9. Pre-Game

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"C'mon boys! Keep up the pace! Even my six-year-old daughter can run faster than that!"

Grunts were heard from the track. Almost simultaneously, all the boys managed to pick up their speed, Malik and Steven being in first place since they were captain and co-captain. Coach Brown worked them harder, expecting more from them.

They had only one more lap to run, six of them being out of the way already, they were currently running their seventh.

When they finally finished their last lap, it took them a couple of minutes to get their breaths under control again.

"Good job out there, y'all!" Malik patted a few boys on the back as they began making their way to the locker rooms.

"Tomorrow's a big day! We going against East Central, we gotta come through. Last year can't repeat itself," Nelson shouted out to boys, making himself clear. Everyone had to bring their A game.

All the boys nodded in agreement, they had to win. No debate there.

Malik stared at Steven, whose stare was already fixated on Tasha, as she and her volleyball team exercised on the track next to where the boys were walking.

Malik knew he had to warn his friend. "You heard us, Steve? We need you to be focused... Last week wasn't it, brother."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I got y'all tomorrow. "

Steven scratched the back of his neck, trying not to stare at Tasha in the short-ass shorts she was wearing. Her braids in a messy bun, with a large T-shirt on, she was looking too beautiful to him.

Somehow, Tasha felt the weighing pressure of Steven's stare prickling her sweaty skin.

It wasn't exactly a cold day, yet it wasn't hot either, but she'd just finished running two laps with her team and was currently just stretching.

She turned around, her eyes traveling along the space around the field and track. She caught sight of a group of boys, laughing and joking with each other, walking along the field. It was the varsity basketball team.

That's when she saw him. It was Steven, looking at her, an odd smile on his face. Tasha automatically smiled back, waving at him, then she remembered something.

She asked for her Coach's permission, then she ran over straight to a surprised yet satisfied Steven.

"Hey, Steven!" She stopped running once she was in front of him and he stopped walking too.

The rest of the basketball team raised their brows suggestively at Steven, one guy even shouting out, "Don't go having babies on this field, y'all!"

To which Steven glared at, shutting up the whole team's laughter until they were far enough from Steven's earshot.

Without his team's remarks, Steven was finally able to fully focus on Tasha.

"How are you doing today, beautiful?

Tasha tried not to smile timidly, but she couldn't help herself. Steven was a total flirt, a really good one.

"I'm doing great, just surviving practice. I didn't see you in English class this morning."

Steven beamed. She had noticed his absence. "Yeah, I was extremely tired from practice the day before. I slept in."

Tasha nodded in understanding. "Ah, got it. See I wanted to ask you if I forgot my jacket at your house? It's a red and black one?"

For some reason, Steven was disappointed. Just that moment he thought that Tasha was beginning to yearn his presence as he did hers. Truth was, she was only talking to him because she wanted her coat back.

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