxious. Which in turn makes me anxious.

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